Can We Discuss CM?


New member
My CM is very abnormal. Jake and I tried to conceive for 3 years naturally without any luck...

Sometimes my CM is even yellowish/greenish post ovulation. I have been tested for all kinds of bacterial infections yet everything always comes up normal.

I ovulate monthly with normal cycles yet I never got pregnant. I had been to 2 different fertility clinics and 1 high-risk OB/GYN. All agreed the IUI would have done the trick; however, my husband wouldn't hear of it...

It all depends on how much time you don't mind waiting for something to happen that may never happen without assistance.


New member
My CM is very abnormal. Jake and I tried to conceive for 3 years naturally without any luck...

Sometimes my CM is even yellowish/greenish post ovulation. I have been tested for all kinds of bacterial infections yet everything always comes up normal.

I ovulate monthly with normal cycles yet I never got pregnant. I had been to 2 different fertility clinics and 1 high-risk OB/GYN. All agreed the IUI would have done the trick; however, my husband wouldn't hear of it...

It all depends on how much time you don't mind waiting for something to happen that may never happen without assistance.


New member
My CM is very abnormal. Jake and I tried to conceive for 3 years naturally without any luck...

Sometimes my CM is even yellowish/greenish post ovulation. I have been tested for all kinds of bacterial infections yet everything always comes up normal.

I ovulate monthly with normal cycles yet I never got pregnant. I had been to 2 different fertility clinics and 1 high-risk OB/GYN. All agreed the IUI would have done the trick; however, my husband wouldn't hear of it...

It all depends on how much time you don't mind waiting for something to happen that may never happen without assistance.


New member
My CM is very abnormal. Jake and I tried to conceive for 3 years naturally without any luck...

Sometimes my CM is even yellowish/greenish post ovulation. I have been tested for all kinds of bacterial infections yet everything always comes up normal.

I ovulate monthly with normal cycles yet I never got pregnant. I had been to 2 different fertility clinics and 1 high-risk OB/GYN. All agreed the IUI would have done the trick; however, my husband wouldn't hear of it...

It all depends on how much time you don't mind waiting for something to happen that may never happen without assistance.


New member
My CM is very abnormal. Jake and I tried to conceive for 3 years naturally without any luck...
<br />
<br />Sometimes my CM is even yellowish/greenish post ovulation. I have been tested for all kinds of bacterial infections yet everything always comes up normal.
<br />
<br />I ovulate monthly with normal cycles yet I never got pregnant. I had been to 2 different fertility clinics and 1 high-risk OB/GYN. All agreed the IUI would have done the trick; however, my husband wouldn't hear of it...
<br />
<br />It all depends on how much time you don't mind waiting for something to happen that may never happen without assistance.



Just wanted to share my story. After trying for a little less than 3 years we got pregnant. My mistake is not going to a RE right away. I saw a couple of OB's (we moved) and they just kept putting me on Clomid. No one ever said anything about CM. But I suspected that could be a problem, just from my experience with yearly check-ups. When we finally saw an RE they suggested IVF. I didn't want that. So new RE. He put me on Metformin b/c of maybe poly cystic ovary syndrome. And then we started clomid again. OUr plan was to do IUI's but we kept missing the right time. Finally I stopped Clomid and just did an ovulation Predictor kit, we went in a did the iui and Wham I was finally pregnant! (I was also doing acupunture for almost a year - not sure how that played into it). SO I don't know if it was the IUI, Metformin, all of it or Luck?

Now we are trying for number two. We are on our 2nd IUI. No metformin this time - for first time in life I am regular after period started again after brestfeeding. However, I think I still may need the metformin. We are doing Clomid.

I am 33 turning 34 in March.

I wish you luck.



