Ugh, this is so stressful. I recently had a VERY bad cough/cold...still have residual occasional cough from this cold from 2 weeks ago. I so worried that Maggie would get it; and she did but not even nearly as bad as I did. Not sure why; could have been the VEST and nebs she does everyday plus the anti's she on. Good handwashing is key; cough into your arm Purell after using tissues. I try not to touch my face when I am sick; spreads germ. Your priority is to take care of yourself...Drink fluids; rest (if possible), see if someone else can help with your child. When I am sick (which is not often), I make Maggie get her own enzymes(so I don't have to touch them). Also, whatever meds she can handle herself I let her do. When i was coughing, I drank tea with honey, lots of robitussin, cough drops. Hot showers helped. It sucks to be sick when you are the main caregiver. My husband had pneumonia a couple years ago and he wore a mask in the house til he had been on antibiotics for a few days. He was pretty sick too, he even used Maggie's albuterol neb and I did CPT on him. Try not to sress too much as we only have control over so many things and in my post I sound like a control freak(whcih of course I am). Feel better soon!