Brilliant Doctors


New member
LisaV: Don't worry about the hijacking. Actually I thought there were some good insights. And you are 100% right that you can't know how bad it is until you are there. I am totally drained and I feel very alone in this, even though I do have a lot of support from friends. One of our friends is staying with us and even though Brian didn't want me to tell him about the suicide attempt, I did, just because I know I cannot do it alone. At least Kenny knows to take anything Brian might say about suicide seriously.

This marriage so far has been very one sided, I'm in it and he's not. At this point, while I love Brian very much, I regret that we didn't wait longer to get married. I am supporting him and will help him however I can. But he knows that if he doesn't give therapy a chance and stay on his meds I will leave him. I refuse to stay in a marriage that is only a marriage in name. I believe in marriage, I don;t want to get a divorse, but I have to be happy and Brian has been dragging me through hell for months.


New member
LisaV: Don't worry about the hijacking. Actually I thought there were some good insights. And you are 100% right that you can't know how bad it is until you are there. I am totally drained and I feel very alone in this, even though I do have a lot of support from friends. One of our friends is staying with us and even though Brian didn't want me to tell him about the suicide attempt, I did, just because I know I cannot do it alone. At least Kenny knows to take anything Brian might say about suicide seriously.

This marriage so far has been very one sided, I'm in it and he's not. At this point, while I love Brian very much, I regret that we didn't wait longer to get married. I am supporting him and will help him however I can. But he knows that if he doesn't give therapy a chance and stay on his meds I will leave him. I refuse to stay in a marriage that is only a marriage in name. I believe in marriage, I don;t want to get a divorse, but I have to be happy and Brian has been dragging me through hell for months.


New member
LisaV: Don't worry about the hijacking. Actually I thought there were some good insights. And you are 100% right that you can't know how bad it is until you are there. I am totally drained and I feel very alone in this, even though I do have a lot of support from friends. One of our friends is staying with us and even though Brian didn't want me to tell him about the suicide attempt, I did, just because I know I cannot do it alone. At least Kenny knows to take anything Brian might say about suicide seriously.

This marriage so far has been very one sided, I'm in it and he's not. At this point, while I love Brian very much, I regret that we didn't wait longer to get married. I am supporting him and will help him however I can. But he knows that if he doesn't give therapy a chance and stay on his meds I will leave him. I refuse to stay in a marriage that is only a marriage in name. I believe in marriage, I don;t want to get a divorse, but I have to be happy and Brian has been dragging me through hell for months.