Chat Room Etiquette


New member
I am upset. Seanna came into the chat room all nice. I asked about her knee, and someone speaks up and says that no one here with cf is going to give her sympathy over a hurt knee. Seanna left as I was asking her again about her knee--so she didn't see me tell this person she was rude. Last week Jada came in all distraught over her daughter's cf table being robbed of their $$. People were making light of the situation again. Though I wasn't there for that one, I trust Jada to be telling truth. Some people seem to think that they own the chat room and can be as insensitive as they want to others. I would like another room where <b>adult behavior </b>is a norm, not juvenile high school smart-aleck behavior. WE should not have to leave OUR chat room because of the offensive behavior. There were people there I wanted to talk to but, I got off, and so did Mel. No one said anything to this person, no one. How could they sit there and think that was right to treat Seanna like that! I am ashamed that I was too busy impersonating Allie to say something. I hurriedly got off after exposing myself, but Seanna left just as I was asking her . . . I guess you have to have CF to be able to talk about your problems. I don't understand this person, I know she is not a mean person, but she can be mean-spirited sometimes. That remark was uncalled for.

On another note, I came into the chat room impersonating Allie. Just to prove that we need a feature that will truly identify us to chat room members. Don't know if the chat room would let TWO Allie's come in so I got off quickly--plus it would have been a surprise to Allie! Hopefully, this will be addressed when the new chat room is set up.


New member
I am upset. Seanna came into the chat room all nice. I asked about her knee, and someone speaks up and says that no one here with cf is going to give her sympathy over a hurt knee. Seanna left as I was asking her again about her knee--so she didn't see me tell this person she was rude. Last week Jada came in all distraught over her daughter's cf table being robbed of their $$. People were making light of the situation again. Though I wasn't there for that one, I trust Jada to be telling truth. Some people seem to think that they own the chat room and can be as insensitive as they want to others. I would like another room where <b>adult behavior </b>is a norm, not juvenile high school smart-aleck behavior. WE should not have to leave OUR chat room because of the offensive behavior. There were people there I wanted to talk to but, I got off, and so did Mel. No one said anything to this person, no one. How could they sit there and think that was right to treat Seanna like that! I am ashamed that I was too busy impersonating Allie to say something. I hurriedly got off after exposing myself, but Seanna left just as I was asking her . . . I guess you have to have CF to be able to talk about your problems. I don't understand this person, I know she is not a mean person, but she can be mean-spirited sometimes. That remark was uncalled for.

On another note, I came into the chat room impersonating Allie. Just to prove that we need a feature that will truly identify us to chat room members. Don't know if the chat room would let TWO Allie's come in so I got off quickly--plus it would have been a surprise to Allie! Hopefully, this will be addressed when the new chat room is set up.


New member
I am upset. Seanna came into the chat room all nice. I asked about her knee, and someone speaks up and says that no one here with cf is going to give her sympathy over a hurt knee. Seanna left as I was asking her again about her knee--so she didn't see me tell this person she was rude. Last week Jada came in all distraught over her daughter's cf table being robbed of their $$. People were making light of the situation again. Though I wasn't there for that one, I trust Jada to be telling truth. Some people seem to think that they own the chat room and can be as insensitive as they want to others. I would like another room where <b>adult behavior </b>is a norm, not juvenile high school smart-aleck behavior. WE should not have to leave OUR chat room because of the offensive behavior. There were people there I wanted to talk to but, I got off, and so did Mel. No one said anything to this person, no one. How could they sit there and think that was right to treat Seanna like that! I am ashamed that I was too busy impersonating Allie to say something. I hurriedly got off after exposing myself, but Seanna left just as I was asking her . . . I guess you have to have CF to be able to talk about your problems. I don't understand this person, I know she is not a mean person, but she can be mean-spirited sometimes. That remark was uncalled for.

On another note, I came into the chat room impersonating Allie. Just to prove that we need a feature that will truly identify us to chat room members. Don't know if the chat room would let TWO Allie's come in so I got off quickly--plus it would have been a surprise to Allie! Hopefully, this will be addressed when the new chat room is set up.


