My eight year old son has chronic sinus infections seen on CAT scan despite sinus surgery, negative allergy testing and negative immune system testing (immune subclasses). He occasionally has a moist cough with an acute sinus infection but has never been diagnosed with any respiratory infection. He is thin and has a poor appetite and is lactose intolerant. He has had chronic ear infections which is managed with tubes. His E.N.T. is treating him for reflux though no testing has been done for this and he doesn't really have any reflux symptoms. The doctor says that he could be refluxing into his sinus' causing the chronic infection, but he doesn't put much weight in this theory. Otherwise, the doctor says he has no where else to turn for a reason for these sinus issues. A friend mentioned CF.
Has anyone ever heard of a child's chronic sinus infections being caused by CF when they have no significant respiratory problems? I found some research from Johns Hopkins stating a higher incidence of sinus disease in those that carry a single CF gene. I am looking for any insight if this has been the case for any other children with similar situations. Otherwise, is it possible for some type of atypical CF to present this way? Any insight from your experience will be greatly appreciated. I may be completely wrong by looking this direction however the research from Johns Hopkins has me very curious. Thank you for any information that you are able to provide, I am eager to find any hope for relief for my child.
Has anyone ever heard of a child's chronic sinus infections being caused by CF when they have no significant respiratory problems? I found some research from Johns Hopkins stating a higher incidence of sinus disease in those that carry a single CF gene. I am looking for any insight if this has been the case for any other children with similar situations. Otherwise, is it possible for some type of atypical CF to present this way? Any insight from your experience will be greatly appreciated. I may be completely wrong by looking this direction however the research from Johns Hopkins has me very curious. Thank you for any information that you are able to provide, I am eager to find any hope for relief for my child.