Children handling meds


New member
my son was 5 when he started getting his own meds. I think it has gotten harder now that he is 14 and tends to forget.


New member
my son was 5 when he started getting his own meds. I think it has gotten harder now that he is 14 and tends to forget.


New member
my son was 5 when he started getting his own meds. I think it has gotten harder now that he is 14 and tends to forget.


New member
my son was 5 when he started getting his own meds. I think it has gotten harder now that he is 14 and tends to forget.


New member
my son was 5 when he started getting his own meds. I think it has gotten harder now that he is 14 and tends to forget.


New member

My daughter just started to get her own meds ready. She justed turned 6 this last June and has been helping since she was diagnosed at 2. She knows what to take. When she is out with family when I am not there, she is telling them what she needs. Like Jane said on one of the post "you are right to start early, then it just seems like routine".

If you don't mind me asking how is Austin doing? Austin has no problem swallowing the pills? Madi chokes. So we have not gotten over that yet. But she gets everything ready (applesauce and pills)and then takes them.

Take care.

Mom to Madi 6 w/CF DF508 and 1471delA diagnosed @ 2yrs old
Madi's Fight - Huntington Beach, CA


New member

My daughter just started to get her own meds ready. She justed turned 6 this last June and has been helping since she was diagnosed at 2. She knows what to take. When she is out with family when I am not there, she is telling them what she needs. Like Jane said on one of the post "you are right to start early, then it just seems like routine".

If you don't mind me asking how is Austin doing? Austin has no problem swallowing the pills? Madi chokes. So we have not gotten over that yet. But she gets everything ready (applesauce and pills)and then takes them.

Take care.

Mom to Madi 6 w/CF DF508 and 1471delA diagnosed @ 2yrs old
Madi's Fight - Huntington Beach, CA


New member

My daughter just started to get her own meds ready. She justed turned 6 this last June and has been helping since she was diagnosed at 2. She knows what to take. When she is out with family when I am not there, she is telling them what she needs. Like Jane said on one of the post "you are right to start early, then it just seems like routine".

If you don't mind me asking how is Austin doing? Austin has no problem swallowing the pills? Madi chokes. So we have not gotten over that yet. But she gets everything ready (applesauce and pills)and then takes them.

Take care.

Mom to Madi 6 w/CF DF508 and 1471delA diagnosed @ 2yrs old
Madi's Fight - Huntington Beach, CA


New member

My daughter just started to get her own meds ready. She justed turned 6 this last June and has been helping since she was diagnosed at 2. She knows what to take. When she is out with family when I am not there, she is telling them what she needs. Like Jane said on one of the post "you are right to start early, then it just seems like routine".

If you don't mind me asking how is Austin doing? Austin has no problem swallowing the pills? Madi chokes. So we have not gotten over that yet. But she gets everything ready (applesauce and pills)and then takes them.

Take care.

Mom to Madi 6 w/CF DF508 and 1471delA diagnosed @ 2yrs old
Madi's Fight - Huntington Beach, CA


New member
<br />
<br />My daughter just started to get her own meds ready. She justed turned 6 this last June and has been helping since she was diagnosed at 2. She knows what to take. When she is out with family when I am not there, she is telling them what she needs. Like Jane said on one of the post "you are right to start early, then it just seems like routine".
<br />
<br />If you don't mind me asking how is Austin doing? Austin has no problem swallowing the pills? Madi chokes. So we have not gotten over that yet. But she gets everything ready (applesauce and pills)and then takes them.
<br />
<br />Take care.
<br />
<br />Stephanie
<br />Mom to Madi 6 w/CF DF508 and 1471delA diagnosed @ 2yrs old
<br />Madi's Fight - Huntington Beach, CA


Sophia just turned 7. For the past six months she has been helping me out with getting her and her brothers vitamins (prevacid, flintstones, DHA, and vitamax) ready. I am not sure when she can start helping with her nebulizer meds. I have started asking them to put their vests on and start and stop it when they need to. But I don't have 100% cooperation with it yet.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 7 and Jack, 4 both with cf


