Big bellies...



here's my input...
when i try to gain weight my stomach gets huge... and i gain some weight... the moment i stop eating all that food and take a couple day break, my stomach goes back down and i lose all the weight i gained, or so it seems.

generally early morning my stomach is fine, but yeah as i eat more it gets bigger.

im a guy btw.


here's my input...
when i try to gain weight my stomach gets huge... and i gain some weight... the moment i stop eating all that food and take a couple day break, my stomach goes back down and i lose all the weight i gained, or so it seems.

generally early morning my stomach is fine, but yeah as i eat more it gets bigger.

im a guy btw.


here's my input...
when i try to gain weight my stomach gets huge... and i gain some weight... the moment i stop eating all that food and take a couple day break, my stomach goes back down and i lose all the weight i gained, or so it seems.

generally early morning my stomach is fine, but yeah as i eat more it gets bigger.

im a guy btw.


here's my input...
when i try to gain weight my stomach gets huge... and i gain some weight... the moment i stop eating all that food and take a couple day break, my stomach goes back down and i lose all the weight i gained, or so it seems.

generally early morning my stomach is fine, but yeah as i eat more it gets bigger.

im a guy btw.


here's my input...
<br />when i try to gain weight my stomach gets huge... and i gain some weight... the moment i stop eating all that food and take a couple day break, my stomach goes back down and i lose all the weight i gained, or so it seems.
<br />
<br />generally early morning my stomach is fine, but yeah as i eat more it gets bigger.
<br />
<br />im a guy btw.


New member
Hi there. I am new to this chat and all. My name is Mary, and my boyfriend has CF. I have been doing a lot to get educated about his condition and have become quite acclimated to it and found new ways to help him even. But I realize everyone's condition is different and not all have it as good as he does now either. I am just looking for education and support and to be supportive. I was reading all your postings on the bloated belly symptom of CF. I thought it had a lot to do with malnutrition. My boyfriend controls his diet very well and does not get the bloated belly. He used to have it as a kid because he wasn't eating correctly for his condition. He wasn't diagnosed until 14. I know he used to take enzymes, but he doesn't need to right now and hasn't for awhile. I was just wondering what anyone knew about other causes of it, and sort of personal experience with it? I see many of you are taking the enzymes.


New member
Hi there. I am new to this chat and all. My name is Mary, and my boyfriend has CF. I have been doing a lot to get educated about his condition and have become quite acclimated to it and found new ways to help him even. But I realize everyone's condition is different and not all have it as good as he does now either. I am just looking for education and support and to be supportive. I was reading all your postings on the bloated belly symptom of CF. I thought it had a lot to do with malnutrition. My boyfriend controls his diet very well and does not get the bloated belly. He used to have it as a kid because he wasn't eating correctly for his condition. He wasn't diagnosed until 14. I know he used to take enzymes, but he doesn't need to right now and hasn't for awhile. I was just wondering what anyone knew about other causes of it, and sort of personal experience with it? I see many of you are taking the enzymes.


New member
Hi there. I am new to this chat and all. My name is Mary, and my boyfriend has CF. I have been doing a lot to get educated about his condition and have become quite acclimated to it and found new ways to help him even. But I realize everyone's condition is different and not all have it as good as he does now either. I am just looking for education and support and to be supportive. I was reading all your postings on the bloated belly symptom of CF. I thought it had a lot to do with malnutrition. My boyfriend controls his diet very well and does not get the bloated belly. He used to have it as a kid because he wasn't eating correctly for his condition. He wasn't diagnosed until 14. I know he used to take enzymes, but he doesn't need to right now and hasn't for awhile. I was just wondering what anyone knew about other causes of it, and sort of personal experience with it? I see many of you are taking the enzymes.


