Can We Discuss CM?


New member
Hi Everyone. My husband and I are only on cycle 5 of TTC. However, my OB/GYN told me she was concerned with my fertility - she thinks my CF causes me to have CM issues, and she told me to come see her if we aren't PG in six months. I decided to find a new OB/GYN (for an unrelated reason), and the new doctor told me the same exact same thing.

Has anyone else had a doctor tell them this? Has anyone else had CM issues? (It seems like there are quite a few people on here who have not.) I don't know for sure if I actually have CM issues, because they haven't done any testing on me yet, it's just what they are expecting.

Now that we only have two cycles left before I go back to see her, I am curious to hear what to expect from anyone else who has gone through this - what kind of testing will they likely do? Will the next step be IUI? Will they want to put me on meds?

I'm also curious about cost because I need to figure out how much $$ to put into my FSA for next year..

FWIW, I am already charting, using OPKs, and taking mucinex, and I definitely have EWCM.

Thanks in advance to anyone who may be able to help!


New member
Hi Everyone. My husband and I are only on cycle 5 of TTC. However, my OB/GYN told me she was concerned with my fertility - she thinks my CF causes me to have CM issues, and she told me to come see her if we aren't PG in six months. I decided to find a new OB/GYN (for an unrelated reason), and the new doctor told me the same exact same thing.

Has anyone else had a doctor tell them this? Has anyone else had CM issues? (It seems like there are quite a few people on here who have not.) I don't know for sure if I actually have CM issues, because they haven't done any testing on me yet, it's just what they are expecting.

Now that we only have two cycles left before I go back to see her, I am curious to hear what to expect from anyone else who has gone through this - what kind of testing will they likely do? Will the next step be IUI? Will they want to put me on meds?

I'm also curious about cost because I need to figure out how much $$ to put into my FSA for next year..

FWIW, I am already charting, using OPKs, and taking mucinex, and I definitely have EWCM.

Thanks in advance to anyone who may be able to help!


New member
Hi Everyone. My husband and I are only on cycle 5 of TTC. However, my OB/GYN told me she was concerned with my fertility - she thinks my CF causes me to have CM issues, and she told me to come see her if we aren't PG in six months. I decided to find a new OB/GYN (for an unrelated reason), and the new doctor told me the same exact same thing.

Has anyone else had a doctor tell them this? Has anyone else had CM issues? (It seems like there are quite a few people on here who have not.) I don't know for sure if I actually have CM issues, because they haven't done any testing on me yet, it's just what they are expecting.

Now that we only have two cycles left before I go back to see her, I am curious to hear what to expect from anyone else who has gone through this - what kind of testing will they likely do? Will the next step be IUI? Will they want to put me on meds?

I'm also curious about cost because I need to figure out how much $$ to put into my FSA for next year..

FWIW, I am already charting, using OPKs, and taking mucinex, and I definitely have EWCM.

Thanks in advance to anyone who may be able to help!


New member
Hi Everyone. My husband and I are only on cycle 5 of TTC. However, my OB/GYN told me she was concerned with my fertility - she thinks my CF causes me to have CM issues, and she told me to come see her if we aren't PG in six months. I decided to find a new OB/GYN (for an unrelated reason), and the new doctor told me the same exact same thing.

Has anyone else had a doctor tell them this? Has anyone else had CM issues? (It seems like there are quite a few people on here who have not.) I don't know for sure if I actually have CM issues, because they haven't done any testing on me yet, it's just what they are expecting.

Now that we only have two cycles left before I go back to see her, I am curious to hear what to expect from anyone else who has gone through this - what kind of testing will they likely do? Will the next step be IUI? Will they want to put me on meds?

I'm also curious about cost because I need to figure out how much $$ to put into my FSA for next year..

FWIW, I am already charting, using OPKs, and taking mucinex, and I definitely have EWCM.

Thanks in advance to anyone who may be able to help!


New member
Hi Everyone. My husband and I are only on cycle 5 of TTC. However, my OB/GYN told me she was concerned with my fertility - she thinks my CF causes me to have CM issues, and she told me to come see her if we aren't PG in six months. I decided to find a new OB/GYN (for an unrelated reason), and the new doctor told me the same exact same thing.
<br />
<br />Has anyone else had a doctor tell them this? Has anyone else had CM issues? (It seems like there are quite a few people on here who have not.) I don't know for sure if I actually have CM issues, because they haven't done any testing on me yet, it's just what they are expecting.
<br />
<br />Now that we only have two cycles left before I go back to see her, I am curious to hear what to expect from anyone else who has gone through this - what kind of testing will they likely do? Will the next step be IUI? Will they want to put me on meds?
<br />
<br />I'm also curious about cost because I need to figure out how much $$ to put into my FSA for next year..
<br />
<br />FWIW, I am already charting, using OPKs, and taking mucinex, and I definitely have EWCM.
<br />
<br />Thanks in advance to anyone who may be able to help!


