You have in your sig line that you have the df508 mutation- are you a double df508 or is that just one of them? If you have two of them, that makes it easy when it comes to your daughter- she's a carrier of df508 and any screening panel will pick that up.
<br>Some fetal dna IS present in the maternal bloodstream, however, and there is some testing that can be done that would normally be done via CVS or amnio. I do not know how routine this testing is at this point or if it commonly includes CF testing, just that it can be done. An abstract with some info about this:
<br><br><br>eta> even if they did NO prenatal testing, they would not have to wait after birth. All states now perform a newborn screen where IRT levels and/or panel testing is done (within 48hrs and again at 2wks.) Further genetic sequencing can be done right away when there is any suspicion of the dx even if a sweat test cannot be done right away for any reason.<br>