New member
I shall repeat what I said on Seana's blog: I did say something to Amy. I seconded the fact (after Seana said it) that you asked her how her knee was before she started in on it. I also said on her blog that I don't agree with Amy on that one and if she wants to talk about her knee, she can talk about her knee.

As for the other situation, you're right, you weren't there. I was. And while two guys may have been making light of the situation, Jada called them A**HOLES, which is even more inappropriate. I think everyone tries to make light of situations, myself included, no matter how awful the situation is. Furthermore, Jada is not the only person ever to have had a bad day, and it doesn't give her the right to come in and call people a**holes.


New member
I shall repeat what I said on Seana's blog: I did say something to Amy. I seconded the fact (after Seana said it) that you asked her how her knee was before she started in on it. I also said on her blog that I don't agree with Amy on that one and if she wants to talk about her knee, she can talk about her knee.

As for the other situation, you're right, you weren't there. I was. And while two guys may have been making light of the situation, Jada called them A**HOLES, which is even more inappropriate. I think everyone tries to make light of situations, myself included, no matter how awful the situation is. Furthermore, Jada is not the only person ever to have had a bad day, and it doesn't give her the right to come in and call people a**holes.


New member
I shall repeat what I said on Seana's blog: I did say something to Amy. I seconded the fact (after Seana said it) that you asked her how her knee was before she started in on it. I also said on her blog that I don't agree with Amy on that one and if she wants to talk about her knee, she can talk about her knee.

As for the other situation, you're right, you weren't there. I was. And while two guys may have been making light of the situation, Jada called them A**HOLES, which is even more inappropriate. I think everyone tries to make light of situations, myself included, no matter how awful the situation is. Furthermore, Jada is not the only person ever to have had a bad day, and it doesn't give her the right to come in and call people a**holes.


New member
The exact wordage I am not sure of, but the "feeling" behind it was apparent to me. I didnt see it until Seana had already left. Jeanne is working so hard on getting a better chat room and slowly people are not wanting to utilize it. Some people might say that is "their" problem, but since this forum is for ALL of us then I feel it should become ALL of our problem!

I wasnt there for the chat with Jada so I cant comment fully. I just find it a shame that things seem to get out of control.

The name thing was demonstrated very well tonight. Everyone I think at some point was pretending & logged in as someone else.......this idea is quite worrisome to me! Call me paranoid, but I have seen some crap happen on here as many others have!


New member
The exact wordage I am not sure of, but the "feeling" behind it was apparent to me. I didnt see it until Seana had already left. Jeanne is working so hard on getting a better chat room and slowly people are not wanting to utilize it. Some people might say that is "their" problem, but since this forum is for ALL of us then I feel it should become ALL of our problem!

I wasnt there for the chat with Jada so I cant comment fully. I just find it a shame that things seem to get out of control.

The name thing was demonstrated very well tonight. Everyone I think at some point was pretending & logged in as someone else.......this idea is quite worrisome to me! Call me paranoid, but I have seen some crap happen on here as many others have!


New member
The exact wordage I am not sure of, but the "feeling" behind it was apparent to me. I didnt see it until Seana had already left. Jeanne is working so hard on getting a better chat room and slowly people are not wanting to utilize it. Some people might say that is "their" problem, but since this forum is for ALL of us then I feel it should become ALL of our problem!

I wasnt there for the chat with Jada so I cant comment fully. I just find it a shame that things seem to get out of control.

The name thing was demonstrated very well tonight. Everyone I think at some point was pretending & logged in as someone else.......this idea is quite worrisome to me! Call me paranoid, but I have seen some crap happen on here as many others have!


New member
She only called them a--holes, after they were being a--holes. When someone is having a bad day we are to support them, not make light of the situation, especially since she has been under strain from finding out she married TWO carriers, and just found out her other two children from her other marriage have cf. This is what was meant by juvenile behavior--like what kids do. Abetter word would have been JERKS, but she was upset by then--she did not start off calling them a--holes.

Im sorry I didn't see you speak up, Emily. That makes me feel good that someone did.