New member
UGH!! EVerything I just wrote you disappeared!!!! AAAHHH!! That drives me crazy.
Any way.....
All I can tell you is what I know from our experience. I think its pretty common for CF females to have "hostile" CM. Thats what they referred mine as! lol. Nice huh? This is one of the main reasons that keep us from conceiving. Now that doesn't mean you can't on your own. The girls on here are proof of that! My sister has gotten pregnant on her own without "trying " so it does happen. For me and my husband it was more the point how long do we want to wait in hopes of it happening on our own. I don't like to gamble with how my health is gonna be from a year from now none the less 2-3 years so we decided going and getting a little boost in our efforts made sense.
When we arrived for our 1st appt. they did a new patient counsult which took about an hour. They started with blood work, semen analysis ($500-$600) and an x-ray for me. This was probably the most uncomfortable of all the tests. They clamp your cervix open on like day 3 of your cycle and squirt dye up into your tubes to check to see if everythings all clear. It was just alot of cramping during and for a couple hours later. Nothing you can't handle though. Just pop a couple ibprofens before hand. Then they create a plan for you and go from there. With us they put us on Clomid for 3 cycles. Then after that they go to more aggressive FSH. I've seem though some women on here didn't have medicated IUI's so I'm guessing it depends on your dr. and what he decides for your plan. Some CF'ers just need the extra help to get past the Cervix, so the sperm has a straight shot once in the uterus. During the x-ray of my tubes they found such a horrible mucus clog that they thought initially it was a cyst. But Its was just a plug of mucus that was creating a one way valve so stuff could come out but nothing could go in. So there was little chance for the sperms to make it. (Sorry this might be to much info. and if it is I apologize) The IUI's are so easy its just like your going in for a pap smear or something like that. I couldn't believe how fast they do it.
We did 3 cycles of IUI's medicated 1 with Clomid and 2 with Femora. Clomid made my lining to thin therefore the egg, if it got fertilized couldn't implant. So it totaled to about 6,000 for all the drugs and procedures. Not cheap but still cheaper than IVF. But I think with IVF you have a better percent chance of it working. Someone who knows can correct me but thats what I'm guessing. Each IUI has a 20% of working. And I believe thats the same as normal couples that are TTC. So thats all I got on that, hope it helps some!

BTW some of your abbreviations I didn't know so sorry it I left some things unanswered. =) Have a good weekend! Best of Luck!


New member
UGH!! EVerything I just wrote you disappeared!!!! AAAHHH!! That drives me crazy.
Any way.....
All I can tell you is what I know from our experience. I think its pretty common for CF females to have "hostile" CM. Thats what they referred mine as! lol. Nice huh? This is one of the main reasons that keep us from conceiving. Now that doesn't mean you can't on your own. The girls on here are proof of that! My sister has gotten pregnant on her own without "trying " so it does happen. For me and my husband it was more the point how long do we want to wait in hopes of it happening on our own. I don't like to gamble with how my health is gonna be from a year from now none the less 2-3 years so we decided going and getting a little boost in our efforts made sense.
When we arrived for our 1st appt. they did a new patient counsult which took about an hour. They started with blood work, semen analysis ($500-$600) and an x-ray for me. This was probably the most uncomfortable of all the tests. They clamp your cervix open on like day 3 of your cycle and squirt dye up into your tubes to check to see if everythings all clear. It was just alot of cramping during and for a couple hours later. Nothing you can't handle though. Just pop a couple ibprofens before hand. Then they create a plan for you and go from there. With us they put us on Clomid for 3 cycles. Then after that they go to more aggressive FSH. I've seem though some women on here didn't have medicated IUI's so I'm guessing it depends on your dr. and what he decides for your plan. Some CF'ers just need the extra help to get past the Cervix, so the sperm has a straight shot once in the uterus. During the x-ray of my tubes they found such a horrible mucus clog that they thought initially it was a cyst. But Its was just a plug of mucus that was creating a one way valve so stuff could come out but nothing could go in. So there was little chance for the sperms to make it. (Sorry this might be to much info. and if it is I apologize) The IUI's are so easy its just like your going in for a pap smear or something like that. I couldn't believe how fast they do it.
We did 3 cycles of IUI's medicated 1 with Clomid and 2 with Femora. Clomid made my lining to thin therefore the egg, if it got fertilized couldn't implant. So it totaled to about 6,000 for all the drugs and procedures. Not cheap but still cheaper than IVF. But I think with IVF you have a better percent chance of it working. Someone who knows can correct me but thats what I'm guessing. Each IUI has a 20% of working. And I believe thats the same as normal couples that are TTC. So thats all I got on that, hope it helps some!

