CFers over 40



<br />
<br />I'm 55, diagnosed at 48, borderline pancreatic sufficiency, FEV1 around 60.


<P>The FEV1 is part of the PFT's, is tells how good the small airways are I believe. Mine is running at 31%. Still able to do a 16 min. mile for 2 miles on treadmill with grade of 4.5, heart rate 130. Exercise is the way! I use O2 with demand flow only for the treadmill.</P>
<P> </P>
<P>It is great to see all the older CFers. This should be encouraging for a lot of folks, esp. moms and dads of young children!!</P>


<P>The FEV1 is part of the PFT's, is tells how good the small airways are I believe. Mine is running at 31%. Still able to do a 16 min. mile for 2 mileson treadmill with grade of 4.5, heart rate 130. Exercise is the way! I use O2 with demand flow only for the treadmill.</P>
<P>It is great to see all the older CFers. This should be encouraging for a lot of folks, esp. moms and dads of young children!!</P>


<P>The FEV1 is part of the PFT's, is tells how good the small airways are I believe. Mine is running at 31%. Still able to do a 16 min. mile for 2 mileson treadmill with grade of 4.5, heart rate 130. Exercise is the way! I use O2 with demand flow only for the treadmill.</P>
<P>It is great to see all the older CFers. This should be encouraging for a lot of folks, esp. moms and dads of young children!!<BR></P>


New member
<font size="3"><span style="font-family: times new roman;"><span style="color: rgb(153, 0, 0);"><font style="font-style: italic;" size="4">My Husband turned 50 in July, He was diagonised at 18months old. His FEV 1 hoovers in the mid 30's currently, but He is hoping to get back into the gym soon after recently having to battle bi-lateral pneumonia. We are hoping, if all goes as per the norm, and as per what we have seen in the past, He should be able to raise those numbers some. Being a Certified Personal Trainer Myself and also having chronic bronchitis (even though I NEVER smoked a day in my life!), I believe exercise and good nutrition plays a large part in getting and staying as healthy as we can. Ti's indeed nice to see so many "older" CF'ers!<br><br>Brightest Blessings!<br>Angel~</font><br></font>


New member
<font size="3"><span style="font-family: times new roman;"><span style="color: rgb(153, 0, 0);"><font style="font-style: italic;" size="4">My Husband turned 50 in July, He was diagonised at 18months old. His FEV 1 hoovers in the mid 30's currently, but He is hoping to get back into the gym soon after recently having to battle bi-lateral pneumonia. We are hoping, if all goes as per the norm, and as per what we have seen in the past, He should be able to raise those numbers some. Being a Certified Personal Trainer Myself and also having chronic bronchitis (even though I NEVER smoked a day in my life!), I believe exercise and good nutrition plays a large part in getting and staying as healthy as we can. Ti's indeed nice to see so many "older" CF'ers!<br><br>Brightest Blessings!<br>Angel~</font><br></font>


New member
<font size="3"><span style="font-family: times new roman;"><span style="color: rgb(153, 0, 0);"><font style="font-style: italic;" size="4">My Husband turned 50 in July, He was diagonised at 18months old. His FEV 1 hoovers in the mid 30's currently, but He is hoping to get back into the gym soon after recently having to battle bi-lateral pneumonia. We are hoping, if all goes as per the norm, and as per what we have seen in the past, He should be able to raise those numbers some. Being a Certified Personal Trainer Myself and also having chronic bronchitis (even though I NEVER smoked a day in my life!), I believe exercise and good nutrition plays a large part in getting and staying as healthy as we can. Ti's indeed nice to see so many "older" CF'ers!<br><br>Brightest Blessings!<br>Angel~</font><br></font>


New member
I am 71 dx cf age 70 -sweat tests., dx w PA age 69
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<br />
<br />
<br />-------------------
<br />cf71


New member
I am female, diagnosed at age 14 (1969); am now 56 years old and received double lung transplant
this past April 2011. O2 saturation is now 100%! Prior to surgery: FEV1 was @ 17%. Slight pancreative
insufficiency w/ some malabsorption problems.


New member
I am female, diagnosed at age 14 (1969); am now 56 years old and received double lung transplant
this past April 2011. O2 saturation is now 100%! Prior to surgery: FEV1 was @ 17%. Slight pancreative
insufficiency w/ some malabsorption problems.


New member
I am female, diagnosed at age 14 (1969); am now 56 years old and received double lung transplant
<br />this past April 2011. O2 saturation is now 100%! Prior to surgery: FEV1 was @ 17%. Slight pancreative
<br />insufficiency w/ some malabsorption problems.


New member
Hello ,  <div><br></div><div> I am 59, will be 60 this December !!  I was dxd at 44 y/o , my fev1 is about 55 ish.. I went on permanent disability & consider taking care of myself MY FULL TIME JOB ! </div><div><br></div><div> Take care  :} joni<div><br></div></div>


New member
Hello , <br>I am 59, will be 60 this December !! I was dxd at 44 y/o , my fev1 is about 55 ish.. I went on permanent disability & consider taking care of myself MY FULL TIME JOB !<br>Take care :} joni<br>


New member
Hello , <br>I am 59, will be 60 this December !! I was dxd at 44 y/o , my fev1 is about 55 ish.. I went on permanent disability & consider taking care of myself MY FULL TIME JOB !<br>Take care :} joni<br>


New member
<P> </P>
<P> </P>
<P>I am 41 yrs old DXs at 33yrs old PFT's should be 76% but have dropped to 59% in the last month. </P>
<P>( was dxs with Asthma at 5yrs old and was very sick at 18rys old and at 27yrs old things went terrible wrong when I came home from the Middle East and was house bound for two half years. I was told I had serve Asthma with ME Chronic Tirdeness...}</P>