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<br />First of all, I don't believe that this is your new baseline. The doctors do not know everything and you CAN increase your pfts. You might just be in a rough spot that will get better over time. Do you exercise? Do strength training? Are you compliant with your treatments?
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<br />Have you looked into more natural treatments?
<br />To name a few, n-acetyl cysteine, oil of oregano (taken by mouth, not nebulized), Vitamin D3, and magnesium are some things that have helped me. I do not take them all, just a few. I try different things (one at a time), see how my body reacts, and then decide whether to continue or not.
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<br />My FEV1 is on an incline, not a decline, which it had been. I am 34 years old (35 next month), I've dealt with hemoptysis and have cultured the worst kind of cepacia for over 15 years. My FEV1 at last visit was 74%. If I had listened to everything the doctors told me, my health would be alot worse right now. I love my doctor and listen very carefully to his advice. Still, there are times when I listen to myself more. I know my body better than anyone else.
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<br />Check out sharktank.org Several individuals are trying transdermal BITC (benzyl isothiocyanate). The theory is that it gets a protein working that does the same thing as our faulty CFTR. If it works, we won't need gene therapy or Vertex. Read Melanie's Blog on this site (start at the beginning). She explains things much better than I ever could.
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<br />First of all, I don't believe that this is your new baseline. The doctors do not know everything and you CAN increase your pfts. You might just be in a rough spot that will get better over time. Do you exercise? Do strength training? Are you compliant with your treatments?
<br />
<br />Have you looked into more natural treatments?
<br />To name a few, n-acetyl cysteine, oil of oregano (taken by mouth, not nebulized), Vitamin D3, and magnesium are some things that have helped me. I do not take them all, just a few. I try different things (one at a time), see how my body reacts, and then decide whether to continue or not.
<br />
<br />My FEV1 is on an incline, not a decline, which it had been. I am 34 years old (35 next month), I've dealt with hemoptysis and have cultured the worst kind of cepacia for over 15 years. My FEV1 at last visit was 74%. If I had listened to everything the doctors told me, my health would be alot worse right now. I love my doctor and listen very carefully to his advice. Still, there are times when I listen to myself more. I know my body better than anyone else.
<br />
<br />Check out sharktank.org Several individuals are trying transdermal BITC (benzyl isothiocyanate). The theory is that it gets a protein working that does the same thing as our faulty CFTR. If it works, we won't need gene therapy or Vertex. Read Melanie's Blog on this site (start at the beginning). She explains things much better than I ever could.