BTW some of your abbreviations I didn't know so sorry it I left some things unanswered. =) Have a good weekend! Best of Luck!


New member
UGH!! EVerything I just wrote you disappeared!!!! AAAHHH!! That drives me crazy.
Any way.....
All I can tell you is what I know from our experience. I think its pretty common for CF females to have "hostile" CM. Thats what they referred mine as! lol. Nice huh? This is one of the main reasons that keep us from conceiving. Now that doesn't mean you can't on your own. The girls on here are proof of that! My sister has gotten pregnant on her own without "trying " so it does happen. For me and my husband it was more the point how long do we want to wait in hopes of it happening on our own. I don't like to gamble with how my health is gonna be from a year from now none the less 2-3 years so we decided going and getting a little boost in our efforts made sense.
When we arrived for our 1st appt. they did a new patient counsult which took about an hour. They started with blood work, semen analysis ($500-$600) and an x-ray for me. This was probably the most uncomfortable of all the tests. They clamp your cervix open on like day 3 of your cycle and squirt dye up into your tubes to check to see if everythings all clear. It was just alot of cramping during and for a couple hours later. Nothing you can't handle though. Just pop a couple ibprofens before hand. Then they create a plan for you and go from there. With us they put us on Clomid for 3 cycles. Then after that they go to more aggressive FSH. I've seem though some women on here didn't have medicated IUI's so I'm guessing it depends on your dr. and what he decides for your plan. Some CF'ers just need the extra help to get past the Cervix, so the sperm has a straight shot once in the uterus. During the x-ray of my tubes they found such a horrible mucus clog that they thought initially it was a cyst. But Its was just a plug of mucus that was creating a one way valve so stuff could come out but nothing could go in. So there was little chance for the sperms to make it. (Sorry this might be to much info. and if it is I apologize) The IUI's are so easy its just like your going in for a pap smear or something like that. I couldn't believe how fast they do it.
We did 3 cycles of IUI's medicated 1 with Clomid and 2 with Femora. Clomid made my lining to thin therefore the egg, if it got fertilized couldn't implant. So it totaled to about 6,000 for all the drugs and procedures. Not cheap but still cheaper than IVF. But I think with IVF you have a better percent chance of it working. Someone who knows can correct me but thats what I'm guessing. Each IUI has a 20% of working. And I believe thats the same as normal couples that are TTC. So thats all I got on that, hope it helps some!

BTW some of your abbreviations I didn't know so sorry it I left some things unanswered. =) Have a good weekend! Best of Luck!


New member
UGH!! EVerything I just wrote you disappeared!!!! AAAHHH!! That drives me crazy.
Any way.....
All I can tell you is what I know from our experience. I think its pretty common for CF females to have "hostile" CM. Thats what they referred mine as! lol. Nice huh? This is one of the main reasons that keep us from conceiving. Now that doesn't mean you can't on your own. The girls on here are proof of that! My sister has gotten pregnant on her own without "trying " so it does happen. For me and my husband it was more the point how long do we want to wait in hopes of it happening on our own. I don't like to gamble with how my health is gonna be from a year from now none the less 2-3 years so we decided going and getting a little boost in our efforts made sense.
When we arrived for our 1st appt. they did a new patient counsult which took about an hour. They started with blood work, semen analysis ($500-$600) and an x-ray for me. This was probably the most uncomfortable of all the tests. They clamp your cervix open on like day 3 of your cycle and squirt dye up into your tubes to check to see if everythings all clear. It was just alot of cramping during and for a couple hours later. Nothing you can't handle though. Just pop a couple ibprofens before hand. Then they create a plan for you and go from there. With us they put us on Clomid for 3 cycles. Then after that they go to more aggressive FSH. I've seem though some women on here didn't have medicated IUI's so I'm guessing it depends on your dr. and what he decides for your plan. Some CF'ers just need the extra help to get past the Cervix, so the sperm has a straight shot once in the uterus. During the x-ray of my tubes they found such a horrible mucus clog that they thought initially it was a cyst. But Its was just a plug of mucus that was creating a one way valve so stuff could come out but nothing could go in. So there was little chance for the sperms to make it. (Sorry this might be to much info. and if it is I apologize) The IUI's are so easy its just like your going in for a pap smear or something like that. I couldn't believe how fast they do it.
We did 3 cycles of IUI's medicated 1 with Clomid and 2 with Femora. Clomid made my lining to thin therefore the egg, if it got fertilized couldn't implant. So it totaled to about 6,000 for all the drugs and procedures. Not cheap but still cheaper than IVF. But I think with IVF you have a better percent chance of it working. Someone who knows can correct me but thats what I'm guessing. Each IUI has a 20% of working. And I believe thats the same as normal couples that are TTC. So thats all I got on that, hope it helps some!

