Chat Room Etiquette


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>She only came in under your name for a few minutes. The only thing she said was "this is not Allie.......I have proved my point about privacy". She then logged out and came back under her own name.

I don't think anyone is going to think you are being a b****. You have the right to ask, but I promise, no harm was done to your name. </end quote></div>

that's fine, all I needed to know, thanks. ONe can hardly blame me for being concerned.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>She only came in under your name for a few minutes. The only thing she said was "this is not Allie.......I have proved my point about privacy". She then logged out and came back under her own name.

I don't think anyone is going to think you are being a b****. You have the right to ask, but I promise, no harm was done to your name. </end quote></div>

that's fine, all I needed to know, thanks. ONe can hardly blame me for being concerned.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>She only came in under your name for a few minutes. The only thing she said was "this is not Allie.......I have proved my point about privacy". She then logged out and came back under her own name.

I don't think anyone is going to think you are being a b****. You have the right to ask, but I promise, no harm was done to your name. </end quote></div>

that's fine, all I needed to know, thanks. ONe can hardly blame me for being concerned.


New member
I never go into the chat, or any chatroom for that matter.

This is the exact reason why.

With all due respect to those involved, why do you think that a CF chatroom is/should be any different from a regular chatroom you'd find anywhere else on the internet? ALL chatrooms have people who come on with bad attitudes and fling insults at the first person available, whether they are truly there to cause trouble or just "had a bad day". The simiple solution would be to say, if you're in a bad mood, don't get online, but that's never going to happen.

All I'm saying is that you can't police everyone, and just like in the real world, there are people online that purposly are a pain in the @$$ just because they can be. Telling everyone to grow up and act mature isn't going to help. CFers are human, too, just like everyone else. Just because the malicious ones may have the disease doesn't mean they are any more mature than Joe Blow off the street (unfortunately).

I would say the only solution that is really going to help is for people to grow a thicker skin and take anything said online with a grain of salt. Don't let your feelings get hurt because someone who's never met you and is living maybe halfway around the world stubbed their toe that day and wants to take it out on God and country. Let them be pissy, it should not effect you so deeply. I think sometimes people on this forum can get way too offended way too easily...

But maybe that's just which case, good luck, everyone.

As far as the "identity theft" goes...I'd say that's a pretty major glitch.


New member
I never go into the chat, or any chatroom for that matter.

This is the exact reason why.

With all due respect to those involved, why do you think that a CF chatroom is/should be any different from a regular chatroom you'd find anywhere else on the internet? ALL chatrooms have people who come on with bad attitudes and fling insults at the first person available, whether they are truly there to cause trouble or just "had a bad day". The simiple solution would be to say, if you're in a bad mood, don't get online, but that's never going to happen.

All I'm saying is that you can't police everyone, and just like in the real world, there are people online that purposly are a pain in the @$$ just because they can be. Telling everyone to grow up and act mature isn't going to help. CFers are human, too, just like everyone else. Just because the malicious ones may have the disease doesn't mean they are any more mature than Joe Blow off the street (unfortunately).

I would say the only solution that is really going to help is for people to grow a thicker skin and take anything said online with a grain of salt. Don't let your feelings get hurt because someone who's never met you and is living maybe halfway around the world stubbed their toe that day and wants to take it out on God and country. Let them be pissy, it should not effect you so deeply. I think sometimes people on this forum can get way too offended way too easily...

But maybe that's just which case, good luck, everyone.

As far as the "identity theft" goes...I'd say that's a pretty major glitch.


New member
I never go into the chat, or any chatroom for that matter.

This is the exact reason why.

With all due respect to those involved, why do you think that a CF chatroom is/should be any different from a regular chatroom you'd find anywhere else on the internet? ALL chatrooms have people who come on with bad attitudes and fling insults at the first person available, whether they are truly there to cause trouble or just "had a bad day". The simiple solution would be to say, if you're in a bad mood, don't get online, but that's never going to happen.

All I'm saying is that you can't police everyone, and just like in the real world, there are people online that purposly are a pain in the @$$ just because they can be. Telling everyone to grow up and act mature isn't going to help. CFers are human, too, just like everyone else. Just because the malicious ones may have the disease doesn't mean they are any more mature than Joe Blow off the street (unfortunately).

I would say the only solution that is really going to help is for people to grow a thicker skin and take anything said online with a grain of salt. Don't let your feelings get hurt because someone who's never met you and is living maybe halfway around the world stubbed their toe that day and wants to take it out on God and country. Let them be pissy, it should not effect you so deeply. I think sometimes people on this forum can get way too offended way too easily...

But maybe that's just which case, good luck, everyone.

As far as the "identity theft" goes...I'd say that's a pretty major glitch.


New member
I think the person in question has the attitude of an insecure teenager. Call a spade a spade, right? I think that's a phrase she uses...


New member
I think the person in question has the attitude of an insecure teenager. Call a spade a spade, right? I think that's a phrase she uses...


