CF & Asthma


New member
Joshua had his appointment with his CF doctors this morning. I have been very concerned, as he has had a miserable sounding cough for the past 4 weeks. Augmentin was prescribed for 10 days, with no change. In the past, it has always helped. His X-rays this morning showed hyperinflated lungs, his pulm said that it shows that he has asthma. They immediately started him on Prednisone, Xopenex, and Flovent. Does anyone else have experience with a young child with CF having an asthma diagnosis?? I am just looking for some advice/support on what to expect. His med list is starting to look very overwhelming <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
Joshua had his appointment with his CF doctors this morning. I have been very concerned, as he has had a miserable sounding cough for the past 4 weeks. Augmentin was prescribed for 10 days, with no change. In the past, it has always helped. His X-rays this morning showed hyperinflated lungs, his pulm said that it shows that he has asthma. They immediately started him on Prednisone, Xopenex, and Flovent. Does anyone else have experience with a young child with CF having an asthma diagnosis?? I am just looking for some advice/support on what to expect. His med list is starting to look very overwhelming <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
Joshua had his appointment with his CF doctors this morning. I have been very concerned, as he has had a miserable sounding cough for the past 4 weeks. Augmentin was prescribed for 10 days, with no change. In the past, it has always helped. His X-rays this morning showed hyperinflated lungs, his pulm said that it shows that he has asthma. They immediately started him on Prednisone, Xopenex, and Flovent. Does anyone else have experience with a young child with CF having an asthma diagnosis?? I am just looking for some advice/support on what to expect. His med list is starting to look very overwhelming <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
Joshua had his appointment with his CF doctors this morning. I have been very concerned, as he has had a miserable sounding cough for the past 4 weeks. Augmentin was prescribed for 10 days, with no change. In the past, it has always helped. His X-rays this morning showed hyperinflated lungs, his pulm said that it shows that he has asthma. They immediately started him on Prednisone, Xopenex, and Flovent. Does anyone else have experience with a young child with CF having an asthma diagnosis?? I am just looking for some advice/support on what to expect. His med list is starting to look very overwhelming <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
Joshua had his appointment with his CF doctors this morning. I have been very concerned, as he has had a miserable sounding cough for the past 4 weeks. Augmentin was prescribed for 10 days, with no change. In the past, it has always helped. His X-rays this morning showed hyperinflated lungs, his pulm said that it shows that he has asthma. They immediately started him on Prednisone, Xopenex, and Flovent. Does anyone else have experience with a young child with CF having an asthma diagnosis?? I am just looking for some advice/support on what to expect. His med list is starting to look very overwhelming <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


My daughter also has asthma on top of the cf. She mainly has issues with asthma when she's sick. She's never had an asthma attack, she just deals with a lot of night time coughing when she's sick. She takes albuterol and symbicort for the asthma part. Let me know what kind of questions you have, maybe I can help..

Tracey, mom to Sydney 8 w/cf & asthma - Seth, 4, w/cf - Both ddf508


My daughter also has asthma on top of the cf. She mainly has issues with asthma when she's sick. She's never had an asthma attack, she just deals with a lot of night time coughing when she's sick. She takes albuterol and symbicort for the asthma part. Let me know what kind of questions you have, maybe I can help..

Tracey, mom to Sydney 8 w/cf & asthma - Seth, 4, w/cf - Both ddf508


My daughter also has asthma on top of the cf. She mainly has issues with asthma when she's sick. She's never had an asthma attack, she just deals with a lot of night time coughing when she's sick. She takes albuterol and symbicort for the asthma part. Let me know what kind of questions you have, maybe I can help..

Tracey, mom to Sydney 8 w/cf & asthma - Seth, 4, w/cf - Both ddf508


My daughter also has asthma on top of the cf. She mainly has issues with asthma when she's sick. She's never had an asthma attack, she just deals with a lot of night time coughing when she's sick. She takes albuterol and symbicort for the asthma part. Let me know what kind of questions you have, maybe I can help..

Tracey, mom to Sydney 8 w/cf & asthma - Seth, 4, w/cf - Both ddf508


My daughter also has asthma on top of the cf. She mainly has issues with asthma when she's sick. She's never had an asthma attack, she just deals with a lot of night time coughing when she's sick. She takes albuterol and symbicort for the asthma part. Let me know what kind of questions you have, maybe I can help..
<br />
<br />Tracey, mom to Sydney 8 w/cf & asthma - Seth, 4, w/cf - Both ddf508


New member
Some people have a strong asthma component to their cf (not a separate condition per se, it's just one of the ways cf can impact the respiratory system.) Some cf centers/individual drs are much more informed about this than others. Fortunately, our clinic is one of the more informed ones, since Emily has significant issues with this.

