Beware of Zosyn


New member
Hi all! I have been on iv's for the last 3 wks. Since it was close to my last round of iv's, my dr. switched up my antibiotics and put me on Zosyn instead of my usual ceftaz. Well, the day before Easter I spiked a fever of 101. On Easter it went up to 103, so I called the hospital and they wanted me to come in. While in the hospital, my fever went up to 105. To make a long story short, it turned out to be the Zosyn. Apparently, there is an increased risk of this kind of fever response in CF patients (which makes me wonder why they would use it in CF, esp when I am sensitive to other antibiotics.) Just thought I would pass this along so that others may avoid my experience. Mary


New member
Hey thanks! That happend to me too I was the first one at my hospital to have it happen and it seemed hard for me to believe now I don't feel so crazy <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i>Hey thanks! That happend to me too I was the first one at my hospital to have it happen and it seemed hard for me to believe now I don't feel so crazy :)<hr></blockquote>


New member
I was on Zosyn when I was 17, my CF doctor was out of town, and my parents had to fight to get me taken off of it. I almost died, my fever actually went up to 106 degrees, and I vomitted and had diarrhea simultaneously. I lost like 20 lbs. It was horrible. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one!!Bethany cf/cfrd/23


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Thanks for the information. I am glad to know that this site exists. I found it by accident while looking for more info on the med that made me sicker than I was when I arrived at the hospital. In my case, it was SEVERE diarrea. I nicknamed the med "Gosyn" because it seemed all I could do was go, go, go to the bathroom. I was beginning to believe I was going to need a fanny transplant before I made it back home. They checked for something called "Cdif" several times (which, as I understand is quite common while on Zosyn). Cdif, is basically a systemic yeast infection, I believe. If you have it, they treat it with yet another antibiotic. After this experience, I am not sure if I will consent to being on the drug again. I am left with few choices now due to the fact that I am now resistent to most drugs. I am pursuing other treatments and lifestyle changes to improve my health without damaging drugs. The doctors will stroke when they hear it...time will tell. I think there has to be better answers to our problems than risking our lives for the treatments that are given. <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">null</a>


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My son has been on this Zosyn along with Tobramycin IV for 6 days now and has not seen any improvement in his condition, he feels very tight in his chest and the vest treatments and chest PT aren't "moving anything" around to make him feel like it's clearing out. He had an allergic reaction to Azactam IV a month ago, the doctors assured me that the Zosyn would not be a problem, but now I'm not so sure. Has anyone else had this problem with these particular meds? Lenore


New member
I was on zosyn a few months ago for two weeks IV and had no problems with it. I was warned however, by the docs that the fever is a possibility- even after stopping the medication n you can still spike one. Of course when I went to clinic a few weeks later I found out Im resistive to it!!
As far as Tobramycin IV, I'm on it a lot and I have had no major problems with it.

26f w/ cf


New member
Well, good to know I'm not the only one....
I am resistant to Tobramycin, however they tried Zosyn on me IV last Christmas.... BIG MISTAKE!!! Though it did make me feel great and boosted my FEV1's 15%, after one week, I broke out in the most unimaginable itchy rash all over my body! It started on my scalp and spread within a day to my torso and legs. They stopped the zosyn immediately, however the rash took about 10 days to get rid of. It was the most uncomfortable I've ever been! I was put on Benadryl (oral) every 4 hours and also had to take a trip to the ER for IV benadryl the second night of the rash cause I was scratching myself open. My docs said I was allergic to it and that with this particular medicine allergies and reactions are quite common. How can something that has some people spiking life-threatening fevers (oh my gosh, Mary and Bethany!) and 2-week long rashes be allowed to be an option for CFers??? I know it truly helped my FEV1 and CF in general, but if given a choice of whether I'd take it again and risk that same experience, unless I was at the end of my rope, I'd say, "no thanks!!!!!"

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0">


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Hi, my daughter is beginning IVs and last night the doc said we were trying a combination of Zosyn & Tobra.

This will be her first time on Zosyn so I looked on the internet and found this statement: "The mixing of Zosyn with an aminoglycoside in vitro can result in substantial inactivation of the aminoglycoside".

Has anyone found or heard that doing Zosyn & Tobra lessens the effectiveness of the Tobra?

Obviously I plan to speak to her doctor about this but wondered if anyone know anything about this or had any anecdotal info.

Thanks very much!


New member
Hey, My doc put me on Zosyn my first time to have I.V.'s and on the 2 week of it, I started getting these real bad headaches. Then I called my nurse and she told me to stop taking it and to just do the other medicine (I forgot what the other iv med was). After stopping Zosyn my headaches were gone. My second time I had to have an I.V. he put me on Toby and Ceftazadime. I didnt have any side effects with them.



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It may just be the mixing of the two directly that would be a problem (tobra and zosyn) as indicated by your phrase "in vitro". Meaning, if you do one IV and then flush with saline then do the other, you're ok, but I'd still ask to be sure. No reason to go to all the trouble of IV's if they're just going to cancel each other out!


Sonia, sounds like you had redman's syndrome. That's what I got the first time I took vancomycin. Red itchy rashes, and a slight fever. After the first time I had that reaction they gave me i.v. benadryl like 10 minutes before the vancomycin. When I went up to Dallas to have the transplant they also gave me Vanco., without the benadryl, and I didn't break out until a couple days later, so I'm not exactly sure what was up with that, but the benadryl did work for me. Just thought I'd give you a name to go with the rash.. lol.


New member
i got that with vancomycin as well. the most funny thing? i asked the surgeon if there was a big occurance of allergic reactions with vancomycin and he says 'no, no one ever reacts to it the first time'. what a laugh. didnt know surgeons took classes on lying!


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The more I log onto this website, the more I can relate! I was put on Zosyn last May, I had been really sick, and after about two days I came down with a huge fever, freezing and then sweating, and it did get as high as 104 point something. I was in the hospital at the time so they would ice pack me down and give me Tylonol, but as soon as that wore of it was back. AND, i got a huge splotchy rash from head and face to toe. That took a few days to go away or even fade. I was miserable and it was 5 weeks before my wedding! I was panicked!
LMG/28 w/CF and not a fan of Zosyn!