cf parents


New member
hello everyone, out of interest how many parents of cfers are on the organ donation list. in the uk you have to "opt in." me and my husband are going on the list soon. i'm just curious about everyone else.


New member
My husband and I are both organ donors. We have it on our driver's lisence.

Rebecca(mom to Sammy 8 no CF and MAggie 3 1/2 with CF)


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

My husband and I are both organ donors. We have it on our driver's lisence.

Rebecca(mom to Sammy 8 no CF and MAggie 3 1/2 with CF)</end quote></div>



New member
My husband, son and myself all carry our organ donation cards with us.

Mom of Matt
Jan 6/78 - May 15/05


New member
I would just like to add soemthing. Mike and I are members of the Rhode Island Organ Donation Awareness Coalition. WE learned something really interesting when the social worker who talks to grieving families about donation in the area spoke at a meeting. Doctors and transplant coordinators almost NEVER see your license or organ donor card. This particular social worker who deals exclusively with transplants has NEVER seen one. Wallets arent usually hanging around at that point. This is why it is SO IMPORTANT that your loved ones know your wishes. The cards are great for raising awareness, but make sure your family knows about them.
Rhode Island will soon have an online registry which will make things much easier. Instead of asking the family" Do you want to donate their organs?" they will be able to say 'Your family member was registered as an organ donor. We'd like to honor their wishes". (They still consult the family but it is a very different conversation) I believe other states may already do this.


New member
my parents were on the list until the government changed everything. you had a box to tick on your drivers licence to opt into it and eveyrone would tick it. now they have changed it so you have to fill in seperate forms when your licence renewel comes which is stupid. these forms look like advertisments so you end up throwing them out! i did this recently with my licence renewel and i only realised what the form was when the binman took the rubbish away. we already have a low organ donation rate and now the government has made it even worse by making the process of signing up complicated.


New member
Hey, here's a cool website! Click on your state to find out what you need to do to be an organ donor! I clicked around a little bit and it looks like quite a few states have registries.


New member
Katy, I've told any family member who will listen multiple times!
P.S. I grew up in RI, just moved to CT last year, and want to move back! Can't believe I found another Rhode Islander!


New member
Yes Janet, myself and my wife are on the list, it takes 5 mins on the computer do join up. why wait.

We joined after the campaine (sp) they had on GMTV recently, they had a girl with CF as the main issue.

We dont know wether to ask our 13 year old daughter if she would consider it, what ya think. Its a strange thing to ask of one of your children, no one wants to think of any kids going, let alone your own.


New member
to opt in, in the UK, as janet said, is before even if you had a donor card, your next of kin could still refuse to allow your organs to be used despite it being your wishes. So they now have a donor registration that no one can object to.


New member
Katy, Thanks for mentioning that. I never knew that. Jessi, thanks for listing the website. I've always been listed as a donor on my license and my family is aware of my decision; however, I didn't realize that IN has an online registry now. I just signed up and emailed a link to all my friends/family.


New member
Good topic. I always have been an organ donor - on my license - I'll have to check hubby's. I'm glad you brought that up - I'd like to start asking my family members. and I'll make sure they know my wishes. Even before my son was diagnosed with cf I believe in organ donating. If I was in that state I would love to be able to save a life!

Mother of 9yr boy old w cf


Staff member
I've been a donor since I was 15 years old. My best friend in high school was waiting for a kidney transplant. L


New member
craig, as soon as i typed up this thread i went to the donar organ registration site and signed us up. if i'm honest i have only done it 'cos of joe and his cf. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0"> i always believed that you had to be whole( your body intact) when you passed away otherwise you wouldn't pass over the other side. ( don't ask) now 'cos of joe i just don't care whether i pass over or not.!!!!!!!!!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Ditto on what Katy said -- at the hospital, people rarely have their wallets with them.

The registry is nice to have (our state Washington, participates in it)

It was kind of strange to be told the family will not be given a choice in the matter -- the donor has agreed to do it and it will be done with or without their consent :) So I would imagine with the registry it does make those hospital conversations quite different when the time comes. I would also imagine that the donation rate would increase too???

I made sure I talked it over with my family before committing to it -- I thought it might be important to them to be given the final say so -- but they said "Get signed up! It's not our choice, it's yours!"


New member
Alyssa- your family still does have a say. Technically, the registry is legally binding HOWEVER if the family says no, they won't do it. The last thing organ donation organizations want to do is get a bad reputation for being pushy or forceful. They will still respect the family's wishes if they are very opposed for some reason. However they will make it clear to the family that this is what the person wanted. It will definitly result in fewer refusals.