New member
I think the person in question has the attitude of an insecure teenager. Call a spade a spade, right? I think that's a phrase she uses...


New member
There is a part of me that wonders what makes any of the people complaining about her any better than her? You all say that she says inappropriate things but then here you all are saying it right back to her in a public thread. So you are doing the exact same things that you are accusing her of doing.

If you don't like someone, block them or send them a PM talking about the issue. Otherwise you are "stooping to their level" and doing what you don't want them to do.

I agree that you have to have a thick skin to come here. We don't know anyone well, and things come off on email MUCH differently than if you met the person in real-life. Especially if someone is blunt.

If Seana talked about her knee (which she has a complete right to and I hope it is feeling a little better) and someone made a comment it reminds me of Allie's shirt that I got. It is the one saying how much medicine we take and then it says, "sorry about your cold". It is kind of a joke really. But I wasn't there so maybe it was worse than that I don't know.

I just wish that we all could make our complaints about others more private. I hate seeing threads devoted to ripping on one person in particular, especially when she has done so much good


New member
There is a part of me that wonders what makes any of the people complaining about her any better than her? You all say that she says inappropriate things but then here you all are saying it right back to her in a public thread. So you are doing the exact same things that you are accusing her of doing.

If you don't like someone, block them or send them a PM talking about the issue. Otherwise you are "stooping to their level" and doing what you don't want them to do.

I agree that you have to have a thick skin to come here. We don't know anyone well, and things come off on email MUCH differently than if you met the person in real-life. Especially if someone is blunt.

If Seana talked about her knee (which she has a complete right to and I hope it is feeling a little better) and someone made a comment it reminds me of Allie's shirt that I got. It is the one saying how much medicine we take and then it says, "sorry about your cold". It is kind of a joke really. But I wasn't there so maybe it was worse than that I don't know.

I just wish that we all could make our complaints about others more private. I hate seeing threads devoted to ripping on one person in particular, especially when she has done so much good


New member
There is a part of me that wonders what makes any of the people complaining about her any better than her? You all say that she says inappropriate things but then here you all are saying it right back to her in a public thread. So you are doing the exact same things that you are accusing her of doing.

If you don't like someone, block them or send them a PM talking about the issue. Otherwise you are "stooping to their level" and doing what you don't want them to do.

I agree that you have to have a thick skin to come here. We don't know anyone well, and things come off on email MUCH differently than if you met the person in real-life. Especially if someone is blunt.

If Seana talked about her knee (which she has a complete right to and I hope it is feeling a little better) and someone made a comment it reminds me of Allie's shirt that I got. It is the one saying how much medicine we take and then it says, "sorry about your cold". It is kind of a joke really. But I wasn't there so maybe it was worse than that I don't know.

I just wish that we all could make our complaints about others more private. I hate seeing threads devoted to ripping on one person in particular, especially when she has done so much good


New member
And I don't want to come off sounding all high and mighty becuase of course I have ripped on people before and will probably continue doing it, although I really am making an effort to stop. I am just saying that in a perfect world it would be nice if we all just tried to not get so offended (I am definitely putting myself in that category also)


New member
And I don't want to come off sounding all high and mighty becuase of course I have ripped on people before and will probably continue doing it, although I really am making an effort to stop. I am just saying that in a perfect world it would be nice if we all just tried to not get so offended (I am definitely putting myself in that category also)


New member
And I don't want to come off sounding all high and mighty becuase of course I have ripped on people before and will probably continue doing it, although I really am making an effort to stop. I am just saying that in a perfect world it would be nice if we all just tried to not get so offended (I am definitely putting myself in that category also)


New member
I agree with Sue that complaints should be taken up privately. It's frustrating that the unspoken rule of the schoolyard (i.e. "never say anything unless you're sure that everyone agrees with you") is rampantly applied around here.

Some people benefit from a no-holds barred approach, others take it personally. Some need to be validated at every turn, and others need straight talk that cuts through the baloney (or bologna, if you prefer). Personally, if I feel I need a certain degree of sympathy/empathy, I send a direct email or PM to a person or two I know will come alongside me and validate my point of view.

The contacts I have made through this site, for that very purpose, make my experience on a good one.

"With friends like you, who needs enemas?" --Charles Ossining (John Cusack, "The Road to Wellville")


New member
I agree with Sue that complaints should be taken up privately. It's frustrating that the unspoken rule of the schoolyard (i.e. "never say anything unless you're sure that everyone agrees with you") is rampantly applied around here.

Some people benefit from a no-holds barred approach, others take it personally. Some need to be validated at every turn, and others need straight talk that cuts through the baloney (or bologna, if you prefer). Personally, if I feel I need a certain degree of sympathy/empathy, I send a direct email or PM to a person or two I know will come alongside me and validate my point of view.

The contacts I have made through this site, for that very purpose, make my experience on a good one.

"With friends like you, who needs enemas?" --Charles Ossining (John Cusack, "The Road to Wellville")