

New member
Hi I am a close firend of Chris (ccflewallen). He deeply cares for people and would not say things to mean anything bad. What I think he meant when talking to Win Ace was that "for him" he feels as though God is the reason he is as healthy as he is. He also feels like God keeps him healthy because he asks Him to, and because he believes God can heal. Chris also knows that Gos does not play favorites and that he can heal others too. I too, see how what he said could have been misinterpreted though, but he is a good person. I too believe that we have to seek for Gods guidance and believe that He can and will help us. We have to choose how we handle our situations. What CHris should have said I guess is that is the way he handles his situation, and that I hope you can find a way to handle yours that brings you through it. Anyway, I wish the best for WinAce as well.



New member
I've read both the topics in question, and find them extremely entertaining. As an adult, though, I'm sure Chris can speak for himself without needing his views clarified by others.

Now, whether he feels that God, the invisible pink unicorn, the flying spaghetti monster, his invisible healing wizard friend from when he was 6 years old, etc. is responsible for his health is up to him. As the saying goes, you can point someone to reason, but you can't make them think. Bringing up such notions to people who not only don't buy such pie-in-the-sky BS, but consider it an irrational waste of time, however, is markedly unhelpful at best, and intellectually insulting at worst. I am still not fully decided on whether a "Noble Lie" can ever be justified, if it works (say, by the placebo effect), but these lies in particular are neither noble, nor effective.

Have a good day.


New member
So Winace, how about an update? Are you feeling better to any degree and have the fevers subsided?
We hope all is well.


New member
I will post an update on my journal at <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> in a few minutes. The pain is definitely down, but there are lingering issues that will likely keep me in the hospital for a few more days. On the plus side, tonight will be that blood culture's "put up or shut up" time (48 hours since the fever spiked at its heighest, where, if there was an untreatable and 99% guaranteed fatal bacterial infection, it will show up or indicate there wasn't.)

I would have posted this on the thread asking about me, too, but it got sidetracked and locked. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
Thank you for that update. We will all be either hoping/wishing/praying that the blood test will indicate no new bacterial infection. Keep us updated please.


New member

someone told me that there was a news thing about you with you in it on your local new channel. I was wondernig the site to locate it and watch it. I would love to see it. I am glad to hear that your fever is gone and hope that it stays that way and that there is no infection as well. Good luck!!!


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Win Ace
I am the one that told Emilee about the link to the live newscast because I saw it, but for the life of me I cant remember which post it was one & with all the heated discussions lost my patience looking. Do you remember?