Carriers Having Babies


New member
My husband and I are both carriers, our first child together was born with DDF508, and we are also conflicted about having any more children. I can't seem to wrap my mind around risking it, but am heartbroken at the thought of not having more children.


New member
My husband and I are both carriers, our first child together was born with DDF508, and we are also conflicted about having any more children. I can't seem to wrap my mind around risking it, but am heartbroken at the thought of not having more children.


New member
My husband and I are both carriers, our first child together was born with DDF508, and we are also conflicted about having any more children. I can't seem to wrap my mind around risking it, but am heartbroken at the thought of not having more children.


It is an incredibly difficult and personal decision to choose to continue to have biological children (without fertility + pgd help) when knowing you are both carriers. This is a sticky "hot" topic and people can get very intense about this issue.

"Risking" it means that if the odds don't go your way, you wind up not only with a child who could potentially be very sickly and will certainly deal with treatments and hospital stays galore.... but you have the guilt of KNOWING that you knew and didn't do anything about it. I couldn't live with that guilt. I feel guilty enough that I gave this disease to my child -- guilty that having two boys wasn't enough, that I really wanted one more.

Ultimately, no one can make the decision, but you and your spouse. Make it wisely and be well informed.


It is an incredibly difficult and personal decision to choose to continue to have biological children (without fertility + pgd help) when knowing you are both carriers. This is a sticky "hot" topic and people can get very intense about this issue.

"Risking" it means that if the odds don't go your way, you wind up not only with a child who could potentially be very sickly and will certainly deal with treatments and hospital stays galore.... but you have the guilt of KNOWING that you knew and didn't do anything about it. I couldn't live with that guilt. I feel guilty enough that I gave this disease to my child -- guilty that having two boys wasn't enough, that I really wanted one more.

Ultimately, no one can make the decision, but you and your spouse. Make it wisely and be well informed.


It is an incredibly difficult and personal decision to choose to continue to have biological children (without fertility + pgd help) when knowing you are both carriers. This is a sticky "hot" topic and people can get very intense about this issue.
<br />
<br />"Risking" it means that if the odds don't go your way, you wind up not only with a child who could potentially be very sickly and will certainly deal with treatments and hospital stays galore.... but you have the guilt of KNOWING that you knew and didn't do anything about it. I couldn't live with that guilt. I feel guilty enough that I gave this disease to my child -- guilty that having two boys wasn't enough, that I really wanted one more.
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<br />Ultimately, no one can make the decision, but you and your spouse. Make it wisely and be well informed.


New member
We have 1 little girl without CF. She's almost 5 and adorable. We found out that my husband was a carrier when I was pregnant ( we knew that it was likey I was b/c my sister had CF). My daughter was tested at birth, and does not have my husbands mutation. I finally got tested and I have some odd one. But we'd love to have another child. I just don't know.


New member
We have 1 little girl without CF. She's almost 5 and adorable. We found out that my husband was a carrier when I was pregnant ( we knew that it was likey I was b/c my sister had CF). My daughter was tested at birth, and does not have my husbands mutation. I finally got tested and I have some odd one. But we'd love to have another child. I just don't know.


New member
We have 1 little girl without CF. She's almost 5 and adorable. We found out that my husband was a carrier when I was pregnant ( we knew that it was likey I was b/c my sister had CF). My daughter was tested at birth, and does not have my husbands mutation. I finally got tested and I have some odd one. But we'd love to have another child. I just don't know.


Definitely no right answer to this question and a highly personal decision. When our firstborn was dxed, we had no idea we were carriers. We had always wanted alot of children but there was no way we were going to take the chance of giving this to another baby of ours. We chose IVF/PGD and have a healthy 3 year old as a result.

This disease is tough even with all its advancements and its COSTLY in so many ways. If I can prevent the disease beforehand for my children, how could I not?



Definitely no right answer to this question and a highly personal decision. When our firstborn was dxed, we had no idea we were carriers. We had always wanted alot of children but there was no way we were going to take the chance of giving this to another baby of ours. We chose IVF/PGD and have a healthy 3 year old as a result.

This disease is tough even with all its advancements and its COSTLY in so many ways. If I can prevent the disease beforehand for my children, how could I not?



Definitely no right answer to this question and a highly personal decision. When our firstborn was dxed, we had no idea we were carriers. We had always wanted alot of children but there was no way we were going to take the chance of giving this to another baby of ours. We chose IVF/PGD and have a healthy 3 year old as a result.
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<br />This disease is tough even with all its advancements and its COSTLY in so many ways. If I can prevent the disease beforehand for my children, how could I not?
<br />
<br />Megan


New member
i've read about that- can you give some details? On one hand, i kind of feel like not emplanting the "bad" embreos is almost like an abortion. of course on the other hand, if I could prevent having a very sick child...
i'm very on the fence on that issue. what is the cost?


New member
i've read about that- can you give some details? On one hand, i kind of feel like not emplanting the "bad" embreos is almost like an abortion. of course on the other hand, if I could prevent having a very sick child...
i'm very on the fence on that issue. what is the cost?