Cf && Depression


New member
hi my names coleen im 17 and i do not have c.f but my 16 year old brother did, he often got depressed and didnt no what was going to happen to him and it really dragged him down, he couldnt oncentrate on the life he had at times and would only concentrate on the life he did not have. It was very difficult trying to support my brother sometimes he would cry for days especially after his best friend died of cf when she was only 15. He would refuse his treatment and would say over and over again " i just wont to be normal" but c.f does not determine who you are its something that you deal with. I obviously dont no wat you are going through first hand but i do have an idea. My brother daniel found it helpfull to see a concilour but as a friend rather then a docter and it helped him, yes true not always but it made him smile and live his life to the full, and i no if my brother had a nouther chance at his life he would try and be happy and not be so down on himself. You can and will do it, im sure you are an incredible person. Please try and to think positivly it will make you feel better on the indide aswell. I hope this helps a little bit and i wish you a long and happy life. I no my brother would of liked that.


New member
hi my names coleen im 17 and i do not have c.f but my 16 year old brother did, he often got depressed and didnt no what was going to happen to him and it really dragged him down, he couldnt oncentrate on the life he had at times and would only concentrate on the life he did not have. It was very difficult trying to support my brother sometimes he would cry for days especially after his best friend died of cf when she was only 15. He would refuse his treatment and would say over and over again " i just wont to be normal" but c.f does not determine who you are its something that you deal with. I obviously dont no wat you are going through first hand but i do have an idea. My brother daniel found it helpfull to see a concilour but as a friend rather then a docter and it helped him, yes true not always but it made him smile and live his life to the full, and i no if my brother had a nouther chance at his life he would try and be happy and not be so down on himself. You can and will do it, im sure you are an incredible person. Please try and to think positivly it will make you feel better on the indide aswell. I hope this helps a little bit and i wish you a long and happy life. I no my brother would of liked that.
Thank you for your support everyone.
And coleen thank you so much, i had a younger brother who died from CF when he was 6 and i was 9. That was my best friend.And i know what your sayingthat being depressed does bring you down and make it hard to concentrate. im also having love problems on top of it which are the biggest reason why im depressed. Im sorry to hear about your brother and hope everyone is ok.

Thank you for your support everyone.
And coleen thank you so much, i had a younger brother who died from CF when he was 6 and i was 9. That was my best friend.And i know what your sayingthat being depressed does bring you down and make it hard to concentrate. im also having love problems on top of it which are the biggest reason why im depressed. Im sorry to hear about your brother and hope everyone is ok.

Thank you for your support everyone.
And coleen thank you so much, i had a younger brother who died from CF when he was 6 and i was 9. That was my best friend.And i know what your sayingthat being depressed does bring you down and make it hard to concentrate. im also having love problems on top of it which are the biggest reason why im depressed. Im sorry to hear about your brother and hope everyone is ok.



New member
Hi there! Even though I am an adult I bring one thing that might be helpful. I am a clinical psychologist who sees mostly kids. My family says I still think like a kid so I have the experience of an adult but can walk in both worlds. My son is 14 with cf so I even get that part. So much for me, now onto the concerns about depression. First, the biology of depression is such that if you cannot shake it off thinking about the meds such as zoloft or lexapro is possibly a great idea! Guess what? The stuff works for most people and you really do start to feel better. HEy, I know it is one more pill or liquid to take a day but if it works.... SEcond, do not spend too much alone time. depression requires aloneness to do it's best magic on you. It makes you think that being alone is the right answer but it is the exact opposite answer that is correct. Next, the research says that aerobic exercise helps greatly. Walk bike run swim 45 minutes a day if you can. (For those that can of course) Third, I too am upset about the aloneness that cf puts upon you guys. The cf center's isolate you so it is hard to even be near someone with cf and have a real friendhsip with them. Trust me on this, the rest of the world may say they get it but I am not sure they really do. About your dad, he may be a trainwreck himself from the cf. He may be afrraid to talk about it, or he may not know how to talk about feelings or he may be a jerk. Fathers and mothers come in all size shapes and colors. I know as a fact they wish they had a manual as to how to be the best parent. (I also know they seem to really study the manual for how to be the stupidest parent) Last part for now, there are community mental health centers throughout the USA. Your county has one if you look under mental health in the blue pages you will find it. You do not need your dad to know you are going if you are over 18. It might be better if he went, but go for yourself. Find someone you can see in person. If theydon't get it move onto another person. Also, see someone who sees a ton of kids! They should be able to talk the language of adolesence. (and as in my case, act it) hope this helps! john


