CF Haiku Contest!


New member
Mommy, why do I
have this tube in my tummy?
None of my friends do.

genetic defect
changing the course of our lives
it doesn't seem fair

It's fundraising time
I write my friends and make calls
Where's all the money?


New member
Mommy, why do I
have this tube in my tummy?
None of my friends do.

genetic defect
changing the course of our lives
it doesn't seem fair

It's fundraising time
I write my friends and make calls
Where's all the money?


New member
Mommy, why do I
have this tube in my tummy?
None of my friends do.

genetic defect
changing the course of our lives
it doesn't seem fair

It's fundraising time
I write my friends and make calls
Where's all the money?


New member
Mommy, why do I
have this tube in my tummy?
None of my friends do.

genetic defect
changing the course of our lives
it doesn't seem fair

It's fundraising time
I write my friends and make calls
Where's all the money?


New member
Mommy, why do I
<br />have this tube in my tummy?
<br />None of my friends do.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />genetic defect
<br />changing the course of our lives
<br />it doesn't seem fair
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />It's fundraising time
<br />I write my friends and make calls
<br />Where's all the money?
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />


New member
you will be sorry
if you confront us re: our
handicapped parking

all of my friends are
having double lung transplants
I am so not cool

CF, you F***er
despite your every effort
You did not get him

Every day I spent with him
because of CF


New member
you will be sorry
if you confront us re: our
handicapped parking

all of my friends are
having double lung transplants
I am so not cool

CF, you F***er
despite your every effort
You did not get him

Every day I spent with him
because of CF


New member
you will be sorry
if you confront us re: our
handicapped parking

all of my friends are
having double lung transplants
I am so not cool

CF, you F***er
despite your every effort
You did not get him

Every day I spent with him
because of CF


New member
you will be sorry
if you confront us re: our
handicapped parking

all of my friends are
having double lung transplants
I am so not cool

CF, you F***er
despite your every effort
You did not get him

Every day I spent with him
because of CF


New member
you will be sorry
<br />if you confront us re: our
<br />handicapped parking
<br />
<br />all of my friends are
<br />having double lung transplants
<br />I am so not cool
<br />
<br />CF, you F***er
<br />despite your every effort
<br />You did not get him
<br />
<br />Appreciated:
<br />Every day I spent with him
<br />because of CF
<br />
<br />
<br />


<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>izemmom</b></i>

A <b>"contest"</b>implies

that there will be prizes, right?

So, who's the winner?</end quote></div>

I was thinking the same thing...though since I was the only one who wrote an authentic Haiku (In Japanese, even), I ought to get first prize. I was wondering what the runners-up were going to receive?!


<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>izemmom</b></i>

A <b>"contest"</b>implies

that there will be prizes, right?

So, who's the winner?</end quote></div>

I was thinking the same thing...though since I was the only one who wrote an authentic Haiku (In Japanese, even), I ought to get first prize. I was wondering what the runners-up were going to receive?!


<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>izemmom</b></i>

A <b>"contest"</b>implies

that there will be prizes, right?

So, who's the winner?</end quote></div>

I was thinking the same thing...though since I was the only one who wrote an authentic Haiku (In Japanese, even), I ought to get first prize. I was wondering what the runners-up were going to receive?!


<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>izemmom</b></i>

A <b>"contest"</b>implies

that there will be prizes, right?

So, who's the winner?</end quote>

I was thinking the same thing...though since I was the only one who wrote an authentic Haiku (In Japanese, even), I ought to get first prize. I was wondering what the runners-up were going to receive?!


<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>izemmom</b></i>
<br />
<br />A <b>"contest"</b>implies
<br />
<br />that there will be prizes, right?
<br />
<br />So, who's the winner?</end quote>
<br />
<br />I was thinking the same thing...though since I was the only one who wrote an authentic Haiku (In Japanese, even), I ought to get first prize. I was wondering what the runners-up were going to receive?!