
New member

The only reason I am posting this--and I know I should just get tested but I have no insurance right now--is because I was initially diagnosed with CF as a child.

When I was born, my parents did not think I was going to live.. I had difficulty breathing, growing, maintaining healthy weight and was just overall very sick for the first year of my life. I was kept at Children's hospital in St. Paul and fed a constant dose of steroids to maintain my health. The point is, I have a history of being chronically ill.

I was tested for cf as a baby and one of the tests were positive, the first one I got. I have not looked into obtaining those reports yet as my symptoms have just returned. The second exam that was given a couple months later was negative.

During the first two years of my life, I was unable to be active.. I could not play or do any normal activity like walking and moving around. According to my parents I was sickly.. obviously I don't remember much.

I dealt with asthma for a majority of my adolesence, but was very active in high school in sports and having little trouble running or maintaining an active lifestyle. I never really recall any severe respiratory or digestive problems... until about 2 years ago.

Two years ago during my junior year in college (I am 23 right now) I had intense digestive problems, a strong bloating feeling in my stomach, and just an overall loss of apetite, loss of energy et cetera. I never really thought of it much nor made a connection to my struggles as a baby.

Since October of 2009 - Today I have been dealing with the most chronic ans severe digestive and respiratory problems one could imagine. My symptoms include:

1. painful gallbladder - it is localised on my gall bladder especially after eating fatty foods.
2. loose stools that have been persistant and chronic since October. Sometimes they seem to be normal, othertimes they are skinny and very loose. More ofen than not they are loose.
3. During a week in August 2010 (just about a month ago) I felt like I was having an asthma attack for literally the entire week. I felt constricted under my sternum, as if I was suffocating and could not cough up any sort of phlegm.
4. When I go jogging, my chest feels like it will explode and I produce copious amounts of clear, frothy, spit that is nearly constant.
5. My chest is in pain. Literally, for days at a time--some days beter than others--my chest throbs in pain and feels like a bacterial infection... don't ask me why I think that its bacterial, just feels like it.. there are certain spots where the pain radiates.
6. I don't have an involuntary cough, nor do I really cough up any green phlegm.. it is mainly a constant feeling of constricted airways with an uproductive, self-induced cough to clear my lungs.
7. My windpipe feels constantly like there are bacterial colonies in certain areas. I know not else how to describe it... there are just certain spots that radiate this weird pain that feels dryish and tingly sort of.
8. Acid reflux - I have had acid reflux daily for since october really.
9. Overall pain in my body. I have been literally sick for two years, and I was an otherwise healthy athletic person prior.

The most concerning thing for me right now is that my chest has remained in a constant, dull pain just below my sternum, radiating throughout my chest area. Moreover, I had a week's worth of an "asthma attack symptom" where I could hardly breathe. For a week, no joke. This is not psychosomatic, my symptoms are chronic and very real and very difficult to bear.

Again, the only reason I post on this forum is because I was diagnosed as a child initially with CF via a sweat test, only to later be re-tested and tested negative. I would have not thought anything of anything had I remained healthy. But as I type this now, my lungs are in pain, a dull, radiating pain that feels like some sort of infection, and my digestive system has been a wreck for a year now, even with healthy eating habits. I am going to get a test as soon as I get insurance in November, but in the meantime, I was wondering if anybody else who has been diagnosed with CF has had symptoms like these or any advice? Again, I only ask here beacuse I was intially diagnosed with cf.

Sorry for the long post, and thanks in advance for anybody's input.


New member

The only reason I am posting this--and I know I should just get tested but I have no insurance right now--is because I was initially diagnosed with CF as a child.

When I was born, my parents did not think I was going to live.. I had difficulty breathing, growing, maintaining healthy weight and was just overall very sick for the first year of my life. I was kept at Children's hospital in St. Paul and fed a constant dose of steroids to maintain my health. The point is, I have a history of being chronically ill.

I was tested for cf as a baby and one of the tests were positive, the first one I got. I have not looked into obtaining those reports yet as my symptoms have just returned. The second exam that was given a couple months later was negative.

During the first two years of my life, I was unable to be active.. I could not play or do any normal activity like walking and moving around. According to my parents I was sickly.. obviously I don't remember much.

