Chat Room Etiquette


New member

She only came in under your name for a few minutes. The only thing she said was "this is not Allie.......I have proved my point about privacy". She then logged out and came back under her own name.

I don't think anyone is going to think you are being a b****. You have the right to ask, but I promise, no harm was done to your name.



New member

She only came in under your name for a few minutes. The only thing she said was "this is not Allie.......I have proved my point about privacy". She then logged out and came back under her own name.

I don't think anyone is going to think you are being a b****. You have the right to ask, but I promise, no harm was done to your name.



I agree with Fred...two things going allow for different logins...and people who are playing with the feature...

We're getting the full feeling of Identity's scary.

Ennio and I are on the task of figuring out how the login for the site, is in fact the login for the chat...he's made some phone calls...and he is a talented we will solve this problem which will solve the other problem by disabling the feature of allowing people to sign on with an unknown or stolen identity!

Warning: Other concerns for the chat....bullying, inappropriate language...can be addressed with banning...

Site Etiquette....for me a lot is covered by the charism....Hospitality!

There is always an "elephant" at this site, we know and see in so many ways how people deal with CF in their lives...from the initial diagnosis through good days and parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, professionals, and the patients themselve.

There is also life to deal with...along with CF...good days, joys and celebrations and then other pains and stresses, money, family problems, other diagnosis, lack of spirit, sadness, suffering, name a few....let's remember

This is a place of people "where they're at"...don't belittle each other's problems or comments...treat them with dignity and respect! If you can't, don't say anything.

The Chat has a feature where you can double click on someone's name and a popup Instant Message can hold private conversations..with people who share similar points of view or you find to be of help. You may find it helpful...



I agree with Fred...two things going allow for different logins...and people who are playing with the feature...

We're getting the full feeling of Identity's scary.

Ennio and I are on the task of figuring out how the login for the site, is in fact the login for the chat...he's made some phone calls...and he is a talented we will solve this problem which will solve the other problem by disabling the feature of allowing people to sign on with an unknown or stolen identity!

Warning: Other concerns for the chat....bullying, inappropriate language...can be addressed with banning...

Site Etiquette....for me a lot is covered by the charism....Hospitality!

There is always an "elephant" at this site, we know and see in so many ways how people deal with CF in their lives...from the initial diagnosis through good days and parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, professionals, and the patients themselve.

There is also life to deal with...along with CF...good days, joys and celebrations and then other pains and stresses, money, family problems, other diagnosis, lack of spirit, sadness, suffering, name a few....let's remember

This is a place of people "where they're at"...don't belittle each other's problems or comments...treat them with dignity and respect! If you can't, don't say anything.

The Chat has a feature where you can double click on someone's name and a popup Instant Message can hold private conversations..with people who share similar points of view or you find to be of help. You may find it helpful...



I agree with Fred...two things going allow for different logins...and people who are playing with the feature...

We're getting the full feeling of Identity's scary.

Ennio and I are on the task of figuring out how the login for the site, is in fact the login for the chat...he's made some phone calls...and he is a talented we will solve this problem which will solve the other problem by disabling the feature of allowing people to sign on with an unknown or stolen identity!

Warning: Other concerns for the chat....bullying, inappropriate language...can be addressed with banning...

Site Etiquette....for me a lot is covered by the charism....Hospitality!

There is always an "elephant" at this site, we know and see in so many ways how people deal with CF in their lives...from the initial diagnosis through good days and parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, professionals, and the patients themselve.

There is also life to deal with...along with CF...good days, joys and celebrations and then other pains and stresses, money, family problems, other diagnosis, lack of spirit, sadness, suffering, name a few....let's remember

This is a place of people "where they're at"...don't belittle each other's problems or comments...treat them with dignity and respect! If you can't, don't say anything.

The Chat has a feature where you can double click on someone's name and a popup Instant Message can hold private conversations..with people who share similar points of view or you find to be of help. You may find it helpful...



New member
"Did you consider that anything you did or did not say would be reflected on me?"

Allie, chill, I only came on for a few seconds! I came on, everyone said 'ALLIE' (being happy to see you.] I only stayed in your persona for a less than a minute. Then I pointed out to them that "I" wasn't you. I told them that this is how easy it is to impersonate someone else! I chose you because you are someone instantly recognized--and I think I made a point. You can ask Emily--I didn't make it a game, and I got off right away. I didn't do anything against your name--why would you think I would do that? It bothers me that you would think that of me, that I would do something malicious with your name! But did you also get the point? What if someone came in at night and said something using your name? How could you prove you didn't say something. People with a grudge could wreck havoc . . . so I'm sorry you are upset, but by using your good name, I may have saved it . . . And FYI--

"It's one thing to draw attention to the potential dangers...but acting as me bothers and worries me."

