I went to the CFRI camp in Northern California from 1984-1994. I wouldn't trade those memories for the world. And yes, knowing what I know today, I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.
After 1994, I went to college and my summers were "too busy" for camp. They changed the "camp" at CFRI to a "retreat". It's sooooo different. There are individual hotel rooms onsite (no cabins anymore) and the "camp" idea is no more. No kids allowed. I think you have to be at least 15 years old to go. (I'm not positive)
I visited once for a day in 2005, and it was so good to see familiar faces. Unfortunately upon arrival I was told no children were allowed at the facility, and I had my 10 month old twins with me. Even the director of the retreat didn't know this. I was able to stay that day, but it's hard for me to get up there now, since I am the weekday, daytime care provider to the twins. I might make time next year. It's a great group of people. I miss them dearly.