CF Moms-What week did you deliver your babies?


New member
Thank you Melissa! That is this years pic. Little ones grow up so fast! I love the pick of your DH and daughter, SO CUTE!

Christian - My Dr encouraged me to breastfeed! Breastfeeding passes Mom's antibodies on to baby. Those antibodies can keep baby from getting sick and if baby does get sick it tends to be less severe. A healthy baby = a healthy Mommy! My Dr. agreed with me when I decided that if my weight were to drop below 110 (I am 5'3") I would stop breastfeeding. Thankfully I was able to maintain my weight while breastfeeding. While breastfeeding I still took my enzymes and Pulomozyme. I took Tobi as need which was two months out of the 12 that I breastfed. Such a small amount of inhaled meds make it into our blood stream and even less could make it to baby through breast milk so I felt o.k. taking meds and breastfeeding.


New member
Thank you Melissa! That is this years pic. Little ones grow up so fast! I love the pick of your DH and daughter, SO CUTE!

Christian - My Dr encouraged me to breastfeed! Breastfeeding passes Mom's antibodies on to baby. Those antibodies can keep baby from getting sick and if baby does get sick it tends to be less severe. A healthy baby = a healthy Mommy! My Dr. agreed with me when I decided that if my weight were to drop below 110 (I am 5'3") I would stop breastfeeding. Thankfully I was able to maintain my weight while breastfeeding. While breastfeeding I still took my enzymes and Pulomozyme. I took Tobi as need which was two months out of the 12 that I breastfed. Such a small amount of inhaled meds make it into our blood stream and even less could make it to baby through breast milk so I felt o.k. taking meds and breastfeeding.


New member
Thank you Melissa! That is this years pic. Little ones grow up so fast! I love the pick of your DH and daughter, SO CUTE!

Christian - My Dr encouraged me to breastfeed! Breastfeeding passes Mom's antibodies on to baby. Those antibodies can keep baby from getting sick and if baby does get sick it tends to be less severe. A healthy baby = a healthy Mommy! My Dr. agreed with me when I decided that if my weight were to drop below 110 (I am 5'3") I would stop breastfeeding. Thankfully I was able to maintain my weight while breastfeeding. While breastfeeding I still took my enzymes and Pulomozyme. I took Tobi as need which was two months out of the 12 that I breastfed. Such a small amount of inhaled meds make it into our blood stream and even less could make it to baby through breast milk so I felt o.k. taking meds and breastfeeding.


New member
I was told when I was pregnant with my son that Cf moms typically go 4-5 weeks early. true to this doc's word, Caleb was born at 34.5 weeks and Marlee at 36 weeks. Both weighed about five and a half pounds and both came right home with me, so trouble needing NICU care (well Marlee went for an hour for observation for retracting, but they think that's because she was born so fast). I gained 25 punds with Caleb and about 20 with Marlee. I had a harder time gaining weight with Marlee, but what I gained, I gained steadily so no one was too concerned.
Both pregnancies required me to go on oral antibiotics once for sinus issues. There was no known reason why I went into labor early - my theory is that once the baby nutritionally demands more than our Cf bodies can give them, out they come just my theory.

as for breastfeeding - breastfeed! Whatever meds you take during pregnancy should be safe for breastfeeding and it is the greatest gift you can give your child. I have lost all my pregnancy weight from bfing, but I don't think I am going to have a problem maintaining a healthy weight from here on out. If I do, I will start supplementing with shakes or something before I stop bfing. While I realize you have to be healthy for your babe to be healthy, bfing is so important. if you can, do it. Even if it looks like you won't be able to breastfeed for a long time, just the colostrum alone is packed with important antibodies for your babe!! This would be one area I would fight my doc on if he was trying to deter you - try it out and see how you do, you can always stop, but once your milk dries up it is very hard to relactate should you decided you want to breastfeed after all.

I will step off my soap box now.


New member
I was told when I was pregnant with my son that Cf moms typically go 4-5 weeks early. true to this doc's word, Caleb was born at 34.5 weeks and Marlee at 36 weeks. Both weighed about five and a half pounds and both came right home with me, so trouble needing NICU care (well Marlee went for an hour for observation for retracting, but they think that's because she was born so fast). I gained 25 punds with Caleb and about 20 with Marlee. I had a harder time gaining weight with Marlee, but what I gained, I gained steadily so no one was too concerned.
Both pregnancies required me to go on oral antibiotics once for sinus issues. There was no known reason why I went into labor early - my theory is that once the baby nutritionally demands more than our Cf bodies can give them, out they come just my theory.

as for breastfeeding - breastfeed! Whatever meds you take during pregnancy should be safe for breastfeeding and it is the greatest gift you can give your child. I have lost all my pregnancy weight from bfing, but I don't think I am going to have a problem maintaining a healthy weight from here on out. If I do, I will start supplementing with shakes or something before I stop bfing. While I realize you have to be healthy for your babe to be healthy, bfing is so important. if you can, do it. Even if it looks like you won't be able to breastfeed for a long time, just the colostrum alone is packed with important antibodies for your babe!! This would be one area I would fight my doc on if he was trying to deter you - try it out and see how you do, you can always stop, but once your milk dries up it is very hard to relactate should you decided you want to breastfeed after all.

I will step off my soap box now.


