CF & Asthma


New member
Hey, I know this is a bit late but I thought I'd share. My son doesn't have allergies and only has flares when sick thus his asthma was labeled "viral". He was diagnosed with CF at the age of two. As he responded to all of his new meds, got his weight up, and generally became "healthier", his asthma flares have pretty much stopped (knock on wood). His team always thought he would grow out of the asthma but we thought it sounded to good to be true and kept him on the Flovent 44mcgs until recently. He's been off of all asthma specific med since December 18th. All of that to say is that it is possible and even common to grow out of asthma and that it's also possible that he won't always be on all of those nebs! I well remember holding my boy down four times a day for all of those nebs! Good luck!


New member
Hey, I know this is a bit late but I thought I'd share. My son doesn't have allergies and only has flares when sick thus his asthma was labeled "viral". He was diagnosed with CF at the age of two. As he responded to all of his new meds, got his weight up, and generally became "healthier", his asthma flares have pretty much stopped (knock on wood). His team always thought he would grow out of the asthma but we thought it sounded to good to be true and kept him on the Flovent 44mcgs until recently. He's been off of all asthma specific med since December 18th. All of that to say is that it is possible and even common to grow out of asthma and that it's also possible that he won't always be on all of those nebs! I well remember holding my boy down four times a day for all of those nebs! Good luck!


New member
Hey, I know this is a bit late but I thought I'd share. My son doesn't have allergies and only has flares when sick thus his asthma was labeled "viral". He was diagnosed with CF at the age of two. As he responded to all of his new meds, got his weight up, and generally became "healthier", his asthma flares have pretty much stopped (knock on wood). His team always thought he would grow out of the asthma but we thought it sounded to good to be true and kept him on the Flovent 44mcgs until recently. He's been off of all asthma specific med since December 18th. All of that to say is that it is possible and even common to grow out of asthma and that it's also possible that he won't always be on all of those nebs! I well remember holding my boy down four times a day for all of those nebs! Good luck!


New member
Hey, I know this is a bit late but I thought I'd share. My son doesn't have allergies and only has flares when sick thus his asthma was labeled "viral". He was diagnosed with CF at the age of two. As he responded to all of his new meds, got his weight up, and generally became "healthier", his asthma flares have pretty much stopped (knock on wood). His team always thought he would grow out of the asthma but we thought it sounded to good to be true and kept him on the Flovent 44mcgs until recently. He's been off of all asthma specific med since December 18th. All of that to say is that it is possible and even common to grow out of asthma and that it's also possible that he won't always be on all of those nebs! I well remember holding my boy down four times a day for all of those nebs! Good luck!


New member
Hey, I know this is a bit late but I thought I'd share. My son doesn't have allergies and only has flares when sick thus his asthma was labeled "viral". He was diagnosed with CF at the age of two. As he responded to all of his new meds, got his weight up, and generally became "healthier", his asthma flares have pretty much stopped (knock on wood). His team always thought he would grow out of the asthma but we thought it sounded to good to be true and kept him on the Flovent 44mcgs until recently. He's been off of all asthma specific med since December 18th. All of that to say is that it is possible and even common to grow out of asthma and that it's also possible that he won't always be on all of those nebs! I well remember holding my boy down four times a day for all of those nebs! Good luck!


I am a little late in the reply department. My daughter has
CF, Asthma, and allergies. The trick is keeping an eye on which one is acting up. The PFT's can catch which one it is
alot of times. She does Xopenex both in the neb and an inhaler. ALso Flovent and at times Prednisone. These keep the asthma in check for the most part. She is also on 23
different types of drugs. I guess over time we just got use to all the drugs. You get in a routine and don't seem to think twice about it. This is our normal.

I know some kids have childhood asthma and can grow out of it by I think age 12. We are past that (almost 17) so hers is with her for life.


I am a little late in the reply department. My daughter has
CF, Asthma, and allergies. The trick is keeping an eye on which one is acting up. The PFT's can catch which one it is
alot of times. She does Xopenex both in the neb and an inhaler. ALso Flovent and at times Prednisone. These keep the asthma in check for the most part. She is also on 23
different types of drugs. I guess over time we just got use to all the drugs. You get in a routine and don't seem to think twice about it. This is our normal.

I know some kids have childhood asthma and can grow out of it by I think age 12. We are past that (almost 17) so hers is with her for life.


I am a little late in the reply department. My daughter has
CF, Asthma, and allergies. The trick is keeping an eye on which one is acting up. The PFT's can catch which one it is
alot of times. She does Xopenex both in the neb and an inhaler. ALso Flovent and at times Prednisone. These keep the asthma in check for the most part. She is also on 23
different types of drugs. I guess over time we just got use to all the drugs. You get in a routine and don't seem to think twice about it. This is our normal.

I know some kids have childhood asthma and can grow out of it by I think age 12. We are past that (almost 17) so hers is with her for life.


I am a little late in the reply department. My daughter has
CF, Asthma, and allergies. The trick is keeping an eye on which one is acting up. The PFT's can catch which one it is
alot of times. She does Xopenex both in the neb and an inhaler. ALso Flovent and at times Prednisone. These keep the asthma in check for the most part. She is also on 23
different types of drugs. I guess over time we just got use to all the drugs. You get in a routine and don't seem to think twice about it. This is our normal.

I know some kids have childhood asthma and can grow out of it by I think age 12. We are past that (almost 17) so hers is with her for life.


I am a little late in the reply department. My daughter has
<br />CF, Asthma, and allergies. The trick is keeping an eye on which one is acting up. The PFT's can catch which one it is
<br />alot of times. She does Xopenex both in the neb and an inhaler. ALso Flovent and at times Prednisone. These keep the asthma in check for the most part. She is also on 23
<br />different types of drugs. I guess over time we just got use to all the drugs. You get in a routine and don't seem to think twice about it. This is our normal.
<br />
<br />I know some kids have childhood asthma and can grow out of it by I think age 12. We are past that (almost 17) so hers is with her for life.