New member
Hi there. I am new to this chat and all. My name is Mary, and my boyfriend has CF. I have been doing a lot to get educated about his condition and have become quite acclimated to it and found new ways to help him even. But I realize everyone's condition is different and not all have it as good as he does now either. I am just looking for education and support and to be supportive. I was reading all your postings on the bloated belly symptom of CF. I thought it had a lot to do with malnutrition. My boyfriend controls his diet very well and does not get the bloated belly. He used to have it as a kid because he wasn't eating correctly for his condition. He wasn't diagnosed until 14. I know he used to take enzymes, but he doesn't need to right now and hasn't for awhile. I was just wondering what anyone knew about other causes of it, and sort of personal experience with it? I see many of you are taking the enzymes.


New member
Hi there. I am new to this chat and all. My name is Mary, and my boyfriend has CF. I have been doing a lot to get educated about his condition and have become quite acclimated to it and found new ways to help him even. But I realize everyone's condition is different and not all have it as good as he does now either. I am just looking for education and support and to be supportive. I was reading all your postings on the bloated belly symptom of CF. I thought it had a lot to do with malnutrition. My boyfriend controls his diet very well and does not get the bloated belly. He used to have it as a kid because he wasn't eating correctly for his condition. He wasn't diagnosed until 14. I know he used to take enzymes, but he doesn't need to right now and hasn't for awhile. I was just wondering what anyone knew about other causes of it, and sort of personal experience with it? I see many of you are taking the enzymes.


New member
Hi there. I am new to this chat and all. My name is Mary, and my boyfriend has CF. I have been doing a lot to get educated about his condition and have become quite acclimated to it and found new ways to help him even. But I realize everyone's condition is different and not all have it as good as he does now either. I am just looking for education and support and to be supportive. I was reading all your postings on the bloated belly symptom of CF. I thought it had a lot to do with malnutrition. My boyfriend controls his diet very well and does not get the bloated belly. He used to have it as a kid because he wasn't eating correctly for his condition. He wasn't diagnosed until 14. I know he used to take enzymes, but he doesn't need to right now and hasn't for awhile. I was just wondering what anyone knew about other causes of it, and sort of personal experience with it? I see many of you are taking the enzymes.


New member
Hi there. I am new to this chat and all. My name is Mary, and my boyfriend has CF. I have been doing a lot to get educated about his condition and have become quite acclimated to it and found new ways to help him even. But I realize everyone's condition is different and not all have it as good as he does now either. I am just looking for education and support and to be supportive. I was reading all your postings on the bloated belly symptom of CF. I thought it had a lot to do with malnutrition. My boyfriend controls his diet very well and does not get the bloated belly. He used to have it as a kid because he wasn't eating correctly for his condition. He wasn't diagnosed until 14. I know he used to take enzymes, but he doesn't need to right now and hasn't for awhile. I was just wondering what anyone knew about other causes of it, and sort of personal experience with it? I see many of you are taking the enzymes.


New member
Hi there. I am new to this chat and all. My name is Mary, and my boyfriend has CF. I have been doing a lot to get educated about his condition and have become quite acclimated to it and found new ways to help him even. But I realize everyone's condition is different and not all have it as good as he does now either. I am just looking for education and support and to be supportive. I was reading all your postings on the bloated belly symptom of CF. I thought it had a lot to do with malnutrition. My boyfriend controls his diet very well and does not get the bloated belly. He used to have it as a kid because he wasn't eating correctly for his condition. He wasn't diagnosed until 14. I know he used to take enzymes, but he doesn't need to right now and hasn't for awhile. I was just wondering what anyone knew about other causes of it, and sort of personal experience with it? I see many of you are taking the enzymes.


New member
Hi there. I am new to this chat and all. My name is Mary, and my boyfriend has CF. I have been doing a lot to get educated about his condition and have become quite acclimated to it and found new ways to help him even. But I realize everyone's condition is different and not all have it as good as he does now either. I am just looking for education and support and to be supportive. I was reading all your postings on the bloated belly symptom of CF. I thought it had a lot to do with malnutrition. My boyfriend controls his diet very well and does not get the bloated belly. He used to have it as a kid because he wasn't eating correctly for his condition. He wasn't diagnosed until 14. I know he used to take enzymes, but he doesn't need to right now and hasn't for awhile. I was just wondering what anyone knew about other causes of it, and sort of personal experience with it? I see many of you are taking the enzymes.