I dealt with asthma for a majority of my adolesence, but was very active in high school in sports and having little trouble running or maintaining an active lifestyle. I never really recall any severe respiratory or digestive problems... until about 2 years ago.

Two years ago during my junior year in college (I am 23 right now) I had intense digestive problems, a strong bloating feeling in my stomach, and just an overall loss of apetite, loss of energy et cetera. I never really thought of it much nor made a connection to my struggles as a baby.

Since October of 2009 - Today I have been dealing with the most chronic ans severe digestive and respiratory problems one could imagine. My symptoms include:

1. painful gallbladder - it is localised on my gall bladder especially after eating fatty foods.
2. loose stools that have been persistant and chronic since October. Sometimes they seem to be normal, othertimes they are skinny and very loose. More ofen than not they are loose.
3. During a week in August 2010 (just about a month ago) I felt like I was having an asthma attack for literally the entire week. I felt constricted under my sternum, as if I was suffocating and could not cough up any sort of phlegm.
4. When I go jogging, my chest feels like it will explode and I produce copious amounts of clear, frothy, spit that is nearly constant.
5. My chest is in pain. Literally, for days at a time--some days beter than others--my chest throbs in pain and feels like a bacterial infection... don't ask me why I think that its bacterial, just feels like it.. there are certain spots where the pain radiates.
6. I don't have an involuntary cough, nor do I really cough up any green phlegm.. it is mainly a constant feeling of constricted airways with an uproductive, self-induced cough to clear my lungs.
7. My windpipe feels constantly like there are bacterial colonies in certain areas. I know not else how to describe it... there are just certain spots that radiate this weird pain that feels dryish and tingly sort of.
8. Acid reflux - I have had acid reflux daily for since october really.
9. Overall pain in my body. I have been literally sick for two years, and I was an otherwise healthy athletic person prior.

The most concerning thing for me right now is that my chest has remained in a constant, dull pain just below my sternum, radiating throughout my chest area. Moreover, I had a week's worth of an "asthma attack symptom" where I could hardly breathe. For a week, no joke. This is not psychosomatic, my symptoms are chronic and very real and very difficult to bear.

Again, the only reason I post on this forum is because I was diagnosed as a child initially with CF via a sweat test, only to later be re-tested and tested negative. I would have not thought anything of anything had I remained healthy. But as I type this now, my lungs are in pain, a dull, radiating pain that feels like some sort of infection, and my digestive system has been a wreck for a year now, even with healthy eating habits. I am going to get a test as soon as I get insurance in November, but in the meantime, I was wondering if anybody else who has been diagnosed with CF has had symptoms like these or any advice? Again, I only ask here beacuse I was intially diagnosed with cf.

Sorry for the long post, and thanks in advance for anybody's input.