Just wanted to share my story. After trying for a little less than 3 years we got pregnant. My mistake is not going to a RE right away. I saw a couple of OB's (we moved) and they just kept putting me on Clomid. No one ever said anything about CM. But I suspected that could be a problem, just from my experience with yearly check-ups. When we finally saw an RE they suggested IVF. I didn't want that. So new RE. He put me on Metformin b/c of maybe poly cystic ovary syndrome. And then we started clomid again. OUr plan was to do IUI's but we kept missing the right time. Finally I stopped Clomid and just did an ovulation Predictor kit, we went in a did the iui and Wham I was finally pregnant! (I was also doing acupunture for almost a year - not sure how that played into it). SO I don't know if it was the IUI, Metformin, all of it or Luck?

Now we are trying for number two. We are on our 2nd IUI. No metformin this time - for first time in life I am regular after period started again after brestfeeding. However, I think I still may need the metformin. We are doing Clomid.

I am 33 turning 34 in March.

I wish you luck.



Just wanted to share my story. After trying for a little less than 3 years we got pregnant. My mistake is not going to a RE right away. I saw a couple of OB's (we moved) and they just kept putting me on Clomid. No one ever said anything about CM. But I suspected that could be a problem, just from my experience with yearly check-ups. When we finally saw an RE they suggested IVF. I didn't want that. So new RE. He put me on Metformin b/c of maybe poly cystic ovary syndrome. And then we started clomid again. OUr plan was to do IUI's but we kept missing the right time. Finally I stopped Clomid and just did an ovulation Predictor kit, we went in a did the iui and Wham I was finally pregnant! (I was also doing acupunture for almost a year - not sure how that played into it). SO I don't know if it was the IUI, Metformin, all of it or Luck?

Now we are trying for number two. We are on our 2nd IUI. No metformin this time - for first time in life I am regular after period started again after brestfeeding. However, I think I still may need the metformin. We are doing Clomid.

I am 33 turning 34 in March.

I wish you luck.



Just wanted to share my story. After trying for a little less than 3 years we got pregnant. My mistake is not going to a RE right away. I saw a couple of OB's (we moved) and they just kept putting me on Clomid. No one ever said anything about CM. But I suspected that could be a problem, just from my experience with yearly check-ups. When we finally saw an RE they suggested IVF. I didn't want that. So new RE. He put me on Metformin b/c of maybe poly cystic ovary syndrome. And then we started clomid again. OUr plan was to do IUI's but we kept missing the right time. Finally I stopped Clomid and just did an ovulation Predictor kit, we went in a did the iui and Wham I was finally pregnant! (I was also doing acupunture for almost a year - not sure how that played into it). SO I don't know if it was the IUI, Metformin, all of it or Luck?

Now we are trying for number two. We are on our 2nd IUI. No metformin this time - for first time in life I am regular after period started again after brestfeeding. However, I think I still may need the metformin. We are doing Clomid.

I am 33 turning 34 in March.

I wish you luck.



Just wanted to share my story. After trying for a little less than 3 years we got pregnant. My mistake is not going to a RE right away. I saw a couple of OB's (we moved) and they just kept putting me on Clomid. No one ever said anything about CM. But I suspected that could be a problem, just from my experience with yearly check-ups. When we finally saw an RE they suggested IVF. I didn't want that. So new RE. He put me on Metformin b/c of maybe poly cystic ovary syndrome. And then we started clomid again. OUr plan was to do IUI's but we kept missing the right time. Finally I stopped Clomid and just did an ovulation Predictor kit, we went in a did the iui and Wham I was finally pregnant! (I was also doing acupunture for almost a year - not sure how that played into it). SO I don't know if it was the IUI, Metformin, all of it or Luck?

Now we are trying for number two. We are on our 2nd IUI. No metformin this time - for first time in life I am regular after period started again after brestfeeding. However, I think I still may need the metformin. We are doing Clomid.

I am 33 turning 34 in March.

I wish you luck.


I would like to talk to you, I am also 34 and ttc. I have tried several iui's with no success.


I would like to talk to you, I am also 34 and ttc. I have tried several iui's with no success.


I would like to talk to you, I am also 34 and ttc. I have tried several iui's with no success.


I would like to talk to you, I am also 34 and ttc. I have tried several iui's with no success.


I would like to talk to you, I am also 34 and ttc. I have tried several iui's with no success.