COBRA protects people with preexisting conditions when transferring insurance. As far as the candidates standings about pre-existing conditions, I personally haven't heard any comments on the issue, but that doesn't mean nothing has been said. I personally have the most faith in Obama's plan. Do I want more government involvement in Medical care? Not necessarily, but our current privatized system needs some help, and that seems to be more of his purpose. He basically is telling large employers they need to provide health insurance (think of the top reason large employers use temp agencies---they don't supply insurance-under his direction, they would need to). Small employers or individuals could get an insurance plan through the government (it is not clear to me if it will be a large group type policy or actual government funded care). Either way, ballooning a large pool of people under one large policy will divert costs, just as a large employers group policy does. This is what would allow reasonable rates for everyone. Ultimately, his plan will have little effect on those already insured, but they may be able to drop their present coverage in choice of the government policy, or maybe even buy a supplement policy/ This is just speculation at this point though, as obviously we don't have enough details. McCains policy, on the other hand, just gives the 5000 credit to buy a policy. There seems to be no protections in place for people though. 5000 is barely enough to buy decent coverage for someone healthy in their 20's, and for someone like us, it may be impossible to buy coverage without those protections. Even if we could, premiums would likely be so high that they would be out or reach for most of us.