New member
<br />
<br />The only reason I am posting this--and I know I should just get tested but I have no insurance right now--is because I was initially diagnosed with CF as a child.
<br />
<br />When I was born, my parents did not think I was going to live.. I had difficulty breathing, growing, maintaining healthy weight and was just overall very sick for the first year of my life. I was kept at Children's hospital in St. Paul and fed a constant dose of steroids to maintain my health. The point is, I have a history of being chronically ill.
<br />
<br />I was tested for cf as a baby and one of the tests were positive, the first one I got. I have not looked into obtaining those reports yet as my symptoms have just returned. The second exam that was given a couple months later was negative.
<br />
<br />During the first two years of my life, I was unable to be active.. I could not play or do any normal activity like walking and moving around. According to my parents I was sickly.. obviously I don't remember much.
<br />
<br />I dealt with asthma for a majority of my adolesence, but was very active in high school in sports and having little trouble running or maintaining an active lifestyle. I never really recall any severe respiratory or digestive problems... until about 2 years ago.
<br />
<br />Two years ago during my junior year in college (I am 23 right now) I had intense digestive problems, a strong bloating feeling in my stomach, and just an overall loss of apetite, loss of energy et cetera. I never really thought of it much nor made a connection to my struggles as a baby.
<br />
<br />Since October of 2009 - Today I have been dealing with the most chronic ans severe digestive and respiratory problems one could imagine. My symptoms include:
<br />
<br />1. painful gallbladder - it is localised on my gall bladder especially after eating fatty foods.
<br />2. loose stools that have been persistant and chronic since October. Sometimes they seem to be normal, othertimes they are skinny and very loose. More ofen than not they are loose.
<br />3. During a week in August 2010 (just about a month ago) I felt like I was having an asthma attack for literally the entire week. I felt constricted under my sternum, as if I was suffocating and could not cough up any sort of phlegm.
<br />4. When I go jogging, my chest feels like it will explode and I produce copious amounts of clear, frothy, spit that is nearly constant.
<br />5. My chest is in pain. Literally, for days at a time--some days beter than others--my chest throbs in pain and feels like a bacterial infection... don't ask me why I think that its bacterial, just feels like it.. there are certain spots where the pain radiates.
<br />6. I don't have an involuntary cough, nor do I really cough up any green phlegm.. it is mainly a constant feeling of constricted airways with an uproductive, self-induced cough to clear my lungs.
<br />7. My windpipe feels constantly like there are bacterial colonies in certain areas. I know not else how to describe it... there are just certain spots that radiate this weird pain that feels dryish and tingly sort of.
<br />8. Acid reflux - I have had acid reflux daily for since october really.
<br />9. Overall pain in my body. I have been literally sick for two years, and I was an otherwise healthy athletic person prior.
<br />
<br />The most concerning thing for me right now is that my chest has remained in a constant, dull pain just below my sternum, radiating throughout my chest area. Moreover, I had a week's worth of an "asthma attack symptom" where I could hardly breathe. For a week, no joke. This is not psychosomatic, my symptoms are chronic and very real and very difficult to bear.
<br />
<br />Again, the only reason I post on this forum is because I was diagnosed as a child initially with CF via a sweat test, only to later be re-tested and tested negative. I would have not thought anything of anything had I remained healthy. But as I type this now, my lungs are in pain, a dull, radiating pain that feels like some sort of infection, and my digestive system has been a wreck for a year now, even with healthy eating habits. I am going to get a test as soon as I get insurance in November, but in the meantime, I was wondering if anybody else who has been diagnosed with CF has had symptoms like these or any advice? Again, I only ask here beacuse I was intially diagnosed with cf.
<br />
<br />Sorry for the long post, and thanks in advance for anybody's input.


Active member
I can understand your concerns. You have to get to an accredited Cf center as soon as possible. The symptoms you are describing are the typical Cf symptoms of an exacerbation-or acute infection. The thing is, you don't know much about comparing that with your 'healthy' lungs bc you haven't been seen by Cf doctors in so long.
So,it could be an exacerbation, and it most certainly is at least that, but it could also be something more serious, like pleurisy (a condition marked by intense swelling and pain in your ribs), or a host of other things. This is not to worry you, but to motivate you to take it seriously.
Look at, and find the closest Cf doc to you.
Here is the link:
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
If you have trouble with insurance, paying, etc it does not matter-call the closest center to you anyway. 9 times out of 10 they have a program to help you or know where to send you.
Tell them that you have Cf, and you haven't had a doctor in a long time and you aren't feeling well. Insist on an appointment asap. With the symptoms you are describing here-every Cf doc I know would admit you to the hospital on the spot.
Do not think about missing school, missing work, or anything. You have to get in touch with the right doctor asap.

Again!* I'm not saying this to alarm you! You will get the help you need to feel better. Finally you'll have some answers and you'll be preserving your health not just short term but long term too! Once you're treated you'll feel like a new person.
But Cf is not something you can ignore and it will go away. Cf treatment has come VERY far...people are living well and doing 'normal' things with their lives. But thats with treatment. So please go!
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Active member
I can understand your concerns. You have to get to an accredited Cf center as soon as possible. The symptoms you are describing are the typical Cf symptoms of an exacerbation-or acute infection. The thing is, you don't know much about comparing that with your 'healthy' lungs bc you haven't been seen by Cf doctors in so long.
So,it could be an exacerbation, and it most certainly is at least that, but it could also be something more serious, like pleurisy (a condition marked by intense swelling and pain in your ribs), or a host of other things. This is not to worry you, but to motivate you to take it seriously.
Look at, and find the closest Cf doc to you.
Here is the link:
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
If you have trouble with insurance, paying, etc it does not matter-call the closest center to you anyway. 9 times out of 10 they have a program to help you or know where to send you.
Tell them that you have Cf, and you haven't had a doctor in a long time and you aren't feeling well. Insist on an appointment asap. With the symptoms you are describing here-every Cf doc I know would admit you to the hospital on the spot.
Do not think about missing school, missing work, or anything. You have to get in touch with the right doctor asap.

