Cayston nebulizer time is very short with the Altera 2.5 to 3 min. Great!!
However to get to that point you are suppose to use pulmozyme or HTS, to thin and clear out the mucous.
Then do a bonchodilator, Xopenex for me.
After the prep you do the Caystion.
Then comes the clean up at least 12-15 min.
This adds at least 1 hour a day (middle of day) to my neb. time when on Cayston. Thats a additional 168 hours per yr.!!!
This I hope for us CFers Cayston is worth the extra money and time, which most of us do not have a lot of either!!
If we could use the Altera for most meds. this would speed up the process and make it more tolerable as far as time taking Cayston 3 times daily. The Cayston neb.RX has to be at least 4 hrs. apart, or you could coud have toxic levels, if done too close together.
Are we living to take nebulizer treatments or we doing nebulizer treatments to live?? This regards to the time we spend taking nebulizer treatments.
For me I spend 3 1/2-4 1/2(TobI)hours a day doing treatments. Now (we cfers)I am adding at leat 1 hour or more in the middle of the day on my off months from Tobi.
Pari needs to give us a head that will work with the Altera so we can do the Tobi, Cayston and boncholdilator with. This would off set the time for the extra treatment time for Cayston. If the exising head will work but cut some med in 1/2 they need to tell us.
Most CFers are compliant.
If you agree let us be heard!!
Between Cayston and Tobi I (my ins. company is spending $56,000) per yr for these 2 drugs. Thats a lot of money.
I have been only using Cayston for 4 days, expecing great things, If not something visible to me may have to cut it. I will give it a few months.
What has been your experence with Cyaston??
However to get to that point you are suppose to use pulmozyme or HTS, to thin and clear out the mucous.
Then do a bonchodilator, Xopenex for me.
After the prep you do the Caystion.
Then comes the clean up at least 12-15 min.
This adds at least 1 hour a day (middle of day) to my neb. time when on Cayston. Thats a additional 168 hours per yr.!!!
This I hope for us CFers Cayston is worth the extra money and time, which most of us do not have a lot of either!!
If we could use the Altera for most meds. this would speed up the process and make it more tolerable as far as time taking Cayston 3 times daily. The Cayston neb.RX has to be at least 4 hrs. apart, or you could coud have toxic levels, if done too close together.
Are we living to take nebulizer treatments or we doing nebulizer treatments to live?? This regards to the time we spend taking nebulizer treatments.
For me I spend 3 1/2-4 1/2(TobI)hours a day doing treatments. Now (we cfers)I am adding at leat 1 hour or more in the middle of the day on my off months from Tobi.
Pari needs to give us a head that will work with the Altera so we can do the Tobi, Cayston and boncholdilator with. This would off set the time for the extra treatment time for Cayston. If the exising head will work but cut some med in 1/2 they need to tell us.
Most CFers are compliant.
If you agree let us be heard!!
Between Cayston and Tobi I (my ins. company is spending $56,000) per yr for these 2 drugs. Thats a lot of money.
I have been only using Cayston for 4 days, expecing great things, If not something visible to me may have to cut it. I will give it a few months.
What has been your experence with Cyaston??