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It is a standard evaluation for adults with CF. Unless there are problems found it is usually done only every few years. My docs were also surprised that my scan showed no deterioration at my annual appointment when my daughter was 1 year old. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> They really expected some bone loss after a pregnancy and a year of exclusive breastfeeding!These things can help prevant bone loss and/or actually build bone. 1) Take a good absorbable vitamin like Reliv. It is balanced so that you have not only all the calcium you need daily, but all the other nutrients your body needs in order to use the calcium. 2) Weight-bearing exercise. It doesn't have to be lifting weights. Walking gives the same bone benefits of more strenuous exercise. Swimming and cycling are not weight-bearing and do not build or preserve bone, though they give many other benefits. 3) Breastfeeding. Even breastfeeding a short while can help build bone. (see <A href="http://www.geocities.com/MurrensNatureMama/breastfeeding">www.geocities.com/MurrensNatureMama/breastfeeding</A> for more info and research). Breastfeeding benefits to your bones are dose-related like many of the other benefits. This means that the longer you do it, the greater the results. Initially, breastfeeding may, but does not always leech a small amount of calcium from your bones, but upon weaning, bones restore and usually to a greater strength than pre-pregnancy or pre-breastfeeding.