**Call me paranoid**


New member
Should I happen to be wrong on this I apologize in advance!!! I just want to bring this up to see if others had the same thought run thru them. I might be completely wrong, but here goes......There are 2 posts on the forum. Both are in the Adult section. One is posted by Joumana at 12:02 about Typhoid fever and the other is posted by Lamita @ 12:56 about being a virgin. Both posters are 26 & looking for CF friends according to their signature line. I found both posts to be oddly worded or thought out for people with CF & for that age. It just hit me funny & the first thing that came up in my mind was: HERE WE GO AGAIN!
Again if these posters are legit I totally apologize, but I also dont recall seeeing either username before!


New member
hahaha I have no idea what you are talking about Melissa. Maybe I need to be more aware of things.. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

<EDIT> OMG... Melissa, those two threads are too funny... I would have never picked up on the fact that they are both 26 year old females and looking for friends with CF... Good eye <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
I thought it was a little wierd too, but maybe the posters are from another culture? If so, maybe from one where the healthcare for women may not be too good (especially with the sex topic)? I know in some areas, women do not have the same sexual freedom as we do here, and the doctor could be encouraging that to fit their culture. Who knows....



New member
Hello everyone...

I have to say...when I read both of those threads...I found them a "little hard to believe"!

I felt somewhat guilty for feeling that way...but...they just didn't sound real to me!

Just in case they are real...I don't want to say anything negative.

Actually...the way I was going to handle it was to not respond at all. That way...I wouldn't offend someone if these were sincere questions...and if they weren't real...which is my gut feeling...I didn't want to be drawn into something like that!

Do people often do something like that? Post questions to stir up conversation? It just seems a bit demeaning to me!

There are so many people who are hurting...and are looking for support and answers to really difficult questions.

To make something up...and to have it be almost ridiculous sounding...well...it just seems like people would have something better to do with their time!

I don't think you are paranoid at all!!

Personally...I think you're quite perceptive!!



New member
Hello...it's me again...

I was just spending some time browsing...and now am starting to feel like I am becoming paranoid!!

Seriously...I'm feeling a little uneasy...

I looked at the site for families...and also teens and young adults.

I found several other threads that sounded very similar to the ones we were just talking about!

They seemed a bit off...and really raised some questions for me!

I would really be upset if someone went to those sites...and were playing a game with people.

I feel really bad even suggesting this...but felt that I needed to point it out...just in case.

If you get a chance...check it out...

I hope it's not true...and...I'm just being protective!!



Paranoid wouldn't be the term I'd use, how about "Suspicious"!

Just after a check on the "Joumana" (Could be mistaken for "Yo mama"), the sentence syntax does not indicate someone native to the English language.

the other one, "lamita", also indicates odd sentence syntax, and has only given one entry, the one relating to sex.

Both did not give any self-introduction, much detail to their own background, how they came across this forum, nor indicate "why" they are looking for CF friends. In the "Joumana" case, not very much was exposed about themselves when they responded to the spools...I find that odd, too!

If anyone hasn't reported these two posts to the moderator, I highly recommend it (Before I do)!

Worse that'll happen is they might come back with an apology and explanation after learning the protocol to entering the forum.


WHICH brings up another subject....

If someone <u>IS</u> "Playing with us", then if there are some spools they started, what has to be done to totally erase that spool if it's all agreed we don't want others to view it?

Locking it isn't the solution...people just cannot add on to it.

What does it take to get a spool erased??


New member
hi evryone i am shocked ........
i am sorry for disturbing all of u
i am 26 female/cf discovered when i was 9month, live in lebanon
i will tell u all what happened :i was in the hospital for one month and when i left my doctor told me i have typhoid i was depressed cause i wasn t sure of that ,i have a big problem cause in lebanon we don t have doctors specialised in cf,we don t have centers for cf,people here have no idea what is cf...i have one contact with an american doctor in alabama he never saw me but he is helping me a lot by e mail, he sent me a vest as a gift from american family i was so happy to have it cause i used to do clapping all the time and i use to feel back pain .i was so depressed yesterday and i opened this site i didn t know how to introduce myself or chat with someone who could help me with his experience.i called my doctor yesterday and told him what i read on internet he told me that he is not sure what i have....i was so angry no one can help me not even my doctor...
and about lamita she have cf but mild case ,she was with me when i sent the question and she wanted to ask about her case maybe someone will help her
i was angry from what i read i thought u were illegal judging people from the first time i have cf and i wanted to meet people having the same case so we can share our experiences,anyway i want to say sorry again i wish i can hear from u all soon and i would like u to send me back
thank u all