Again!* I'm not saying this to alarm you! You will get the help you need to feel better. Finally you'll have some answers and you'll be preserving your health not just short term but long term too! Once you're treated you'll feel like a new person.
But Cf is not something you can ignore and it will go away. Cf treatment has come VERY far...people are living well and doing 'normal' things with their lives. But thats with treatment. So please go!
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Active member
I can understand your concerns. You have to get to an accredited Cf center as soon as possible. The symptoms you are describing are the typical Cf symptoms of an exacerbation-or acute infection. The thing is, you don't know much about comparing that with your 'healthy' lungs bc you haven't been seen by Cf doctors in so long.
<br />So,it could be an exacerbation, and it most certainly is at least that, but it could also be something more serious, like pleurisy (a condition marked by intense swelling and pain in your ribs), or a host of other things. This is not to worry you, but to motivate you to take it seriously.
<br />Look at, and find the closest Cf doc to you.
<br />Here is the link:
<br /><a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
</a><br />
<br />If you have trouble with insurance, paying, etc it does not matter-call the closest center to you anyway. 9 times out of 10 they have a program to help you or know where to send you.
<br />Tell them that you have Cf, and you haven't had a doctor in a long time and you aren't feeling well. Insist on an appointment asap. With the symptoms you are describing here-every Cf doc I know would admit you to the hospital on the spot.
<br />Do not think about missing school, missing work, or anything. You have to get in touch with the right doctor asap.
<br />
<br />Again!* I'm not saying this to alarm you! You will get the help you need to feel better. Finally you'll have some answers and you'll be preserving your health not just short term but long term too! Once you're treated you'll feel like a new person.
<br />But Cf is not something you can ignore and it will go away. Cf treatment has come VERY far...people are living well and doing 'normal' things with their lives. But thats with treatment. So please go!
<br /><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Thanks a lot for your response. I am just very frustrated right now and obviously totally scared to even get a test done again. I just find it very odd that I initially tested positive for CF via a sweat test and then later tested negative and just overnight became "healthy" according to my mom. To this day she cant really explain it, she chalks it up to god.. but for a long time as a child I was boarder-line dead.

My lungs literally hurt constantly... The only way I can describe it is that the pain comes in waves all day, I wake up with chest pain and it maintains itself all day. Like I said, the best way to describe it is that it feels like a bacterial infection (not viral, I do not have a cold nor is my voice gone, nor am I completely incompacitated and "sick" with the flu) or even a fungal infection. I have had a severe case of tinea versicolor about two summers ago and I grew up on the St. Croix river (tributary to the Mississsippi) which is a common place for coccidiomycosis and blastomycosis causing fungus. Obviously I will stop speculating now and self-diagnosing, I know its bad for you. But I really appreciate your response, I feel rather helpless with this chronic lung pain thats going on, compounded by my bad digestion. Again, I appreciate your response.. I will visit the site you have listed.


New member
Thanks a lot for your response. I am just very frustrated right now and obviously totally scared to even get a test done again. I just find it very odd that I initially tested positive for CF via a sweat test and then later tested negative and just overnight became "healthy" according to my mom. To this day she cant really explain it, she chalks it up to god.. but for a long time as a child I was boarder-line dead.

My lungs literally hurt constantly... The only way I can describe it is that the pain comes in waves all day, I wake up with chest pain and it maintains itself all day. Like I said, the best way to describe it is that it feels like a bacterial infection (not viral, I do not have a cold nor is my voice gone, nor am I completely incompacitated and "sick" with the flu) or even a fungal infection. I have had a severe case of tinea versicolor about two summers ago and I grew up on the St. Croix river (tributary to the Mississsippi) which is a common place for coccidiomycosis and blastomycosis causing fungus. Obviously I will stop speculating now and self-diagnosing, I know its bad for you. But I really appreciate your response, I feel rather helpless with this chronic lung pain thats going on, compounded by my bad digestion. Again, I appreciate your response.. I will visit the site you have listed.


