Cf Medical Bills


New member
I live in Canada. Therefor I dont really pay for anything with my cf. The odd prescription isnt covered, like nasal sprays, and certain antibiotics. But the main medications, like enzymes, tobra, ventolin, saline, vitamins, losec, antibiotics. A full order of that can cost well in the thousands. And hospital admissions can be around $5000 CDN. I know most countries dont have that kind of coverage. Can someone from other countries maybe explain to me how you get these absolute necessities of our CF life covered, cause I know if I had to pay outta my pocket Id be dead by now, plus with most cf's we dont work.



New member
I live in Canada. Therefor I dont really pay for anything with my cf. The odd prescription isnt covered, like nasal sprays, and certain antibiotics. But the main medications, like enzymes, tobra, ventolin, saline, vitamins, losec, antibiotics. A full order of that can cost well in the thousands. And hospital admissions can be around $5000 CDN. I know most countries dont have that kind of coverage. Can someone from other countries maybe explain to me how you get these absolute necessities of our CF life covered, cause I know if I had to pay outta my pocket Id be dead by now, plus with most cf's we dont work.



New member
Good thing I live in the UK where it's paid for <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Good thing I live in the UK where it's paid for <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Hailey is covered by our insurance. All of her stuff is covered with a copay. We did have to pay $7,000 out of pocket last year but that is nothing I am sure compared to what some people have to pay. And only a small portion to pay as compared to if we had no ins.


New member
Hailey is covered by our insurance. All of her stuff is covered with a copay. We did have to pay $7,000 out of pocket last year but that is nothing I am sure compared to what some people have to pay. And only a small portion to pay as compared to if we had no ins.


New member
I too am covered by insurance..but have to pay co pays and stuff... My parents tried to claim me this year on their taxes which was my suggestion, although they can't claim me because I am not labeled as disabled, they had to tell the tax guy how much money they have spent on my medicine, vitamins, and doctor visits. that alone came to over $12,240...

Then they added up other expenses like gas to get me to a doctor appointment that they pay for, car payments and car insurance, and food they pay for me...Bottom line, WITHOUT including rent, cable, internet, water, heat and all those other things that I would have to be paying if I lived on my own.. It was about $26,000 a year...

I also have a massive amount of medical bills that are outstanding...which have recked my credit...but are bills that I have accumulated that are not included in the above number....

I almost passed out when we figured this out..this doesn't include the money they hand me when ever I go out with my friends to have a good time, which they occasionaly do. My dad almost always leaves me gas and lunch money on the table in the morning. I feel so terrible about this, and this is one of the reasons I fight so hard to finish school so I can take on my own expenses. It breaks my heart to see the financial strain I am to my dad and step mom.

CF is not just about how much your medicine and doctor bills cost, but rather, the whole affect on your families financial situation



New member
I too am covered by insurance..but have to pay co pays and stuff... My parents tried to claim me this year on their taxes which was my suggestion, although they can't claim me because I am not labeled as disabled, they had to tell the tax guy how much money they have spent on my medicine, vitamins, and doctor visits. that alone came to over $12,240...

Then they added up other expenses like gas to get me to a doctor appointment that they pay for, car payments and car insurance, and food they pay for me...Bottom line, WITHOUT including rent, cable, internet, water, heat and all those other things that I would have to be paying if I lived on my own.. It was about $26,000 a year...

I also have a massive amount of medical bills that are outstanding...which have recked my credit...but are bills that I have accumulated that are not included in the above number....

I almost passed out when we figured this out..this doesn't include the money they hand me when ever I go out with my friends to have a good time, which they occasionaly do. My dad almost always leaves me gas and lunch money on the table in the morning. I feel so terrible about this, and this is one of the reasons I fight so hard to finish school so I can take on my own expenses. It breaks my heart to see the financial strain I am to my dad and step mom.

