
New member
Hi Kylie
Yes, i ll do dialysis at home every night for 8 hours.Next Monday i ll go to the hospital for a surgery and to learn (me and my family) how we will make the dialysis.
The good think is after this i can eat everything i want .But i can't drink over 1,8 lit water per day.
And i have to be carefull with my cf, to protect myself from infections so to be ready for tx in May (if God helps...)
Bye and thanks


New member
How does creatine affect your kidneys?. I have taken creatine powder many times to help with workouts I hope I didn't do any damage to myself. What causes creatines levels to rise?

I read that as a person ages the body produces less creatine.

Dave 29 w/cf


New member
HI Dave
I am sorry,but i don't know how i can help you.
I don't know if creatin as powder can damage your kidneys.I don't know for sure if my kidneys are damaged because of medication.High creatin levels are a sign of kidneys failure.
Ask your doctor for sure.
Thank you and good luck
28 y/o with cf and kidneys failure.


New member
I read a lot about curcumin in this forum and i found from a company named "vitacost" a curcumin 900 mg.I didn't get them yet.I want to ask in this forum any sugestions. I am desperate because of my cf and kidneys condition.But i am afraid taking them. i don't know if there are side effects especialy with my kidneys problem. I asked my doctor but he told me "let me see, bring me the curcumin here and etc"


New member
i really dont know if taking it is a good idea. you are not suppose to take it if you have liver problems, so i dont know if it would be the same for kidney problems. personally, i wouldnt take it if my liver or kidneys were comprimised in some way.


New member
Hi Kylie
Thanks for the advice.
I am in hospital right now.Today i ll do a surgery for preparation.And from tomorrow i will begin bood dialysis.It's a new method and i will be able to do it at home.
I am a scared a bit.The good news is that both of my parents can donate me a kidney.Now the doctors make tests to my grandmother and grandfather.
I ll sent you my news every day.
It's a big help for me to now that i can share my problems with somebody else who can feel my situation.
thak you and good luck to all of us


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I'll say a prayer for you today that everything will go well for you
God Bless you too!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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I am still in hospital.I did yeaterday this operation(did it twice ,because the first time didn't work.Lucky me)
I began blood dialysis right away and today i ll do a lot of tests .
<b>today i have my birthday.(lucky me birthday in hospital) I am 29 years old now</b>
The doctors said they i am the first CFer in Greece with kidneys failure.Once again lucky.
To be continued.....

God bless all of us


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<i>thamk you Kylie</i>
You are welcome to "my birthday party in Hospital".It's going to last all night long!!!
Thank you very much.


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New member
Hi ...
I am still in hospital, but i am feeling a lot better right now.My clinical condition look's better. I am runing tests for osteoporosis.I ll begin adek's vitamin , allready taking mycomist and the doctors will try to have me in the better condition to be ready for my kidneys tx next May.My mother is the donator.
I want to be optimist, and that everything will be just fine for me.Like a greek sunshine!!<img src="i/expressions/sun.gif" border="0">
Thank you everybody in this forum and let god help all of us


New member
Hi everybody..
after 10 days in Hospital i had my answers.The reason for my kidneys problem was wrong and strong medication for cf.They didn't told me more details but that's wat the doctors said.
I got pseudomonas from the hospital.
i gain 3,5 kg from the blood dialydis(sugar in it)
i am tired from the 10 days in the hospital


New member
i feel lonely in this problem of mine.As i can see only i have cf and kidneys failure.I never had diabetes.
I sent another mail asking if anybody else had kidneys transplant...but i had no answer
My doctors told me that we are ready for kidney tx next summer ( if i ll have a "good" winter with the less problems)
How dangerous can be this for me?
Do i have other options?
Can we do something better?
I have a lot of questions with no answer.I need second opinions.It's hard for me to "walk alone a road totaly unknown to me"
I am still in hospital....


New member
The hospital post a message in the official hospital's site asking for help around the world.They never had any CF patient with kidney's failure.
I am very scared.....
I must believe in a miracle....
Thank you everybody.This is my last e-mail posted because i believe that this forum is the best way to take a CFer courage to go on in life.
My story is a sad one.
I have been all my life a happy face,smiling and trying to live day after day with love( that is the way i ll try to live and after this...)
Thank you everybody who respond on my e-mails
and good luck to all of you
wishing the best for all
with love from Greece


New member
well your hospital asking for help from others is a good start. its good to know they are not going to attempt things on their own. im sure you are in good hands and that everything will go fine. hang in there olympus and get super healthy for that transplant!


New member
I am touched by your story.

Just hang on in there. Everything will work out fine. Don't have too much fear within.

We will always pray for your health..You might not read this but wherever you are, our warms thoughts will accompany you.


New member
Living with CF, we all have our good & bad days emotionally. It's OK to have a bad day. The key for me is to tell myself to buck up & try to stay positive. This is just my belief, but I know that God has His plan for me & my worrying isn't going to change that, I just try to trust in Him. It's easy for me to say that now, down the road as things may worsten, I may not be so trusting, who knows? Again, this is just my belief & I'm entitled to it, I'm not trying to stir up controversy there, but I can tell from your emails, Olympus that I think you have the same faith. I can also tell that you try to be a positive person too, which is good. You'll pull thru this.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
Hang in there. I wish I knew someone who had had a kidney tx that I could have respond to your email. I read about people (non CFers) in newspapers, etc & as far as I know they do OK afterwards.
We're all pulling/praying for you. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">