Hi Jim,
I've had 3 embolizations done so i can tell you a bit about them.The intervention radilolgist will first numb the area where your femoral artery is in your groin (either the left side or the right). Then they will place a catheter in and thread it up into your lung they will inject dye so they can see the offending bleeder on the screen and will try to find it. ( You will have an x-ray machine ( not exactly an x ray machine but i dont what else to call it) over you while they do the procedure so they can see inside your lungs on the screen in front of them) They may find other problem areas as well and fix them while they are there. How they fix them is they either shoot them full of particles that harden and cut off the blood supply to that blood vessel, or they can insert a coil that they wind up in the bloodvessel that will cut off blood flow to that particular area. They normally give you some sedation to relax you , and of coarse make it very comfortable and painless (but not to go to sleep.) I am an idiot and refused the sedation all 3 times. The first two times werent too bad, but the third was very painful since he inserted 21 coils and i felt almost everyone of them. I would suggest going with the sedation....lol . After they are fnished ( it can take anywhere from 2 - 3 hours ) they will remove the catheter and hold pressure down on the area for 15 minutes straight. Then you will be transported back to your room where you will have to remain laying down for 6 hours. No walking or standing up or even sitting up ( to give the artery a chance to close off completely) I know it sounds so scary but it isnt as bad as it seems and once its over you will be glad its done and hopefully not have hemoptysis probs for a while. PLease update us and let us know how you are doing If you need any more info or support feel free to ask, i'm always here. We have a few people on here who have had embolizations . I know Roshells has, and Liz, and i know theres more but i cant recall right now who they are but im sure theyl'l come forward........