New member
Hi there. I am new to this chat and all. My name is Mary, and my boyfriend has CF. I have been doing a lot to get educated about his condition and have become quite acclimated to it and found new ways to help him even. But I realize everyone's condition is different and not all have it as good as he does now either. I am just looking for education and support and to be supportive. I was reading all your postings on the bloated belly symptom of CF. I thought it had a lot to do with malnutrition. My boyfriend controls his diet very well and does not get the bloated belly. He used to have it as a kid because he wasn't eating correctly for his condition. He wasn't diagnosed until 14. I know he used to take enzymes, but he doesn't need to right now and hasn't for awhile. I was just wondering what anyone knew about other causes of it, and sort of personal experience with it? I see many of you are taking the enzymes.


New member
Hi, I just found this forum online and immediately joined. I am home from work with recurring GI issues. I had a double lung transplant in '97 and as far as the respiratory issues go, they're non-existent. My transplant has been virtually problem-free. I have been very blessed. I am having some recurring digestion issues that have me concerned. I went on Miralax in 2000. I was having constipation issues due to the rejection drugs I have to take. I always hurt in the same spot, lower right side near my pelvic bone. A few years ago I had some contrast x-rays. It showed some "feathering" in that area
which were not explainable. I was urged to pursue the issue with a GI doc. Well, I got things under control with diet and have done really well up until a few months ago. I had to lower my enzyme dose because after my transplant I would get constipated. It has been a aggrivating balancing act one that I'm not doing too well at the present. It seems whenever I eat a large meal I have stomach pain and diarrhea / nausea. My husband is insistent I go to the doctor, but I know what it will mean. Upper GI, colonoscopy, endoscopy...and the list goes on and on. Every test I've had involving the digestive system either hurt massively or involved drinking something totally gross. Along with this I have acid reflux which I take Prevacid 2X daily. I'm at a loss on which doctor to follow up with. My CF doctor hasn't seen me in 11 years since transplant. The pulmonary doctors took over at that time. Truthfully, if it's not pulmonary, they're pretty much at a loss on how to proceed. They do refer CF patients to a Gastric specialist who works with transplant patients. I sort of want to go back to my CF doctor. If there are some new enzymes that might help, I figure he would be the expert. I currently take Pancrease MT10. I know I"m being stupid about this....but digestion issues have always scared me. I keep crossing these bridges....bowel resection, colostomy....and the list goes on. My weight is good, my appetite is fine, although I am eating a lot less. It seems big meals are creating the problem. I do have a LOT of bloating issues. My pants can be perfectly comfortable in the AM and killing me by mid-afternoon. No matter what I eat, I get a larger stomach. I know this is a novel...and I'm sorry. I just need someone to help me get up the nerve to act on this. Has anyone had any major tests done? What was the treatment? Am I blowing this WAYYYYY out of proportion?===Thanks for any feedback. Hopefully I can return the favor in the future.---Mary


