being a nanny


New member
amy please, this makes me upset, please take this as it is intended as friendly advice.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> you are young and passionate about your thoughts and view points but you seriously need to "curb your enthusiasm" .you are a mine of information but what you say is tempered by the way you say it. if people want to run their life the way they see fit then let them, don't admonish people because you don't agree with it. try to learn a little humility.


New member
Quotes from the off topic area I just came across.  Amy and
others involved ~ these are good things to try to remember.<br>
* Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to
eat them.<br>
* If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.<br>
* Never put both feet in your mouth at the same time, because then
you won't have a leg to stand on.<br>
* When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.<br>
On a side note ~ How do you block people?  I went to the
profile / options section but did not see where I could choose to
block a particular poster.<br>


New member
Browser, cute quotes. I will remember them for myself too <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

As far as banning, I've never personally done it but when I go click on the "private messages" at the top Left of the screen (underneath, right underneath where you see your username when you are logged in), click on it (the words).

That will open up your history of private messages. On the top of that screen, sort of in the middle you will see some words, private messages, banning, buddy list, export private messages.... click on the banning one.

Not sure how it works from there though as I've never blocked anyone...


New member
hey, i am a nanny about 25-30 hours a week. i really like it. it is a way for me to work under the table to keep my health insurance and still make an alright hourly rate.

generally i have found that if kids are younger than school age then they get sick a lot less (also if they are not in day care) since they are exposed to relatively few people on a daily basis. if this is the case then great! if not then this could be a good opportunity to practice getting into super duper hygeine habbits for you and your son. your son is going to be around germs his entire life. the best thing is for him to learn good prevention despite this.

something else to keep in mind is whether or not the family whose house you'll be working at is clean and germ-conscious. i don't mean to sound like a prude but in my experience this can have an effect over time on general health.

good luck!

laura, 27


Digital opinion leader
Looks like I missed a good one here. WOW

Christie, I hope you are still around to read my response. You probably realize that when you ask for advice you WILL get it. Many people give thoughtful advice derived from experience, others give factual advice based on textbook statistics. Both are helpful, but both are NOT realistic.

I have also gotten advice from certain members about raising children that was well-meaning but totally off base. If you notice, the critical advice you recieved was from a member who is not a parent. Parents have to do the best they can for themselves and their kids. Only parents should give advice about parenting.

I'm sorry this got so off course.


New member
Christi, I Have been doing in home daycare for a year now. When Cale was diagnosed I thought it was best for me to be his primary caregiver, but I wanted (NEEDED) to keep earning an income. I have been picky about the families I allow into my home and make sure that they completely understand our situation. I have been fortunate to find the right families through trial and error. Cale has done EXTREMELY well health wise. He is still learning to socialize and I am able to keep control over his care. It has worked out very well for us. Just remember to communicate, communicate, communicate with the family. I'll admit there are days that I miss the peace and quiet of an office...but I have time for that later. Cale is starting preschool part time in a few weeks. I feel like we are BOTH prepared for it now.

Good Luck with your decision.