Piper.....well girl I think you need a break! I agree with you that the emotional roller coaster of coming to grips with being evaluated is quite enough. It is very emotional and very difficult....so you are not losing your mind! I think I would try to concentrate on that 97% and get the test as soon as you can to relieve your mind. Remember they are looking in every "nook and cranny" to find any potential problems and they are bound to want to look further with some of the testing they do. I did not have your situation; but, I will share that when I had my heart cath done, during the bubble study before they found some unusual things. I was freaked freaked, more because of the way they handled it. I found out I have a congenital heart thingie and had to wait a few days to find out that would not interfere with tx and that it was repairable and not a big deal. It was all-consuming though when it initially happened because the whole thing is so darn overwhelming!!! I don't tell you that to freak you out about the heart cath, I think that was very unusual! I just wanted to share with you that probably all who get evaluated get called about more testing for one issue or another. Hope this helps.