CF is not just about how much your medicine and doctor bills cost, but rather, the whole affect on your families financial situation



New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Chad</b></i><br>I live in Canada. Therefor I dont really pay for anything with my cf. The odd prescription isnt covered, like nasal sprays, and certain antibiotics. But the main medications, like enzymes, tobra, ventolin, saline, vitamins, losec, antibiotics. A full order of that can cost well in the thousands. And hospital admissions can be around $5000 CDN. I know most countries dont have that kind of coverage. Can someone from other countries maybe explain to me how you get these absolute necessities of our CF life covered, cause I know if I had to pay outta my pocket Id be dead by now, plus with most cf's we dont work.


Chad - might I enquire as to where in Canada you live? I live in Manitoba, and all of my prescriptions are covered - and I mean everything. My boyfriend and I have been entertianing the idea of moving somewhere else in Canada, and am just wondering what sort of health plan you are on, and what part of Canada?


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Chad</b></i><br>I live in Canada. Therefor I dont really pay for anything with my cf. The odd prescription isnt covered, like nasal sprays, and certain antibiotics. But the main medications, like enzymes, tobra, ventolin, saline, vitamins, losec, antibiotics. A full order of that can cost well in the thousands. And hospital admissions can be around $5000 CDN. I know most countries dont have that kind of coverage. Can someone from other countries maybe explain to me how you get these absolute necessities of our CF life covered, cause I know if I had to pay outta my pocket Id be dead by now, plus with most cf's we dont work.


Chad - might I enquire as to where in Canada you live? I live in Manitoba, and all of my prescriptions are covered - and I mean everything. My boyfriend and I have been entertianing the idea of moving somewhere else in Canada, and am just wondering what sort of health plan you are on, and what part of Canada?


New member

I live in Toronto Ontario. We have OHIP here, and also the CF program here covers pretty much everything. There is the odd drug that isnt covered. If you have anyother form of insurance, like at work or whatever chances are they will cover it. Ive really only had to pay for a couple meds my whole life. But your basics are covered. Enzymes losec adek tobra tobi like I could go on forever. And when your in on admission EVERYTHING is covered by the hospital.

Just ask any more questions about living here if you d like. Even non cf related. Toronto is amazing to live in, some dont like it, but most do.



New member

I live in Toronto Ontario. We have OHIP here, and also the CF program here covers pretty much everything. There is the odd drug that isnt covered. If you have anyother form of insurance, like at work or whatever chances are they will cover it. Ive really only had to pay for a couple meds my whole life. But your basics are covered. Enzymes losec adek tobra tobi like I could go on forever. And when your in on admission EVERYTHING is covered by the hospital.

Just ask any more questions about living here if you d like. Even non cf related. Toronto is amazing to live in, some dont like it, but most do.



New member
Awesome Chad - my msn is I'd love to know more about living in Toronto in regards to CF, etc, as one of the places we were thinkng of was Ontario. My understanding though of some provinces, is that not all CF related things are covered. Some provinces don't cover TOBI, etc. That's my understanding anyway.


New member
Awesome Chad - my msn is I'd love to know more about living in Toronto in regards to CF, etc, as one of the places we were thinkng of was Ontario. My understanding though of some provinces, is that not all CF related things are covered. Some provinces don't cover TOBI, etc. That's my understanding anyway.


New member

Is Tamara still the nurse at the Winnipeg clinic? Dr Kepron was my Dr when I lived there.

I am now in Alberta. Alberta does not pay for Tobi. We have to purhase additional Blue Cross insurance
to cover the cost.



New member

Is Tamara still the nurse at the Winnipeg clinic? Dr Kepron was my Dr when I lived there.

I am now in Alberta. Alberta does not pay for Tobi. We have to purhase additional Blue Cross insurance
to cover the cost.



New member
Hey Charlene!

Dr Kepron is my doc, but Tamara left the Health Science Centre about a year ago. She now works with disabled adults at one of the centres in the city. She was a great CF nurse - she told it like it was, and never sugar coated anything. Everyone was dissapointed when she left.


New member
Hey Charlene!

Dr Kepron is my doc, but Tamara left the Health Science Centre about a year ago. She now works with disabled adults at one of the centres in the city. She was a great CF nurse - she told it like it was, and never sugar coated anything. Everyone was dissapointed when she left.