CF causing severe depression.



Hi I am 16 and for the past two years I have become more unhealthy and have had a lot of hospitalizations. I have had an increasingly difficult problem with depression. I found out a year ago that I have severe clinical depression. I have a hard time dealing with emotions on a day-to-day basis. I don't know if any of you have suggestions or meds that have helped with this. I go to counselling but i haven't really been able to deal with all the raw emotion. I have a big thing with death and being different. I would love to here any suggestions thank you.


Hi I am 16 and for the past two years I have become more unhealthy and have had a lot of hospitalizations. I have had an increasingly difficult problem with depression. I found out a year ago that I have severe clinical depression. I have a hard time dealing with emotions on a day-to-day basis. I don't know if any of you have suggestions or meds that have helped with this. I go to counselling but i haven't really been able to deal with all the raw emotion. I have a big thing with death and being different. I would love to here any suggestions thank you.


Hi I am 16 and for the past two years I have become more unhealthy and have had a lot of hospitalizations. I have had an increasingly difficult problem with depression. I found out a year ago that I have severe clinical depression. I have a hard time dealing with emotions on a day-to-day basis. I don't know if any of you have suggestions or meds that have helped with this. I go to counselling but i haven't really been able to deal with all the raw emotion. I have a big thing with death and being different. I would love to here any suggestions thank you.


Hi I am 16 and for the past two years I have become more unhealthy and have had a lot of hospitalizations. I have had an increasingly difficult problem with depression. I found out a year ago that I have severe clinical depression. I have a hard time dealing with emotions on a day-to-day basis. I don't know if any of you have suggestions or meds that have helped with this. I go to counselling but i haven't really been able to deal with all the raw emotion. I have a big thing with death and being different. I would love to here any suggestions thank you.


Hi I am 16 and for the past two years I have become more unhealthy and have had a lot of hospitalizations. I have had an increasingly difficult problem with depression. I found out a year ago that I have severe clinical depression. I have a hard time dealing with emotions on a day-to-day basis. I don't know if any of you have suggestions or meds that have helped with this. I go to counselling but i haven't really been able to deal with all the raw emotion. I have a big thing with death and being different. I would love to here any suggestions thank you.
<br />Cody


Digital opinion leader
I'm sorry you are going through this Cody. Both my boys are clinically depressed and have been on meds for 5 years. The meds do help. Do you have someone who can prescribe depression meds?

It is so hard to have the energy to take care of yourself when you are depressed. I'm sure there are others who understand.

Thinking of you!


Digital opinion leader
I'm sorry you are going through this Cody. Both my boys are clinically depressed and have been on meds for 5 years. The meds do help. Do you have someone who can prescribe depression meds?

It is so hard to have the energy to take care of yourself when you are depressed. I'm sure there are others who understand.

Thinking of you!


Digital opinion leader
I'm sorry you are going through this Cody. Both my boys are clinically depressed and have been on meds for 5 years. The meds do help. Do you have someone who can prescribe depression meds?

It is so hard to have the energy to take care of yourself when you are depressed. I'm sure there are others who understand.

Thinking of you!


Digital opinion leader
I'm sorry you are going through this Cody. Both my boys are clinically depressed and have been on meds for 5 years. The meds do help. Do you have someone who can prescribe depression meds?

It is so hard to have the energy to take care of yourself when you are depressed. I'm sure there are others who understand.

Thinking of you!


Digital opinion leader
I'm sorry you are going through this Cody. Both my boys are clinically depressed and have been on meds for 5 years. The meds do help. Do you have someone who can prescribe depression meds?
<br />
<br />It is so hard to have the energy to take care of yourself when you are depressed. I'm sure there are others who understand.
<br />
<br />Thinking of you!


New member
The best to get off a depression is not taking any sh*tlouding medicins they prescribe for depression.


New member
The best to get off a depression is not taking any sh*tlouding medicins they prescribe for depression.


New member
The best to get off a depression is not taking any sh*tlouding medicins they prescribe for depression.


New member
The best to get off a depression is not taking any sh*tlouding medicins they prescribe for depression.


New member
The best to get off a depression is not taking any sh*tlouding medicins they prescribe for depression.