I'll try answer your question. I live in the UK.
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<br />If you work, how much tax you pay depends on how much you earn. You also pay national insurance if you earn enough. I think that also depends on how much you earn. I can't give you exact figure though as i'm doing a phd and therefore don't pay tax.
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<br />ALL inpatient care is free on the National health Service (NHS). All outpatient care is also free (except the dentist and opticians). In England prescriptions are a set value of ~$12 per item. However i buy a yearly card which is about ~$200 and covers everything, no matter how much you get. If you don't earn much you don't have to pay. In wales prescriptions are free, in scotland they will be free by 2012 i think. There are benefits available to people with CF irrespective of how much they earn. It is called the disability living allowance. It has three levels in two parts (careers and motability) from $30 a week to $140 a week for each i think (perhaps more i'm not sure). It is judged on how ill the powers that be deem you to be. The motability component can get you a car. one of my friends has a convertable. It's widely known to be very unfair and depends on who read your form that day *sigh*. You can appeal any decision, it's a constant source of frustration - i only get low level (but i'm healthy), but i'd fear applying for more incase i lost what i'm already getting. For me it's more a luxery though - i don't depend on it. but other people do and it's a ridiculous system.
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<br />If you don't earn there are many benefits available to you: incapacity benefit, housing allowance (i can't think of them all as i work and don't recieve any). Anyway you can live okay on them, i have friends who do. Either way you never have to worry about getting the care and medicine you need as that IS free. Alot of people find it is better to quit work and recieve benefits and work hours and struggle.
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<br />Medicine available in the UK.
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<br />TOBI, DNase, creon, and all the rest. So YES, you can get these expensive drugs!
<br />I have an eflow which my unit gave me. I know some people have had to buy them (it depends which unit you go to and how much money that unit has i guess), but more and more people are getting them free now i think.
<br />No, we don't have the vest (but they are trialing it in london i think). But you can get acapella, flutters, pep masks, physio beds etc.
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<br />Waiting lists: I've never had to wait for an operation. I've had two ports fitted, hernias, sinus surgery's and a hemicolectomy. I think waiting lists apply more to the general population for non-emergency things - but as CF patients we are treated very well
There are private based medical hospitals though who will do these surgery's if you can pay. In fenburary i had to wait a week for a bed on our CF ward. It was the middle of a horrible winter and all the beds were gone (we have 11 beds on a specialist CF ward). I've heard it got a bit worse and they were having to send patients who weren't as ill to general respiratory wards. However a solution is in sight, our hospital is currently building a brand new 22 bed specialist ward. on the NHS. nice.
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<br />You'll never have to pay a thing for a transplant. The only thing you have to worry about there is whether one will come as our donor rates are ridiculously low, but at least you don't have to worry about paying for it on top of that. The only reasons you'd have for not getting one are medical, not monetary.
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<br />So yes the system has flaws, however, no matter how much or little money you have, you never have to worry about having enough money to pay for treatment and medicines....which i think is brilliant.
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<br />I stayed in america for 3 months 2 years ago. I got insurance with the people i worked with or i wouldn't have been able to go. Despite this i took 3 months worth of medicines from the UK with me as if i'd got it in america off the insurance i was on, i would have had to pay what i considered a ridiculous amount. I did not notice any difference in the standard of care when i visited the hosptial for clinic visits.
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