BTW some of your abbreviations I didn't know so sorry it I left some things unanswered. =) Have a good weekend! Best of Luck!


New member
UGH!! EVerything I just wrote you disappeared!!!! AAAHHH!! That drives me crazy.
<br />Any way.....
<br />Kristen,
<br />All I can tell you is what I know from our experience. I think its pretty common for CF females to have "hostile" CM. Thats what they referred mine as! lol. Nice huh? This is one of the main reasons that keep us from conceiving. Now that doesn't mean you can't on your own. The girls on here are proof of that! My sister has gotten pregnant on her own without "trying " so it does happen. For me and my husband it was more the point how long do we want to wait in hopes of it happening on our own. I don't like to gamble with how my health is gonna be from a year from now none the less 2-3 years so we decided going and getting a little boost in our efforts made sense.
<br />When we arrived for our 1st appt. they did a new patient counsult which took about an hour. They started with blood work, semen analysis ($500-$600) and an x-ray for me. This was probably the most uncomfortable of all the tests. They clamp your cervix open on like day 3 of your cycle and squirt dye up into your tubes to check to see if everythings all clear. It was just alot of cramping during and for a couple hours later. Nothing you can't handle though. Just pop a couple ibprofens before hand. Then they create a plan for you and go from there. With us they put us on Clomid for 3 cycles. Then after that they go to more aggressive FSH. I've seem though some women on here didn't have medicated IUI's so I'm guessing it depends on your dr. and what he decides for your plan. Some CF'ers just need the extra help to get past the Cervix, so the sperm has a straight shot once in the uterus. During the x-ray of my tubes they found such a horrible mucus clog that they thought initially it was a cyst. But Its was just a plug of mucus that was creating a one way valve so stuff could come out but nothing could go in. So there was little chance for the sperms to make it. (Sorry this might be to much info. and if it is I apologize) The IUI's are so easy its just like your going in for a pap smear or something like that. I couldn't believe how fast they do it.
<br />We did 3 cycles of IUI's medicated 1 with Clomid and 2 with Femora. Clomid made my lining to thin therefore the egg, if it got fertilized couldn't implant. So it totaled to about 6,000 for all the drugs and procedures. Not cheap but still cheaper than IVF. But I think with IVF you have a better percent chance of it working. Someone who knows can correct me but thats what I'm guessing. Each IUI has a 20% of working. And I believe thats the same as normal couples that are TTC. So thats all I got on that, hope it helps some!
<br />Laura
<br />
<br />BTW some of your abbreviations I didn't know so sorry it I left some things unanswered. =) Have a good weekend! Best of Luck!


New member
I do believe the next step would be to do IUI if getting pregnant naturally doesn't happen in the next couple months. I was told I had very thick cervical mucus when I went in for IUI's, so it's definitely a common finding in CF women. Any place that we make mucus, we're going to have problems! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> yippee


New member
I do believe the next step would be to do IUI if getting pregnant naturally doesn't happen in the next couple months. I was told I had very thick cervical mucus when I went in for IUI's, so it's definitely a common finding in CF women. Any place that we make mucus, we're going to have problems! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> yippee


New member
I do believe the next step would be to do IUI if getting pregnant naturally doesn't happen in the next couple months. I was told I had very thick cervical mucus when I went in for IUI's, so it's definitely a common finding in CF women. Any place that we make mucus, we're going to have problems! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> yippee


New member
I do believe the next step would be to do IUI if getting pregnant naturally doesn't happen in the next couple months. I was told I had very thick cervical mucus when I went in for IUI's, so it's definitely a common finding in CF women. Any place that we make mucus, we're going to have problems! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> yippee