New member
Hi there! Even though I am an adult I bring one thing that might be helpful. I am a clinical psychologist who sees mostly kids. My family says I still think like a kid so I have the experience of an adult but can walk in both worlds. My son is 14 with cf so I even get that part. So much for me, now onto the concerns about depression. First, the biology of depression is such that if you cannot shake it off thinking about the meds such as zoloft or lexapro is possibly a great idea! Guess what? The stuff works for most people and you really do start to feel better. HEy, I know it is one more pill or liquid to take a day but if it works.... SEcond, do not spend too much alone time. depression requires aloneness to do it's best magic on you. It makes you think that being alone is the right answer but it is the exact opposite answer that is correct. Next, the research says that aerobic exercise helps greatly. Walk bike run swim 45 minutes a day if you can. (For those that can of course) Third, I too am upset about the aloneness that cf puts upon you guys. The cf center's isolate you so it is hard to even be near someone with cf and have a real friendhsip with them. Trust me on this, the rest of the world may say they get it but I am not sure they really do. About your dad, he may be a trainwreck himself from the cf. He may be afrraid to talk about it, or he may not know how to talk about feelings or he may be a jerk. Fathers and mothers come in all size shapes and colors. I know as a fact they wish they had a manual as to how to be the best parent. (I also know they seem to really study the manual for how to be the stupidest parent) Last part for now, there are community mental health centers throughout the USA. Your county has one if you look under mental health in the blue pages you will find it. You do not need your dad to know you are going if you are over 18. It might be better if he went, but go for yourself. Find someone you can see in person. If theydon't get it move onto another person. Also, see someone who sees a ton of kids! They should be able to talk the language of adolesence. (and as in my case, act it) hope this helps! john


New member
Hi there! Even though I am an adult I bring one thing that might be helpful. I am a clinical psychologist who sees mostly kids. My family says I still think like a kid so I have the experience of an adult but can walk in both worlds. My son is 14 with cf so I even get that part. So much for me, now onto the concerns about depression. First, the biology of depression is such that if you cannot shake it off thinking about the meds such as zoloft or lexapro is possibly a great idea! Guess what? The stuff works for most people and you really do start to feel better. HEy, I know it is one more pill or liquid to take a day but if it works.... SEcond, do not spend too much alone time. depression requires aloneness to do it's best magic on you. It makes you think that being alone is the right answer but it is the exact opposite answer that is correct. Next, the research says that aerobic exercise helps greatly. Walk bike run swim 45 minutes a day if you can. (For those that can of course) Third, I too am upset about the aloneness that cf puts upon you guys. The cf center's isolate you so it is hard to even be near someone with cf and have a real friendhsip with them. Trust me on this, the rest of the world may say they get it but I am not sure they really do. About your dad, he may be a trainwreck himself from the cf. He may be afrraid to talk about it, or he may not know how to talk about feelings or he may be a jerk. Fathers and mothers come in all size shapes and colors. I know as a fact they wish they had a manual as to how to be the best parent. (I also know they seem to really study the manual for how to be the stupidest parent) Last part for now, there are community mental health centers throughout the USA. Your county has one if you look under mental health in the blue pages you will find it. You do not need your dad to know you are going if you are over 18. It might be better if he went, but go for yourself. Find someone you can see in person. If theydon't get it move onto another person. Also, see someone who sees a ton of kids! They should be able to talk the language of adolesence. (and as in my case, act it) hope this helps! john