--there is no way I could act like you! I would be found out--you are one of a kind, my friend. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
"Did you consider that anything you did or did not say would be reflected on me?"

Allie, chill, I only came on for a few seconds! I came on, everyone said 'ALLIE' (being happy to see you.] I only stayed in your persona for a less than a minute. Then I pointed out to them that "I" wasn't you. I told them that this is how easy it is to impersonate someone else! I chose you because you are someone instantly recognized--and I think I made a point. You can ask Emily--I didn't make it a game, and I got off right away. I didn't do anything against your name--why would you think I would do that? It bothers me that you would think that of me, that I would do something malicious with your name! But did you also get the point? What if someone came in at night and said something using your name? How could you prove you didn't say something. People with a grudge could wreck havoc . . . so I'm sorry you are upset, but by using your good name, I may have saved it . . . And FYI--

"It's one thing to draw attention to the potential dangers...but acting as me bothers and worries me."

--there is no way I could act like you! I would be found out--you are one of a kind, my friend. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
"Did you consider that anything you did or did not say would be reflected on me?"

Allie, chill, I only came on for a few seconds! I came on, everyone said 'ALLIE' (being happy to see you.] I only stayed in your persona for a less than a minute. Then I pointed out to them that "I" wasn't you. I told them that this is how easy it is to impersonate someone else! I chose you because you are someone instantly recognized--and I think I made a point. You can ask Emily--I didn't make it a game, and I got off right away. I didn't do anything against your name--why would you think I would do that? It bothers me that you would think that of me, that I would do something malicious with your name! But did you also get the point? What if someone came in at night and said something using your name? How could you prove you didn't say something. People with a grudge could wreck havoc . . . so I'm sorry you are upset, but by using your good name, I may have saved it . . . And FYI--

"It's one thing to draw attention to the potential dangers...but acting as me bothers and worries me."

--there is no way I could act like you! I would be found out--you are one of a kind, my friend. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


Digital opinion leader
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Imogene</b></i>

This is a place of people "where they're at"...don't belittle each other's problems or comments...treat them with dignity and respect! If you can't, don't say anything.

The Chat has a feature where you can double click on someone's name and a popup Instant Message can hold private conversations..with people who share similar points of view or you find to be of help. You may find it helpful...

Jeanne</end quote></div>

Thank you Jeanne (for both points). This was getting a little weird

IM Chat feature= COOL


Digital opinion leader
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Imogene</b></i>

This is a place of people "where they're at"...don't belittle each other's problems or comments...treat them with dignity and respect! If you can't, don't say anything.

The Chat has a feature where you can double click on someone's name and a popup Instant Message can hold private conversations..with people who share similar points of view or you find to be of help. You may find it helpful...

Jeanne</end quote></div>

Thank you Jeanne (for both points). This was getting a little weird

IM Chat feature= COOL


Digital opinion leader
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Imogene</b></i>

This is a place of people "where they're at"...don't belittle each other's problems or comments...treat them with dignity and respect! If you can't, don't say anything.

The Chat has a feature where you can double click on someone's name and a popup Instant Message can hold private conversations..with people who share similar points of view or you find to be of help. You may find it helpful...

Jeanne</end quote></div>

Thank you Jeanne (for both points). This was getting a little weird

IM Chat feature= COOL


New member
I think we should leave this dead horse now. I think points have been made and clarified. We ALL need to grow some manners or learn some. We need to be careful that if we're going to be rude and make smar t remarks, that we make those said remarks accurate at the very least lol! (CF isn't terminal! But then again that's for another day!)

I just think its best closed before we all leave with sour heads <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

PS: That chat thing is cool. Well done!


New member
I think we should leave this dead horse now. I think points have been made and clarified. We ALL need to grow some manners or learn some. We need to be careful that if we're going to be rude and make smar t remarks, that we make those said remarks accurate at the very least lol! (CF isn't terminal! But then again that's for another day!)

I just think its best closed before we all leave with sour heads <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

PS: That chat thing is cool. Well done!


New member
I think we should leave this dead horse now. I think points have been made and clarified. We ALL need to grow some manners or learn some. We need to be careful that if we're going to be rude and make smar t remarks, that we make those said remarks accurate at the very least lol! (CF isn't terminal! But then again that's for another day!)

