New member
Hi I am a close firend of Chris (ccflewallen). He deeply cares for people and would not say things to mean anything bad. What I think he meant when talking to Win Ace was that "for him" he feels as though God is the reason he is as healthy as he is. He also feels like God keeps him healthy because he asks Him to, and because he believes God can heal. Chris also knows that Gos does not play favorites and that he can heal others too. I too, see how what he said could have been misinterpreted though, but he is a good person. I too believe that we have to seek for Gods guidance and believe that He can and will help us. We have to choose how we handle our situations. What CHris should have said I guess is that is the way he handles his situation, and that I hope you can find a way to handle yours that brings you through it. Anyway, I wish the best for WinAce as well.