New member
Thanks a lot for your response. I am just very frustrated right now and obviously totally scared to even get a test done again. I just find it very odd that I initially tested positive for CF via a sweat test and then later tested negative and just overnight became "healthy" according to my mom. To this day she cant really explain it, she chalks it up to god.. but for a long time as a child I was boarder-line dead.
<br />
<br />My lungs literally hurt constantly... The only way I can describe it is that the pain comes in waves all day, I wake up with chest pain and it maintains itself all day. Like I said, the best way to describe it is that it feels like a bacterial infection (not viral, I do not have a cold nor is my voice gone, nor am I completely incompacitated and "sick" with the flu) or even a fungal infection. I have had a severe case of tinea versicolor about two summers ago and I grew up on the St. Croix river (tributary to the Mississsippi) which is a common place for coccidiomycosis and blastomycosis causing fungus. Obviously I will stop speculating now and self-diagnosing, I know its bad for you. But I really appreciate your response, I feel rather helpless with this chronic lung pain thats going on, compounded by my bad digestion. Again, I appreciate your response.. I will visit the site you have listed.


Active member
Again, every symptom you have listed indicates Cf.-whether you told me you had a positive cf test/then neg-or not-I would say go to a Cf center and get tested right away.
Its possible that you've had Cf your whole life and only recently are getting serious symptoms. This could be from getting older, lifestyle changes, the fungus infections you mentioned-all those things could be exacerbating Cf.
There are many many Cf patients that are not diagnosed until later in life.
I am a mom, so I can certainly understand your mom's wanting/wishing/praying your Cf away. It is possible that Cf can be very bad as a child-suddenly improve later on and rear its head again. Thats how Cf is.
And you and your mom need to understand that having Cf doesn't mean you are a victim, are doomed, or your life is over. Facing it and fighting it leads to a good life. (I am 28, I do treatments every day. Sometimes I need meds, sometimes I need the hospital. However, I consider myself to have a normal happy great life.)
Please keep us updated.
By the way-if you feel at all like you can not breathe, if you cough up blood, do not wait for an appt. Go to the E.R.
Best wishes


Active member
Again, every symptom you have listed indicates Cf.-whether you told me you had a positive cf test/then neg-or not-I would say go to a Cf center and get tested right away.
Its possible that you've had Cf your whole life and only recently are getting serious symptoms. This could be from getting older, lifestyle changes, the fungus infections you mentioned-all those things could be exacerbating Cf.
There are many many Cf patients that are not diagnosed until later in life.
I am a mom, so I can certainly understand your mom's wanting/wishing/praying your Cf away. It is possible that Cf can be very bad as a child-suddenly improve later on and rear its head again. Thats how Cf is.
And you and your mom need to understand that having Cf doesn't mean you are a victim, are doomed, or your life is over. Facing it and fighting it leads to a good life. (I am 28, I do treatments every day. Sometimes I need meds, sometimes I need the hospital. However, I consider myself to have a normal happy great life.)
Please keep us updated.
By the way-if you feel at all like you can not breathe, if you cough up blood, do not wait for an appt. Go to the E.R.
Best wishes


Active member
Again, every symptom you have listed indicates Cf.-whether you told me you had a positive cf test/then neg-or not-I would say go to a Cf center and get tested right away.
<br />Its possible that you've had Cf your whole life and only recently are getting serious symptoms. This could be from getting older, lifestyle changes, the fungus infections you mentioned-all those things could be exacerbating Cf.
<br />There are many many Cf patients that are not diagnosed until later in life.
<br />I am a mom, so I can certainly understand your mom's wanting/wishing/praying your Cf away. It is possible that Cf can be very bad as a child-suddenly improve later on and rear its head again. Thats how Cf is.
<br />And you and your mom need to understand that having Cf doesn't mean you are a victim, are doomed, or your life is over. Facing it and fighting it leads to a good life. (I am 28, I do treatments every day. Sometimes I need meds, sometimes I need the hospital. However, I consider myself to have a normal happy great life.)
<br />Please keep us updated.
<br />By the way-if you feel at all like you can not breathe, if you cough up blood, do not wait for an appt. Go to the E.R.
<br />Best wishes


New member
I agree. You should get to a cf center as soon as possible. Just because you have some good years doesn't mean you don't have cf. The symptoms you described are that of a cf patient. The accredited cf centers have other resources that help patients who don't have insurance.