New member
She only called them a--holes, after they were being a--holes. When someone is having a bad day we are to support them, not make light of the situation, especially since she has been under strain from finding out she married TWO carriers, and just found out her other two children from her other marriage have cf. This is what was meant by juvenile behavior--like what kids do. Abetter word would have been JERKS, but she was upset by then--she did not start off calling them a--holes.

Im sorry I didn't see you speak up, Emily. That makes me feel good that someone did.


New member
She only called them a--holes, after they were being a--holes. When someone is having a bad day we are to support them, not make light of the situation, especially since she has been under strain from finding out she married TWO carriers, and just found out her other two children from her other marriage have cf. This is what was meant by juvenile behavior--like what kids do. Abetter word would have been JERKS, but she was upset by then--she did not start off calling them a--holes.

Im sorry I didn't see you speak up, Emily. That makes me feel good that someone did.


New member
If someone is trying to make light of something that sucks for me, I take it at face value. I take it as "These people are trying to cheer me up, that's nice." If I'm not in the mood for cheering up, I'd say so. "Listen guys, this isn't the right time for jokes, I'm not ready for it yet." Then if they kept going, "a**holes" would've been an appropriate response.

However, since Jada's immediate response was "a**holes," I don't think she really has a leg to stand on. She should've started with something more civil. I know at least one of the guys only meant well. I talk to him on AIM and he's very nice. He just has the kind of sense of humor that I have. And it didn't come off as well as he hoped it had. They could've handled it better, but she could've also. Basically, at this point, I think she has no more grounds to complain than they do.


New member
If someone is trying to make light of something that sucks for me, I take it at face value. I take it as "These people are trying to cheer me up, that's nice." If I'm not in the mood for cheering up, I'd say so. "Listen guys, this isn't the right time for jokes, I'm not ready for it yet." Then if they kept going, "a**holes" would've been an appropriate response.

However, since Jada's immediate response was "a**holes," I don't think she really has a leg to stand on. She should've started with something more civil. I know at least one of the guys only meant well. I talk to him on AIM and he's very nice. He just has the kind of sense of humor that I have. And it didn't come off as well as he hoped it had. They could've handled it better, but she could've also. Basically, at this point, I think she has no more grounds to complain than they do.


New member
If someone is trying to make light of something that sucks for me, I take it at face value. I take it as "These people are trying to cheer me up, that's nice." If I'm not in the mood for cheering up, I'd say so. "Listen guys, this isn't the right time for jokes, I'm not ready for it yet." Then if they kept going, "a**holes" would've been an appropriate response.

However, since Jada's immediate response was "a**holes," I don't think she really has a leg to stand on. She should've started with something more civil. I know at least one of the guys only meant well. I talk to him on AIM and he's very nice. He just has the kind of sense of humor that I have. And it didn't come off as well as he hoped it had. They could've handled it better, but she could've also. Basically, at this point, I think she has no more grounds to complain than they do.


New member
I want to make it clear that Jada is not complaining, I am. I talked to her the other night, asking her to come back into chat some time. She said yes, she would, she's just been busy. She is over it, <b>I</b> am the one who is bringing it up. You response were very mature and well thought, but I think at the time, Jada was so upset that that might have been the last straw. Like you said , I wasn't there but I just think people need to be more "polite" to each other. Think of each other as family. That's all. Now I'll get on my broom and ride off into the sunset!


New member
I want to make it clear that Jada is not complaining, I am. I talked to her the other night, asking her to come back into chat some time. She said yes, she would, she's just been busy. She is over it, <b>I</b> am the one who is bringing it up. You response were very mature and well thought, but I think at the time, Jada was so upset that that might have been the last straw. Like you said , I wasn't there but I just think people need to be more "polite" to each other. Think of each other as family. That's all. Now I'll get on my broom and ride off into the sunset!


New member
I want to make it clear that Jada is not complaining, I am. I talked to her the other night, asking her to come back into chat some time. She said yes, she would, she's just been busy. She is over it, <b>I</b> am the one who is bringing it up. You response were very mature and well thought, but I think at the time, Jada was so upset that that might have been the last straw. Like you said , I wasn't there but I just think people need to be more "polite" to each other. Think of each other as family. That's all. Now I'll get on my broom and ride off into the sunset!