New member
Hi, I just found this forum online and immediately joined. I am home from work with recurring GI issues. I had a double lung transplant in '97 and as far as the respiratory issues go, they're non-existent. My transplant has been virtually problem-free. I have been very blessed. I am having some recurring digestion issues that have me concerned. I went on Miralax in 2000. I was having constipation issues due to the rejection drugs I have to take. I always hurt in the same spot, lower right side near my pelvic bone. A few years ago I had some contrast x-rays. It showed some "feathering" in that area
which were not explainable. I was urged to pursue the issue with a GI doc. Well, I got things under control with diet and have done really well up until a few months ago. I had to lower my enzyme dose because after my transplant I would get constipated. It has been a aggrivating balancing act one that I'm not doing too well at the present. It seems whenever I eat a large meal I have stomach pain and diarrhea / nausea. My husband is insistent I go to the doctor, but I know what it will mean. Upper GI, colonoscopy, endoscopy...and the list goes on and on. Every test I've had involving the digestive system either hurt massively or involved drinking something totally gross. Along with this I have acid reflux which I take Prevacid 2X daily. I'm at a loss on which doctor to follow up with. My CF doctor hasn't seen me in 11 years since transplant. The pulmonary doctors took over at that time. Truthfully, if it's not pulmonary, they're pretty much at a loss on how to proceed. They do refer CF patients to a Gastric specialist who works with transplant patients. I sort of want to go back to my CF doctor. If there are some new enzymes that might help, I figure he would be the expert. I currently take Pancrease MT10. I know I"m being stupid about this....but digestion issues have always scared me. I keep crossing these bridges....bowel resection, colostomy....and the list goes on. My weight is good, my appetite is fine, although I am eating a lot less. It seems big meals are creating the problem. I do have a LOT of bloating issues. My pants can be perfectly comfortable in the AM and killing me by mid-afternoon. No matter what I eat, I get a larger stomach. I know this is a novel...and I'm sorry. I just need someone to help me get up the nerve to act on this. Has anyone had any major tests done? What was the treatment? Am I blowing this WAYYYYY out of proportion?===Thanks for any feedback. Hopefully I can return the favor in the future.---Mary


New member
Hi, I just found this forum online and immediately joined. I am home from work with recurring GI issues. I had a double lung transplant in '97 and as far as the respiratory issues go, they're non-existent. My transplant has been virtually problem-free. I have been very blessed. I am having some recurring digestion issues that have me concerned. I went on Miralax in 2000. I was having constipation issues due to the rejection drugs I have to take. I always hurt in the same spot, lower right side near my pelvic bone. A few years ago I had some contrast x-rays. It showed some "feathering" in that area
which were not explainable. I was urged to pursue the issue with a GI doc. Well, I got things under control with diet and have done really well up until a few months ago. I had to lower my enzyme dose because after my transplant I would get constipated. It has been a aggrivating balancing act one that I'm not doing too well at the present. It seems whenever I eat a large meal I have stomach pain and diarrhea / nausea. My husband is insistent I go to the doctor, but I know what it will mean. Upper GI, colonoscopy, endoscopy...and the list goes on and on. Every test I've had involving the digestive system either hurt massively or involved drinking something totally gross. Along with this I have acid reflux which I take Prevacid 2X daily. I'm at a loss on which doctor to follow up with. My CF doctor hasn't seen me in 11 years since transplant. The pulmonary doctors took over at that time. Truthfully, if it's not pulmonary, they're pretty much at a loss on how to proceed. They do refer CF patients to a Gastric specialist who works with transplant patients. I sort of want to go back to my CF doctor. If there are some new enzymes that might help, I figure he would be the expert. I currently take Pancrease MT10. I know I"m being stupid about this....but digestion issues have always scared me. I keep crossing these bridges....bowel resection, colostomy....and the list goes on. My weight is good, my appetite is fine, although I am eating a lot less. It seems big meals are creating the problem. I do have a LOT of bloating issues. My pants can be perfectly comfortable in the AM and killing me by mid-afternoon. No matter what I eat, I get a larger stomach. I know this is a novel...and I'm sorry. I just need someone to help me get up the nerve to act on this. Has anyone had any major tests done? What was the treatment? Am I blowing this WAYYYYY out of proportion?===Thanks for any feedback. Hopefully I can return the favor in the future.---Mary


