
New member
He's actually the director of the CF Foundation Connecticut chapter. Name is Paul Drury. Last I heard, he was doing wonderfully. His brother Carl was a living donor for him, and gave up one of his kidneys.


New member
He's actually the director of the CF Foundation Connecticut chapter. Name is Paul Drury. Last I heard, he was doing wonderfully. His brother Carl was a living donor for him, and gave up one of his kidneys.


New member
Thank you Emily...
You gave me hope.....hope that i needed the most right now.
If there is a way to contact Paul, please let me know.I am very confused with my doctors about CF and kidney's transplant.
Thank you again.. and i wish the best for you.
With love from Greece Olympus


New member
Thank you Emily...
You gave me hope.....hope that i needed the most right now.
If there is a way to contact Paul, please let me know.I am very confused with my doctors about CF and kidney's transplant.
Thank you again.. and i wish the best for you.
With love from Greece Olympus


New member
Hey, it's me, "AbsintheSorrow." I'm glad I could help! I can't find an exact email, but if you go to this address and fill out the page, you can send Paul an email through here. Try it, see if it works.
<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Hey, it's me, "AbsintheSorrow." I'm glad I could help! I can't find an exact email, but if you go to this address and fill out the page, you can send Paul an email through here. Try it, see if it works.
<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">