New member
I do believe the next step would be to do IUI if getting pregnant naturally doesn't happen in the next couple months. I was told I had very thick cervical mucus when I went in for IUI's, so it's definitely a common finding in CF women. Any place that we make mucus, we're going to have problems! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> yippee


New member
I would also agree that the next step would be IUI.
My husband and I got pg on our honeymoon. I was just finishing up a 3 week course of oral antibiotics. That cycle I had a ton of EWCM. Sadly, I micarried that preganncy, not CF related, just one of those things that happens.
We TTC for nearly 12 months with no luck. Because we got pg on our own we had to wait a year to see a fertility doctor - insurance only covered infertility testing and such after a year + of TTC. At about the 1 year mark my OB ordered an HSG test and told us to make an appointment with the RE at the fertility center. We met with the RE and we created a plan; as long as the HSG was normal, the following cycle we would do natural IUI. No fertility drugs because we knew I was ovulating just fine. I had the HSG test, it was normal. HSG tests are done mid cycle, around ovulation time. I ovulated the day after the HSG (I was charting)and got a BFP 10 days later! No need for IUI. They do say one can be more fertile afte an HSG test as it can open things up a bit.
After our daughter was born we never avoided pregnancy but we did not TTC either. I breastfed for a year and that can lower fertility. When our daughter was 18 months old we started thinking about another baby. I started charting and using OPK. One day on impulse I called the RE office and they set me up with an appointment the following week! Again I was ovulating and everything just fine so we decided to try natural IUI. It was the start of my cycle so we decided to jump right in and do IUI that cycle. I had just had a great CF check up with 87% PFT's. I really felt it was time to have another baby while my heath was doing so well. We did IUI with no fertility drugs and got pg that cycle.
Looking back at my TTC journey, it seems I am pretty fertile aside from thick CM. When there have been factors to thin out (antibiotics), move (HSG) or bypass (IUI) the CM I have been able to easliy get pg.
Best of luck to you!
Anne 28 with cf


New member
I would also agree that the next step would be IUI.
My husband and I got pg on our honeymoon. I was just finishing up a 3 week course of oral antibiotics. That cycle I had a ton of EWCM. Sadly, I micarried that preganncy, not CF related, just one of those things that happens.
We TTC for nearly 12 months with no luck. Because we got pg on our own we had to wait a year to see a fertility doctor - insurance only covered infertility testing and such after a year + of TTC. At about the 1 year mark my OB ordered an HSG test and told us to make an appointment with the RE at the fertility center. We met with the RE and we created a plan; as long as the HSG was normal, the following cycle we would do natural IUI. No fertility drugs because we knew I was ovulating just fine. I had the HSG test, it was normal. HSG tests are done mid cycle, around ovulation time. I ovulated the day after the HSG (I was charting)and got a BFP 10 days later! No need for IUI. They do say one can be more fertile afte an HSG test as it can open things up a bit.
After our daughter was born we never avoided pregnancy but we did not TTC either. I breastfed for a year and that can lower fertility. When our daughter was 18 months old we started thinking about another baby. I started charting and using OPK. One day on impulse I called the RE office and they set me up with an appointment the following week! Again I was ovulating and everything just fine so we decided to try natural IUI. It was the start of my cycle so we decided to jump right in and do IUI that cycle. I had just had a great CF check up with 87% PFT's. I really felt it was time to have another baby while my heath was doing so well. We did IUI with no fertility drugs and got pg that cycle.
Looking back at my TTC journey, it seems I am pretty fertile aside from thick CM. When there have been factors to thin out (antibiotics), move (HSG) or bypass (IUI) the CM I have been able to easliy get pg.
Best of luck to you!
Anne 28 with cf


