checking for cf on unborn fetus through blood test


New member
My daughter is 10 weeks pregnant and her baby doctor took blood yesterday and said he was checking the baby for CF . I didn't think you could check for it until the baby is at least  2 months old . My daughter doesn't have CF .<br>


New member
My daughter is 10 weeks pregnant and her baby doctor took blood yesterday and said he was checking the baby for CF . I didn't think you could check for it until the baby is at least 2 months old . My daughter doesn't have CF .<br>


New member
My daughter is 10 weeks pregnant and her baby doctor took blood yesterday and said he was checking the baby for CF . I didn't think you could check for it until the baby is at least 2 months old . My daughter doesn't have CF .<br>


New member
At this stage, they couldn't test the baby unless they did CVS by taking a sample of the baby's cells from her uterus. A blood test might be used just to see if your daughter is a carrier. That is usually their first step for any pregnant woman. If she has one of the more common genes, then they would take the next step of testing the father of the baby. Unfortunately if she is a carrier but has a rare gene that would not show up on the simpler test, then most likely this panel will not show it.

It could be helpful if they know what genes you have. Those would be the most likely ones that she could potentially carry.


New member
At this stage, they couldn't test the baby unless they did CVS by taking a sample of the baby's cells from her uterus. A blood test might be used just to see if your daughter is a carrier. That is usually their first step for any pregnant woman. If she has one of the more common genes, then they would take the next step of testing the father of the baby. Unfortunately if she is a carrier but has a rare gene that would not show up on the simpler test, then most likely this panel will not show it.

It could be helpful if they know what genes you have. Those would be the most likely ones that she could potentially carry.


New member
At this stage, they couldn't test the baby unless they did CVS by taking a sample of the baby's cells from her uterus. A blood test might be used just to see if your daughter is a carrier. That is usually their first step for any pregnant woman. If she has one of the more common genes, then they would take the next step of testing the father of the baby. Unfortunately if she is a carrier but has a rare gene that would not show up on the simpler test, then most likely this panel will not show it.
<br />
<br />It could be helpful if they know what genes you have. Those would be the most likely ones that she could potentially carry.


New member
Yeah I don't know what mutation i have. I know she is a carrier . I didn't think they could test for that on a fetus.


New member
Yeah I don't know what mutation i have. I know she is a carrier . I didn't think they could test for that on a fetus.


New member
Yeah I don't know what mutation i have. I know she is a carrier . I didn't think they could test for that on a fetus.


New member
You have in your sig line that you have the df508 mutation- are you a double df508 or is that just one of them? If you have two of them, that makes it easy when it comes to your daughter- she's a carrier of df508 and any screening panel will pick that up.
<br>Some fetal dna IS present in the maternal bloodstream, however, and there is some testing that can be done that would normally be done via CVS or amnio. I do not know how routine this testing is at this point or if it commonly includes CF testing, just that it can be done. An abstract with some info about this:
<br><br><br>eta> even if they did NO prenatal testing, they would not have to wait after birth. All states now perform a newborn screen where IRT levels and/or panel testing is done (within 48hrs and again at 2wks.) Further genetic sequencing can be done right away when there is any suspicion of the dx even if a sweat test cannot be done right away for any reason.<br>


New member
You have in your sig line that you have the df508 mutation- are you a double df508 or is that just one of them? If you have two of them, that makes it easy when it comes to your daughter- she's a carrier of df508 and any screening panel will pick that up.
<br>Some fetal dna IS present in the maternal bloodstream, however, and there is some testing that can be done that would normally be done via CVS or amnio. I do not know how routine this testing is at this point or if it commonly includes CF testing, just that it can be done. An abstract with some info about this:
<br><br><br>eta> even if they did NO prenatal testing, they would not have to wait after birth. All states now perform a newborn screen where IRT levels and/or panel testing is done (within 48hrs and again at 2wks.) Further genetic sequencing can be done right away when there is any suspicion of the dx even if a sweat test cannot be done right away for any reason.<br>


New member
You have in your sig line that you have the df508 mutation- are you a double df508 or is that just one of them? If you have two of them, that makes it easy when it comes to your daughter- she's a carrier of df508 and any screening panel will pick that up.
<br>Some fetal dna IS present in the maternal bloodstream, however, and there is some testing that can be done that would normally be done via CVS or amnio. I do not know how routine this testing is at this point or if it commonly includes CF testing, just that it can be done. An abstract with some info about this:
<br><br><br>eta> even if they did NO prenatal testing, they would not have to wait after birth. All states now perform a newborn screen where IRT levels and/or panel testing is done (within 48hrs and again at 2wks.) Further genetic sequencing can be done right away when there is any suspicion of the dx even if a sweat test cannot be done right away for any reason.<br>


New member
This is how I was diagnosed with CF. My mother was involved in an trial test where they checked either the blood or the cells of the fetus to check for genetic mutations and discovered that I had CF. So yes it is possible and helped me because I was put on medication as soon as I was born and my parents were able to prep in the right ways before being bombarded with good old crying/pooping me AND having to become educated about what my body was going through.


New member
This is how I was diagnosed with CF. My mother was involved in an trial test where they checked either the blood or the cells of the fetus to check for genetic mutations and discovered that I had CF. So yes it is possible and helped me because I was put on medication as soon as I was born and my parents were able to prep in the right ways before being bombarded with good old crying/pooping me AND having to become educated about what my body was going through.


New member
This is how I was diagnosed with CF. My mother was involved in an trial test where they checked either the blood or the cells of the fetus to check for genetic mutations and discovered that I had CF. So yes it is possible and helped me because I was put on medication as soon as I was born and my parents were able to prep in the right ways before being bombarded with good old crying/pooping me AND having to become educated about what my body was going through.


I have cf and when I was pregnant I was told I had to do an amnio to check if the baby had cf. Honestly, I refused. There is a risk of miscarriage with amnios and I wasn't going to do that. What would it matter anyhow? The baby would either have cf or not, nothing we were going to do in utero. Anyhow, in Colorado, cf testing is mandatory at birth, so he had that done right away. NO CF!


I have cf and when I was pregnant I was told I had to do an amnio to check if the baby had cf. Honestly, I refused. There is a risk of miscarriage with amnios and I wasn't going to do that. What would it matter anyhow? The baby would either have cf or not, nothing we were going to do in utero. Anyhow, in Colorado, cf testing is mandatory at birth, so he had that done right away. NO CF!


I have cf and when I was pregnant I was told I had to do an amnio to check if the baby had cf. Honestly, I refused. There is a risk of miscarriage with amnios and I wasn't going to do that. What would it matter anyhow? The baby would either have cf or not, nothing we were going to do in utero. Anyhow, in Colorado, cf testing is mandatory at birth, so he had that done right away. NO CF!