The 'asthma' component in very simple terms comes down to problems with chronic inflammation in the airways. Like your son, Emily had a very nasty illness almost a yr ago requiring a few rounds of Prednisone to help her get over it when the abx just were not working. It was a different kind of cough than what we had ever seen before. After she responded well to that, but needed it again with her next illness we decided to start Pulmicort for the duration of the illness (a nebulized steroid) and then Flovent (by inhaler) for daily use. It's made a dramatic difference for her. Keeping the inflammation down has allowed her to recover from illness and congestion quicker since she can cough stuff up better.

What to expect: oral prednisone makes Emily cranky and once she starts feeling a little better, she can be quite the insomniac. These are very common side effects of prednisone. It can also cause increased appetite, which I consider to be a positive side effect given our kids can lose so much weight when they are sick. I assume Joshua will only be on prednisone for the short term. We have no experience with Xopenex but it's my understanding that it's a bronchodilator similar to albuteral, which Emily does fine with. Flovent Emily does fine with as well. In case they never told you- make sure that you have him rinse his mouth out well (and spit, not swallow- if possible... I know he's little) after he uses it, since oral steroids can cause thrush.

I hope these meds help Joshua... I can well imagine how overwhelming it would feel to add all that at once! Emily has 4 different inhaled meds but we fortunately added them one at a time so we were able to gradually get used to them.


New member
Some people have a strong asthma component to their cf (not a separate condition per se, it's just one of the ways cf can impact the respiratory system.) Some cf centers/individual drs are much more informed about this than others. Fortunately, our clinic is one of the more informed ones, since Emily has significant issues with this.

The 'asthma' component in very simple terms comes down to problems with chronic inflammation in the airways. Like your son, Emily had a very nasty illness almost a yr ago requiring a few rounds of Prednisone to help her get over it when the abx just were not working. It was a different kind of cough than what we had ever seen before. After she responded well to that, but needed it again with her next illness we decided to start Pulmicort for the duration of the illness (a nebulized steroid) and then Flovent (by inhaler) for daily use. It's made a dramatic difference for her. Keeping the inflammation down has allowed her to recover from illness and congestion quicker since she can cough stuff up better.

What to expect: oral prednisone makes Emily cranky and once she starts feeling a little better, she can be quite the insomniac. These are very common side effects of prednisone. It can also cause increased appetite, which I consider to be a positive side effect given our kids can lose so much weight when they are sick. I assume Joshua will only be on prednisone for the short term. We have no experience with Xopenex but it's my understanding that it's a bronchodilator similar to albuteral, which Emily does fine with. Flovent Emily does fine with as well. In case they never told you- make sure that you have him rinse his mouth out well (and spit, not swallow- if possible... I know he's little) after he uses it, since oral steroids can cause thrush.

I hope these meds help Joshua... I can well imagine how overwhelming it would feel to add all that at once! Emily has 4 different inhaled meds but we fortunately added them one at a time so we were able to gradually get used to them.


New member
Some people have a strong asthma component to their cf (not a separate condition per se, it's just one of the ways cf can impact the respiratory system.) Some cf centers/individual drs are much more informed about this than others. Fortunately, our clinic is one of the more informed ones, since Emily has significant issues with this.

The 'asthma' component in very simple terms comes down to problems with chronic inflammation in the airways. Like your son, Emily had a very nasty illness almost a yr ago requiring a few rounds of Prednisone to help her get over it when the abx just were not working. It was a different kind of cough than what we had ever seen before. After she responded well to that, but needed it again with her next illness we decided to start Pulmicort for the duration of the illness (a nebulized steroid) and then Flovent (by inhaler) for daily use. It's made a dramatic difference for her. Keeping the inflammation down has allowed her to recover from illness and congestion quicker since she can cough stuff up better.

What to expect: oral prednisone makes Emily cranky and once she starts feeling a little better, she can be quite the insomniac. These are very common side effects of prednisone. It can also cause increased appetite, which I consider to be a positive side effect given our kids can lose so much weight when they are sick. I assume Joshua will only be on prednisone for the short term. We have no experience with Xopenex but it's my understanding that it's a bronchodilator similar to albuteral, which Emily does fine with. Flovent Emily does fine with as well. In case they never told you- make sure that you have him rinse his mouth out well (and spit, not swallow- if possible... I know he's little) after he uses it, since oral steroids can cause thrush.

I hope these meds help Joshua... I can well imagine how overwhelming it would feel to add all that at once! Emily has 4 different inhaled meds but we fortunately added them one at a time so we were able to gradually get used to them.


New member
Some people have a strong asthma component to their cf (not a separate condition per se, it's just one of the ways cf can impact the respiratory system.) Some cf centers/individual drs are much more informed about this than others. Fortunately, our clinic is one of the more informed ones, since Emily has significant issues with this.