New member
I would also agree that the next step would be IUI.
My husband and I got pg on our honeymoon. I was just finishing up a 3 week course of oral antibiotics. That cycle I had a ton of EWCM. Sadly, I micarried that preganncy, not CF related, just one of those things that happens.
We TTC for nearly 12 months with no luck. Because we got pg on our own we had to wait a year to see a fertility doctor - insurance only covered infertility testing and such after a year + of TTC. At about the 1 year mark my OB ordered an HSG test and told us to make an appointment with the RE at the fertility center. We met with the RE and we created a plan; as long as the HSG was normal, the following cycle we would do natural IUI. No fertility drugs because we knew I was ovulating just fine. I had the HSG test, it was normal. HSG tests are done mid cycle, around ovulation time. I ovulated the day after the HSG (I was charting)and got a BFP 10 days later! No need for IUI. They do say one can be more fertile afte an HSG test as it can open things up a bit.
After our daughter was born we never avoided pregnancy but we did not TTC either. I breastfed for a year and that can lower fertility. When our daughter was 18 months old we started thinking about another baby. I started charting and using OPK. One day on impulse I called the RE office and they set me up with an appointment the following week! Again I was ovulating and everything just fine so we decided to try natural IUI. It was the start of my cycle so we decided to jump right in and do IUI that cycle. I had just had a great CF check up with 87% PFT's. I really felt it was time to have another baby while my heath was doing so well. We did IUI with no fertility drugs and got pg that cycle.
Looking back at my TTC journey, it seems I am pretty fertile aside from thick CM. When there have been factors to thin out (antibiotics), move (HSG) or bypass (IUI) the CM I have been able to easliy get pg.
Best of luck to you!
Anne 28 with cf


New member
I would also agree that the next step would be IUI.
My husband and I got pg on our honeymoon. I was just finishing up a 3 week course of oral antibiotics. That cycle I had a ton of EWCM. Sadly, I micarried that preganncy, not CF related, just one of those things that happens.
We TTC for nearly 12 months with no luck. Because we got pg on our own we had to wait a year to see a fertility doctor - insurance only covered infertility testing and such after a year + of TTC. At about the 1 year mark my OB ordered an HSG test and told us to make an appointment with the RE at the fertility center. We met with the RE and we created a plan; as long as the HSG was normal, the following cycle we would do natural IUI. No fertility drugs because we knew I was ovulating just fine. I had the HSG test, it was normal. HSG tests are done mid cycle, around ovulation time. I ovulated the day after the HSG (I was charting)and got a BFP 10 days later! No need for IUI. They do say one can be more fertile afte an HSG test as it can open things up a bit.
After our daughter was born we never avoided pregnancy but we did not TTC either. I breastfed for a year and that can lower fertility. When our daughter was 18 months old we started thinking about another baby. I started charting and using OPK. One day on impulse I called the RE office and they set me up with an appointment the following week! Again I was ovulating and everything just fine so we decided to try natural IUI. It was the start of my cycle so we decided to jump right in and do IUI that cycle. I had just had a great CF check up with 87% PFT's. I really felt it was time to have another baby while my heath was doing so well. We did IUI with no fertility drugs and got pg that cycle.
Looking back at my TTC journey, it seems I am pretty fertile aside from thick CM. When there have been factors to thin out (antibiotics), move (HSG) or bypass (IUI) the CM I have been able to easliy get pg.
Best of luck to you!
Anne 28 with cf


New member
I would also agree that the next step would be IUI.
<br />My husband and I got pg on our honeymoon. I was just finishing up a 3 week course of oral antibiotics. That cycle I had a ton of EWCM. Sadly, I micarried that preganncy, not CF related, just one of those things that happens.
<br />We TTC for nearly 12 months with no luck. Because we got pg on our own we had to wait a year to see a fertility doctor - insurance only covered infertility testing and such after a year + of TTC. At about the 1 year mark my OB ordered an HSG test and told us to make an appointment with the RE at the fertility center. We met with the RE and we created a plan; as long as the HSG was normal, the following cycle we would do natural IUI. No fertility drugs because we knew I was ovulating just fine. I had the HSG test, it was normal. HSG tests are done mid cycle, around ovulation time. I ovulated the day after the HSG (I was charting)and got a BFP 10 days later! No need for IUI. They do say one can be more fertile afte an HSG test as it can open things up a bit.
<br />After our daughter was born we never avoided pregnancy but we did not TTC either. I breastfed for a year and that can lower fertility. When our daughter was 18 months old we started thinking about another baby. I started charting and using OPK. One day on impulse I called the RE office and they set me up with an appointment the following week! Again I was ovulating and everything just fine so we decided to try natural IUI. It was the start of my cycle so we decided to jump right in and do IUI that cycle. I had just had a great CF check up with 87% PFT's. I really felt it was time to have another baby while my heath was doing so well. We did IUI with no fertility drugs and got pg that cycle.
<br />Looking back at my TTC journey, it seems I am pretty fertile aside from thick CM. When there have been factors to thin out (antibiotics), move (HSG) or bypass (IUI) the CM I have been able to easliy get pg.
<br />Best of luck to you!
<br />Anne 28 with cf