New member
I was told when I was pregnant with my son that Cf moms typically go 4-5 weeks early. true to this doc's word, Caleb was born at 34.5 weeks and Marlee at 36 weeks. Both weighed about five and a half pounds and both came right home with me, so trouble needing NICU care (well Marlee went for an hour for observation for retracting, but they think that's because she was born so fast). I gained 25 punds with Caleb and about 20 with Marlee. I had a harder time gaining weight with Marlee, but what I gained, I gained steadily so no one was too concerned.
Both pregnancies required me to go on oral antibiotics once for sinus issues. There was no known reason why I went into labor early - my theory is that once the baby nutritionally demands more than our Cf bodies can give them, out they come just my theory.

as for breastfeeding - breastfeed! Whatever meds you take during pregnancy should be safe for breastfeeding and it is the greatest gift you can give your child. I have lost all my pregnancy weight from bfing, but I don't think I am going to have a problem maintaining a healthy weight from here on out. If I do, I will start supplementing with shakes or something before I stop bfing. While I realize you have to be healthy for your babe to be healthy, bfing is so important. if you can, do it. Even if it looks like you won't be able to breastfeed for a long time, just the colostrum alone is packed with important antibodies for your babe!! This would be one area I would fight my doc on if he was trying to deter you - try it out and see how you do, you can always stop, but once your milk dries up it is very hard to relactate should you decided you want to breastfeed after all.

I will step off my soap box now.


New member
oh, my lung function remained constant during both pregnancies, but I coughed a lot towads the ends - not really out of breath, just more frequent coughing - I guess from the pressure or irritation on my lungs - this was the same both times.


New member
oh, my lung function remained constant during both pregnancies, but I coughed a lot towads the ends - not really out of breath, just more frequent coughing - I guess from the pressure or irritation on my lungs - this was the same both times.


New member
oh, my lung function remained constant during both pregnancies, but I coughed a lot towads the ends - not really out of breath, just more frequent coughing - I guess from the pressure or irritation on my lungs - this was the same both times.


I delivered at 38 wks 1day (vaginally) and my lungs and breathing felt pretty good at delivery. I was only in labor for 7 hours and pushed for 15 minutes (and I think it all would have gone even faster if I had not had an epidural)!

I did have a hospitalization at 4 mos, but no problems after that.

My doctor also didn't want me to breastfeed as I have had problems keeping weight on. I told him that I wanted to try and see how it went. I was able to do it for a month and a half and then stopped because I didn't want to lose any more weight. I felt that whatever breast milk I could give would be better than none. I will try to pack on the weight this time so I can breastfeed longer. I gained 22lbs during my first pregnancy.


I delivered at 38 wks 1day (vaginally) and my lungs and breathing felt pretty good at delivery. I was only in labor for 7 hours and pushed for 15 minutes (and I think it all would have gone even faster if I had not had an epidural)!

I did have a hospitalization at 4 mos, but no problems after that.

My doctor also didn't want me to breastfeed as I have had problems keeping weight on. I told him that I wanted to try and see how it went. I was able to do it for a month and a half and then stopped because I didn't want to lose any more weight. I felt that whatever breast milk I could give would be better than none. I will try to pack on the weight this time so I can breastfeed longer. I gained 22lbs during my first pregnancy.


I delivered at 38 wks 1day (vaginally) and my lungs and breathing felt pretty good at delivery. I was only in labor for 7 hours and pushed for 15 minutes (and I think it all would have gone even faster if I had not had an epidural)!

I did have a hospitalization at 4 mos, but no problems after that.

My doctor also didn't want me to breastfeed as I have had problems keeping weight on. I told him that I wanted to try and see how it went. I was able to do it for a month and a half and then stopped because I didn't want to lose any more weight. I felt that whatever breast milk I could give would be better than none. I will try to pack on the weight this time so I can breastfeed longer. I gained 22lbs during my first pregnancy.


New member
I am new to this site and would love to talk with other moms with CF, I am finding it hard to remember to even do my therapies. I just delivered 12-20-2006 and was 1 day overdue!

My peri never thought I would make it full term with the CF then just shy of 30 weeks I started having contractions and at 32 weeks was put on terbutaline and they told me I would never make it to december, I even went off work at 35 weeks they said 'perhaps a thanksgiving' baby but to their surprise when I went off the medicine at 36 weeks I still never went into labor. THey said some women have uterus's that just 'practice' contracting alot and they were never actually doing anything-- I ended up having to be induced!


New member
I am new to this site and would love to talk with other moms with CF, I am finding it hard to remember to even do my therapies. I just delivered 12-20-2006 and was 1 day overdue!

My peri never thought I would make it full term with the CF then just shy of 30 weeks I started having contractions and at 32 weeks was put on terbutaline and they told me I would never make it to december, I even went off work at 35 weeks they said 'perhaps a thanksgiving' baby but to their surprise when I went off the medicine at 36 weeks I still never went into labor. THey said some women have uterus's that just 'practice' contracting alot and they were never actually doing anything-- I ended up having to be induced!


New member
I am new to this site and would love to talk with other moms with CF, I am finding it hard to remember to even do my therapies. I just delivered 12-20-2006 and was 1 day overdue!

My peri never thought I would make it full term with the CF then just shy of 30 weeks I started having contractions and at 32 weeks was put on terbutaline and they told me I would never make it to december, I even went off work at 35 weeks they said 'perhaps a thanksgiving' baby but to their surprise when I went off the medicine at 36 weeks I still never went into labor. THey said some women have uterus's that just 'practice' contracting alot and they were never actually doing anything-- I ended up having to be induced!


New member
I had a wonderful pregnancy with zero complications and I was induced at 39 weeks by choice. I could have made it to 40, but I was ready. I had a c-section b/c the cord was around her neck. Everything was perfect!!


New member
I had a wonderful pregnancy with zero complications and I was induced at 39 weeks by choice. I could have made it to 40, but I was ready. I had a c-section b/c the cord was around her neck. Everything was perfect!!


New member
I had a wonderful pregnancy with zero complications and I was induced at 39 weeks by choice. I could have made it to 40, but I was ready. I had a c-section b/c the cord was around her neck. Everything was perfect!!