The 'asthma' component in very simple terms comes down to problems with chronic inflammation in the airways. Like your son, Emily had a very nasty illness almost a yr ago requiring a few rounds of Prednisone to help her get over it when the abx just were not working. It was a different kind of cough than what we had ever seen before. After she responded well to that, but needed it again with her next illness we decided to start Pulmicort for the duration of the illness (a nebulized steroid) and then Flovent (by inhaler) for daily use. It's made a dramatic difference for her. Keeping the inflammation down has allowed her to recover from illness and congestion quicker since she can cough stuff up better.

What to expect: oral prednisone makes Emily cranky and once she starts feeling a little better, she can be quite the insomniac. These are very common side effects of prednisone. It can also cause increased appetite, which I consider to be a positive side effect given our kids can lose so much weight when they are sick. I assume Joshua will only be on prednisone for the short term. We have no experience with Xopenex but it's my understanding that it's a bronchodilator similar to albuteral, which Emily does fine with. Flovent Emily does fine with as well. In case they never told you- make sure that you have him rinse his mouth out well (and spit, not swallow- if possible... I know he's little) after he uses it, since oral steroids can cause thrush.

I hope these meds help Joshua... I can well imagine how overwhelming it would feel to add all that at once! Emily has 4 different inhaled meds but we fortunately added them one at a time so we were able to gradually get used to them.


New member
Some people have a strong asthma component to their cf (not a separate condition per se, it's just one of the ways cf can impact the respiratory system.) Some cf centers/individual drs are much more informed about this than others. Fortunately, our clinic is one of the more informed ones, since Emily has significant issues with this.
<br />
<br />The 'asthma' component in very simple terms comes down to problems with chronic inflammation in the airways. Like your son, Emily had a very nasty illness almost a yr ago requiring a few rounds of Prednisone to help her get over it when the abx just were not working. It was a different kind of cough than what we had ever seen before. After she responded well to that, but needed it again with her next illness we decided to start Pulmicort for the duration of the illness (a nebulized steroid) and then Flovent (by inhaler) for daily use. It's made a dramatic difference for her. Keeping the inflammation down has allowed her to recover from illness and congestion quicker since she can cough stuff up better.
<br />
<br />What to expect: oral prednisone makes Emily cranky and once she starts feeling a little better, she can be quite the insomniac. These are very common side effects of prednisone. It can also cause increased appetite, which I consider to be a positive side effect given our kids can lose so much weight when they are sick. I assume Joshua will only be on prednisone for the short term. We have no experience with Xopenex but it's my understanding that it's a bronchodilator similar to albuteral, which Emily does fine with. Flovent Emily does fine with as well. In case they never told you- make sure that you have him rinse his mouth out well (and spit, not swallow- if possible... I know he's little) after he uses it, since oral steroids can cause thrush.
<br />
<br />I hope these meds help Joshua... I can well imagine how overwhelming it would feel to add all that at once! Emily has 4 different inhaled meds but we fortunately added them one at a time so we were able to gradually get used to them.


My granddaughter Grayson is 20 mo's and she also has an asthma component to the CF. She takes singulair along with her flovent and albuterol. She also nebs Dornase. She would always wake up wheezing and coughing and they finally checked her for asthma and since starting her meds for that it has gotten alot better. Her doctors said that sometimes that CF and Asthma goes hand and hand.


My granddaughter Grayson is 20 mo's and she also has an asthma component to the CF. She takes singulair along with her flovent and albuterol. She also nebs Dornase. She would always wake up wheezing and coughing and they finally checked her for asthma and since starting her meds for that it has gotten alot better. Her doctors said that sometimes that CF and Asthma goes hand and hand.


My granddaughter Grayson is 20 mo's and she also has an asthma component to the CF. She takes singulair along with her flovent and albuterol. She also nebs Dornase. She would always wake up wheezing and coughing and they finally checked her for asthma and since starting her meds for that it has gotten alot better. Her doctors said that sometimes that CF and Asthma goes hand and hand.


My granddaughter Grayson is 20 mo's and she also has an asthma component to the CF. She takes singulair along with her flovent and albuterol. She also nebs Dornase. She would always wake up wheezing and coughing and they finally checked her for asthma and since starting her meds for that it has gotten alot better. Her doctors said that sometimes that CF and Asthma goes hand and hand.


My granddaughter Grayson is 20 mo's and she also has an asthma component to the CF. She takes singulair along with her flovent and albuterol. She also nebs Dornase. She would always wake up wheezing and coughing and they finally checked her for asthma and since starting her meds for that it has gotten alot better. Her doctors said that sometimes that CF and Asthma goes hand and hand.