Baby Update


New member
So we had another growth ultrasound today. The bummer is that the babies weights aren't up, and in talking to the doctor I'm not any less confused. She said she compared all the actual measurements and the babies HAVE grown. Baby A (cassie) has grown the most, although B and C are growing (her words). When they "measure" the babies, they measure the leg and arm bones, the stomach and the head. Then it goes into a computer calculation and comes out with an estimated weight based on their gesgational age.

Last week Cassie weighed 3lbs 15oz, but this week they only got 3lbs 14oz. although the doc says she did grow (which neither Mark nor I understand). Last week baby B was 3lbs 5oz and this week he is 3lbs 6oz. And baby C was 3lbs even last week, this week he is 3lbs 1oz. I'm bummed and worried about their weights, although the doctor said not to be. So I don't know what to think now about how much they weigh....

The good news is they monitored all of their hearts (a non-stress test) and they are all doing great and have some nice heart accelerations (which is good).

My contractions are a bit more frequent, I had 8 in the 38 minutes that I was there. But she wasn't too concerned because only 2 of them were big contractions, the rest were mild to moderate. She wasn't too concerned because my cervix hasn't changed. But she wants to see me twice a week now so I go back again on Thursday.

Just wanted to let everyone know!


New member
wow getting busy.. and i feel for you you lookl ike you would be sooo uncomfortable looking at those pics but your getting so close... good luck and keep us updated!!!


New member
I'm sure if they were concerned they would have told you so. Try not to worry too much!
Twice a week appointments, huh? I'm getting excited for you!!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
Thanks for the update!


New member
Its getting soooooooo close Julie...Im so excited for you & Mark!!! You DO look so uncomfortable, but hang in there!

As for their weights......they caculated Reeces' weight as being around 7lbs....ummm they were very wrong...he was 9lbs 6oz!!!! So Im just saying those machines are NOT that accurate. So dont worry...I personally think over 3 lbs at 30 weeks is AWESOME!!!

Thanks for keeping us updated.....It seems like it was just last week you gave us the great news....<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
This is so amazing Julie. Where are your lungs in the pictures? Something is missing somewhere lol

I hope you are getting your needed rest. Take care of yourself


New member

If I remember correctly they have the technology to see if the babies lungs are developed enough for birth. I thought this was much more important than weight? It has been a long time since I had a baby so I can't quite remember all of the details. What are they saying about the babies lungs?

(Again, hope my question made sense, I am drugged up on Nyquil right



New member
Aww thats great to hear julie!!! Im so glad that they are all doing well and growing and getting ready to make their big debu into the world. Now you make sure and rest up!!! It sounds like everything is going good and pretty soon you will have your 3 little wonders to hold!


New member
I wouldn't be too concerned about the babie's weight if your doc wasn't worried. From what it sounds like its just an educated guess anyway.

I'm glad you are doing so well! I can't wait to meet all of you.


New member
Oh Mama!! It's looking to be about time--I don't know how you can walk! Hope you are feeling good, and the baby's aren't kicking the heck out of you! I'm thinking of you...


New member
Julie, My understanding is that around 32 wks, the average baby weighs roughly 3-1/2 lbs. That's a singleton. As you know, multiples usually weigh less. It sounds to me like your babies are doing <b>GREAT!</b> As another poster said, remember, these are just estimates and different techs may be better at it than others. If your doctor isn't worried, I wouldn't worry. That will be awesome if you can keep them in until 4 lbs! At this point, a singleton is normally gaining between 1/2#-1# per week. I'm assuming yours will gain a little less, but even so, it looks like they should all be over 4 lbs at birth! That's AWESOME! You're doing great, just hang in there, only a few more weeks<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member

Hang in there!! You are doing a great job for those babies.<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">
I am so glad to hear that their hearts are responding well. I agree with the weights of the babies being estimates. If the doc says they grew, then I think they grew. You are taking awesome care of them!!!

I am sending you much love and encouragement! You are just about there!!


New member
Thanks everyone. I just have a lot of time to worry right now, LOL. Sleeping, eating and worrying is pretty much my life now!!

Risa, get this... the sonographer started cracking up yesterday. I asked her what was wrong and she said, "no wonder you can't eat anything, baby C has his head pressing down on your stomach. OH and By the way, your uterus is all the way up <b>under</b> your rib cage, <b>about 2-3 inches underneath and up</b>- how is your breathing doing?" I had to laugh too.

Seana, they can do an amnio and take fluid to determine if the lungs are developed. Ordinairly they only do this if you are around 30-32 weeks and they have the time to wait 12-24 hours for the results If I make it past 33 weeks, they won't do an amnio. I have been given steroid injections for the babies lung development, they did that the day I was admitted to the hospital. If I deliver before 34 weeks, they will do another set of steroid injections if they have time, you have to wait 24 hours after giving them before delivery.

Thanks everyone for the replies!!


New member

I caught myself taking deep breaths for you as I read your uterus is all the way up under your ribcage.

I know how uncomforable it is to carry one, I couldn't imagine three!! How much are you able to eat now? Are you eating a bunch of little meals throughout the day?

You hang in there! It is all going to be worth it when you see your babies!



New member
Yep, I pretty much snack all day long. My favorite is mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, yogurt, oatmeal and chocolate milk. It's so hard to eat right now.


New member
I am getting sooo excited for you and Mark. Worrying is part of being a parent....but as someone else mentioned, if the docs were concerned they would have let you know - Keep the good news coming!


New member
Hi julie,
I have to say i've been reading all ur posts since the very start and watching ur progress. I think the best part was the Its triplets post. ANyway just wanna wish u all the best. I used to go out with someone who has cf and the discussion of children was an upsetting one but we both knew IVF was an option i'm just SOOOO happy for you right now.
Take Care


New member
Ok I have propably one of the strangest questions every and don't really know how this poped into my head. I was just looking at ur pictures of ur belly(wow) and this thoughts poped in. If ur went into a dark room turned off all the lights so it was pitch dark then got like a torch or something and put it up to ur belly ad turned it on wud u see anything inside. Ya know if u shine something on a finer close uup it turns kinda red i guess thats where i'm getting this from. Sorry crazy moment.

Shell.... ;-)


New member
LOL, that's an intersting question. My skin is getting stretched so far out it's ALMOST transparent (it's so thin, like an old lady's but stretched so taunt) but I don't think that would work. Neat idea though. Still smiling about it


I second what everyone else has said.<br>
I also got a laugh out of Shell's question with shining a light on
your tummy to see if you could see through it, hehe, thats just
I bet you cant wait till the big day arrives and you have those
gorgeous baby out and your uterus can return to its normal position
again LOL, man it sounds uncomfortable!<br>
Good luck and thanks for sharing your journey<br>