New member
Hi Joumana,

I am sorry that ppl got confused about your post. I am not sure what about your post seemed to be so disturbing or contraversal.. ppl talk about sex often... I think the fact that it was presented in a way that was worded a little different that what someone here would say...

Sometimes that happeneds here because their has been a lot of heated topics discussed here.and some ppl actually do start posts just to have a good fight.. which seems crazy but it is true... I had a feeling your post was sincere or that their may have been a language barrier though nothing you said was inappropiate.... You are most welcome on this site.... and please feel free to ask any questions you might have.....

I can't answer the questions you asked because I don't know... Ppl on this website in general are very loving and supportive.. Please don't let your first experience here be your last......,

Best of luck to you,



New member
THANK YOU for clarifying things. I did not mean to offend you in anyway. I was not sure if it was a culture difference or someone messing with us again. We have had people come on here intentionally to stir up trouble. Rest assured that your concernes and questions will be taken seriously now that we know you a legitimate person with legitimate questions!


New member
thank u Jennifer & thank u all,
i am very happy that u understood me,i didn t knew what was wrong ,i am not looking for troubles
i want to meet new friends having the same experience,maybe cause i am from a different culture they felt something is wrong.
i don t know how to express well my ideas i am not that excellent in english .anyway i want to thank u for supporting me and i
would like to know more about u how ur dealing with cf cause i had difficulties in my life because of my case and no one understood
me here ,i am happy that there is this forum so i can communicate with someone that feel the same as i do.
take care


Dear Joumana,

I also apologize if my wording in any way offended you. As mentioned from others, there have been instances where trouble had occured, and we need to take it upon ourselves to police the forum from such "abusive" visitors.
I'm glad that you were able to forgive and understand our point of view, and was able to expand on what you want to say.
Personally having to deal with a second language, I can understand the difficulties in trying to express yourself in a second language. My best suggestion for that is to try and give as much detail to what you want to make your point, then by asking the question, I think a much better and more positive response can come for you.

Good luck and take care.



New member
I have a quick question for joumana...

I am an American. I know a family that was trying to 'donate' a therapy vest to someone in need and I was told by the vest company, Doctors and insurance companies that vests cannot be donated or given to anyone, as they are a prescription and it would be illegal to give it away. I was just wondering how you were able to get around that, as this family has a working vest and want to give it to someone in need. Thanks!

Also, I don't know if someone else brought this up, but if you and lamita both have CF, you shouldn't be close to each other, as CF patients can share bad germs, Maybe wear masks or something. (If I read your post correctly)?


New member
Speaking of the vest. I recently got out my information on mine & it specifically says that although my insurance carrier has paid for it in full, it still technically belongs to the company. Should I no longer want/need it, it must be returned to the company. If I was to give it to someone else & not return it then they can go after me for the replacement cost. FYI


New member
That is what I was told Melissa, that is why my suspicions/interest is still up.

**And I also wanted to note, that it was offered to our family since we are in the process of getting one, but we were told that we could not get parts, upgrades and the vest part to fit Cale as he grew, because it wasn't prescribed to us, and that it REALLY needs to go back to the company so that they can refurbish and do what they need to with it. I am surprised that an American Dr could help in donating a precribed item without the possibility of losing his license.


New member
Maybe the vest was purchased for her specifically? Couldn't they say they want to purchase it for a person with CF that isn't as fortunate and needs help? No, I guess the insurance company would say 'No'.

I know the UCSD CF center takes medications that haven't been opened and gives them to families that don't have good insurance... now to give away perscriptions is illegal, but they do it somehow... maybe because it helps people that no one has turned them in yet...