I just think its best closed before we all leave with sour heads <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

PS: That chat thing is cool. Well done!


New member
Maybe we should all remember why we came here in the first place. I'm new here and I've already noticed the uneasy feelings that come across sometimes. You know some here have CF others have loved ones that are affected by it etc. The point being no one is going to benifit from all this bickering. I think we all have a common goal, to get support, period. Whether you have CF or your a family member or friend. Here is NOT the place for CYSTICFIBROSIS against the world.


New member
Maybe we should all remember why we came here in the first place. I'm new here and I've already noticed the uneasy feelings that come across sometimes. You know some here have CF others have loved ones that are affected by it etc. The point being no one is going to benifit from all this bickering. I think we all have a common goal, to get support, period. Whether you have CF or your a family member or friend. Here is NOT the place for CYSTICFIBROSIS against the world.


New member
Maybe we should all remember why we came here in the first place. I'm new here and I've already noticed the uneasy feelings that come across sometimes. You know some here have CF others have loved ones that are affected by it etc. The point being no one is going to benifit from all this bickering. I think we all have a common goal, to get support, period. Whether you have CF or your a family member or friend. Here is NOT the place for CYSTICFIBROSIS against the world.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>kayleesgrandma</b></i>

She only called them a--holes, after they were being a--holes. When someone is having a bad day we are to support them, not make light of the situation </end quote></div>

With all due respect, you've already admitted you weren't there for the Jada incident. I was, and I might even be one of the people she is upset with, I have no idea. I can promise you that NO ONE was making light of her situation. She had a bad day and chose to interpret everthing that was said in the worst possible way. Jada recieved genuine sympathy from everyone in the room but she chose on her own to interpret it as sarcasm. Then Jada started lashing out at everyone there. When she left we all understood she had a bad day and chalked it up to that.

Email, message boards, and chatrooms are dangerous communication mediums becuase it is very easy to mis-interpret someone's mood or intended emotion, especially if you factor in sarcasm. I wish I had a nickle for every time I've had to tell someone at work to be more careful when they send an email to a co-worker...

I have all the sympathy in the world for what Jada is going through, but in this case she made a big deal out of something that never even happened. I have no idea what happened with the knee thing, but please don't include Jada's issue as an example of inappropriate behavior by the regular chatters.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>kayleesgrandma</b></i>

She only called them a--holes, after they were being a--holes. When someone is having a bad day we are to support them, not make light of the situation </end quote></div>

With all due respect, you've already admitted you weren't there for the Jada incident. I was, and I might even be one of the people she is upset with, I have no idea. I can promise you that NO ONE was making light of her situation. She had a bad day and chose to interpret everthing that was said in the worst possible way. Jada recieved genuine sympathy from everyone in the room but she chose on her own to interpret it as sarcasm. Then Jada started lashing out at everyone there. When she left we all understood she had a bad day and chalked it up to that.

Email, message boards, and chatrooms are dangerous communication mediums becuase it is very easy to mis-interpret someone's mood or intended emotion, especially if you factor in sarcasm. I wish I had a nickle for every time I've had to tell someone at work to be more careful when they send an email to a co-worker...

I have all the sympathy in the world for what Jada is going through, but in this case she made a big deal out of something that never even happened. I have no idea what happened with the knee thing, but please don't include Jada's issue as an example of inappropriate behavior by the regular chatters.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>kayleesgrandma</b></i>

She only called them a--holes, after they were being a--holes. When someone is having a bad day we are to support them, not make light of the situation </end quote></div>

With all due respect, you've already admitted you weren't there for the Jada incident. I was, and I might even be one of the people she is upset with, I have no idea. I can promise you that NO ONE was making light of her situation. She had a bad day and chose to interpret everthing that was said in the worst possible way. Jada recieved genuine sympathy from everyone in the room but she chose on her own to interpret it as sarcasm. Then Jada started lashing out at everyone there. When she left we all understood she had a bad day and chalked it up to that.

Email, message boards, and chatrooms are dangerous communication mediums becuase it is very easy to mis-interpret someone's mood or intended emotion, especially if you factor in sarcasm. I wish I had a nickle for every time I've had to tell someone at work to be more careful when they send an email to a co-worker...

I have all the sympathy in the world for what Jada is going through, but in this case she made a big deal out of something that never even happened. I have no idea what happened with the knee thing, but please don't include Jada's issue as an example of inappropriate behavior by the regular chatters.