New member
Hi, I just found this forum online and immediately joined. I am home from work with recurring GI issues. I had a double lung transplant in '97 and as far as the respiratory issues go, they're non-existent. My transplant has been virtually problem-free. I have been very blessed. I am having some recurring digestion issues that have me concerned. I went on Miralax in 2000. I was having constipation issues due to the rejection drugs I have to take. I always hurt in the same spot, lower right side near my pelvic bone. A few years ago I had some contrast x-rays. It showed some "feathering" in that area
which were not explainable. I was urged to pursue the issue with a GI doc. Well, I got things under control with diet and have done really well up until a few months ago. I had to lower my enzyme dose because after my transplant I would get constipated. It has been a aggrivating balancing act one that I'm not doing too well at the present. It seems whenever I eat a large meal I have stomach pain and diarrhea / nausea. My husband is insistent I go to the doctor, but I know what it will mean. Upper GI, colonoscopy, endoscopy...and the list goes on and on. Every test I've had involving the digestive system either hurt massively or involved drinking something totally gross. Along with this I have acid reflux which I take Prevacid 2X daily. I'm at a loss on which doctor to follow up with. My CF doctor hasn't seen me in 11 years since transplant. The pulmonary doctors took over at that time. Truthfully, if it's not pulmonary, they're pretty much at a loss on how to proceed. They do refer CF patients to a Gastric specialist who works with transplant patients. I sort of want to go back to my CF doctor. If there are some new enzymes that might help, I figure he would be the expert. I currently take Pancrease MT10. I know I"m being stupid about this....but digestion issues have always scared me. I keep crossing these bridges....bowel resection, colostomy....and the list goes on. My weight is good, my appetite is fine, although I am eating a lot less. It seems big meals are creating the problem. I do have a LOT of bloating issues. My pants can be perfectly comfortable in the AM and killing me by mid-afternoon. No matter what I eat, I get a larger stomach. I know this is a novel...and I'm sorry. I just need someone to help me get up the nerve to act on this. Has anyone had any major tests done? What was the treatment? Am I blowing this WAYYYYY out of proportion?===Thanks for any feedback. Hopefully I can return the favor in the future.---Mary


New member
Hi, I just found this forum online and immediately joined. I am home from work with recurring GI issues. I had a double lung transplant in '97 and as far as the respiratory issues go, they're non-existent. My transplant has been virtually problem-free. I have been very blessed. I am having some recurring digestion issues that have me concerned. I went on Miralax in 2000. I was having constipation issues due to the rejection drugs I have to take. I always hurt in the same spot, lower right side near my pelvic bone. A few years ago I had some contrast x-rays. It showed some "feathering" in that area
<br />which were not explainable. I was urged to pursue the issue with a GI doc. Well, I got things under control with diet and have done really well up until a few months ago. I had to lower my enzyme dose because after my transplant I would get constipated. It has been a aggrivating balancing act one that I'm not doing too well at the present. It seems whenever I eat a large meal I have stomach pain and diarrhea / nausea. My husband is insistent I go to the doctor, but I know what it will mean. Upper GI, colonoscopy, endoscopy...and the list goes on and on. Every test I've had involving the digestive system either hurt massively or involved drinking something totally gross. Along with this I have acid reflux which I take Prevacid 2X daily. I'm at a loss on which doctor to follow up with. My CF doctor hasn't seen me in 11 years since transplant. The pulmonary doctors took over at that time. Truthfully, if it's not pulmonary, they're pretty much at a loss on how to proceed. They do refer CF patients to a Gastric specialist who works with transplant patients. I sort of want to go back to my CF doctor. If there are some new enzymes that might help, I figure he would be the expert. I currently take Pancrease MT10. I know I"m being stupid about this....but digestion issues have always scared me. I keep crossing these bridges....bowel resection, colostomy....and the list goes on. My weight is good, my appetite is fine, although I am eating a lot less. It seems big meals are creating the problem. I do have a LOT of bloating issues. My pants can be perfectly comfortable in the AM and killing me by mid-afternoon. No matter what I eat, I get a larger stomach. I know this is a novel...and I'm sorry. I just need someone to help me get up the nerve to act on this. Has anyone had any major tests done? What was the treatment? Am I blowing this WAYYYYY out of proportion?===Thanks for any feedback. Hopefully I can return the favor in the future.---Mary