There are plenty of resources out there to help you. Your care now can help ease your symptoms and help keep your cf under control.

I too have asthma as well as cf. Each person's cf is different. Some more mild than others. This isn not something you wanna wait until you feel something to get treated. It needs to be treated now! Regardless of how you feel.

It's better to go in and have nothing to be found wrong, than to not go in and end up in the hospital with an exacerbation!!!

We are here to help. PM me if you want or need to talk.

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I agree. You should get to a cf center as soon as possible. Just because you have some good years doesn't mean you don't have cf. The symptoms you described are that of a cf patient. The accredited cf centers have other resources that help patients who don't have insurance.

There are plenty of resources out there to help you. Your care now can help ease your symptoms and help keep your cf under control.

I too have asthma as well as cf. Each person's cf is different. Some more mild than others. This isn not something you wanna wait until you feel something to get treated. It needs to be treated now! Regardless of how you feel.

It's better to go in and have nothing to be found wrong, than to not go in and end up in the hospital with an exacerbation!!!

We are here to help. PM me if you want or need to talk.

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I agree. You should get to a cf center as soon as possible. Just because you have some good years doesn't mean you don't have cf. The symptoms you described are that of a cf patient. The accredited cf centers have other resources that help patients who don't have insurance.
<br />
<br />There are plenty of resources out there to help you. Your care now can help ease your symptoms and help keep your cf under control.
<br />
<br />I too have asthma as well as cf. Each person's cf is different. Some more mild than others. This isn not something you wanna wait until you feel something to get treated. It needs to be treated now! Regardless of how you feel.
<br />
<br />It's better to go in and have nothing to be found wrong, than to not go in and end up in the hospital with an exacerbation!!!
<br />
<br />We are here to help. PM me if you want or need to talk.
<br />
<br /><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi gimtermain,
So sorry to hear about your trouble. Please don't worry to much about re-taking the test. Look, the result is not going to make any difference except that it could get you on some really great treatments that are going to make you feel much better. No more time wasted, get to a centre and get tested.
One thing that strikes me about your story is a basic scientific/ statistical rule- if you run an experiment twice and one turns out positive and the other negative then how can you be sure of the right answer. At the very least you need a third try to get a majority verdict.
To reassure you, I would imagine that if you have CF you may have a milder form since you have got through so many years being relatively symptom free. That's a great strength but allowing yourself go untreated will do nothing but harm.
Best of luck, keep us posted.


New member
Hi gimtermain,
So sorry to hear about your trouble. Please don't worry to much about re-taking the test. Look, the result is not going to make any difference except that it could get you on some really great treatments that are going to make you feel much better. No more time wasted, get to a centre and get tested.
One thing that strikes me about your story is a basic scientific/ statistical rule- if you run an experiment twice and one turns out positive and the other negative then how can you be sure of the right answer. At the very least you need a third try to get a majority verdict.
To reassure you, I would imagine that if you have CF you may have a milder form since you have got through so many years being relatively symptom free. That's a great strength but allowing yourself go untreated will do nothing but harm.
Best of luck, keep us posted.


New member
Hi gimtermain,
<br />So sorry to hear about your trouble. Please don't worry to much about re-taking the test. Look, the result is not going to make any difference except that it could get you on some really great treatments that are going to make you feel much better. No more time wasted, get to a centre and get tested.
<br />One thing that strikes me about your story is a basic scientific/ statistical rule- if you run an experiment twice and one turns out positive and the other negative then how can you be sure of the right answer. At the very least you need a third try to get a majority verdict.
<br />To reassure you, I would imagine that if you have CF you may have a milder form since you have got through so many years being relatively symptom free. That's a great strength but allowing yourself go untreated will do nothing but harm.
<br />Best of luck, keep us posted.