Sophia just turned 7. For the past six months she has been helping me out with getting her and her brothers vitamins (prevacid, flintstones, DHA, and vitamax) ready. I am not sure when she can start helping with her nebulizer meds. I have started asking them to put their vests on and start and stop it when they need to. But I don't have 100% cooperation with it yet.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 7 and Jack, 4 both with cf


Sophia just turned 7. For the past six months she has been helping me out with getting her and her brothers vitamins (prevacid, flintstones, DHA, and vitamax) ready. I am not sure when she can start helping with her nebulizer meds. I have started asking them to put their vests on and start and stop it when they need to. But I don't have 100% cooperation with it yet.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 7 and Jack, 4 both with cf


Sophia just turned 7. For the past six months she has been helping me out with getting her and her brothers vitamins (prevacid, flintstones, DHA, and vitamax) ready. I am not sure when she can start helping with her nebulizer meds. I have started asking them to put their vests on and start and stop it when they need to. But I don't have 100% cooperation with it yet.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 7 and Jack, 4 both with cf


Sophia just turned 7. For the past six months she has been helping me out with getting her and her brothers vitamins (prevacid, flintstones, DHA, and vitamax) ready. I am not sure when she can start helping with her nebulizer meds. I have started asking them to put their vests on and start and stop it when they need to. But I don't have 100% cooperation with it yet.
<br />Sharon, mom of Sophia, 7 and Jack, 4 both with cf


New member
Great job Paula! I was surprised to read he got his daily meds. and not just his enzymes. I was set to be impressed that he got his enzymes and then I read he got it all. My oldest was diagnosed at age 4 and we asked for non-child proof caps for her enzymes right from the start. This was way back in '90, before they prescribed anything much more than enzymes.

It is something that will set you back when you first see them doing it all on their own. You are right, they shouldn't HAVE to worry about all this. But for them, it's just the way it is. For now anyway.

Way to go Austin!


New member
Great job Paula! I was surprised to read he got his daily meds. and not just his enzymes. I was set to be impressed that he got his enzymes and then I read he got it all. My oldest was diagnosed at age 4 and we asked for non-child proof caps for her enzymes right from the start. This was way back in '90, before they prescribed anything much more than enzymes.

It is something that will set you back when you first see them doing it all on their own. You are right, they shouldn't HAVE to worry about all this. But for them, it's just the way it is. For now anyway.

Way to go Austin!


New member
Great job Paula! I was surprised to read he got his daily meds. and not just his enzymes. I was set to be impressed that he got his enzymes and then I read he got it all. My oldest was diagnosed at age 4 and we asked for non-child proof caps for her enzymes right from the start. This was way back in '90, before they prescribed anything much more than enzymes.

It is something that will set you back when you first see them doing it all on their own. You are right, they shouldn't HAVE to worry about all this. But for them, it's just the way it is. For now anyway.

Way to go Austin!


New member
Great job Paula! I was surprised to read he got his daily meds. and not just his enzymes. I was set to be impressed that he got his enzymes and then I read he got it all. My oldest was diagnosed at age 4 and we asked for non-child proof caps for her enzymes right from the start. This was way back in '90, before they prescribed anything much more than enzymes.

It is something that will set you back when you first see them doing it all on their own. You are right, they shouldn't HAVE to worry about all this. But for them, it's just the way it is. For now anyway.

Way to go Austin!


New member
Great job Paula! I was surprised to read he got his daily meds. and not just his enzymes. I was set to be impressed that he got his enzymes and then I read he got it all. My oldest was diagnosed at age 4 and we asked for non-child proof caps for her enzymes right from the start. This was way back in '90, before they prescribed anything much more than enzymes.
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<br />It is something that will set you back when you first see them doing it all on their own. You are right, they shouldn't HAVE to worry about all this. But for them, it's just the way it is. For now anyway.
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<br />Way to go Austin!
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