Funny - my 24 month old son has been on Cipro for almost 2 weeks and he never gives us trouble about medicine, but he HATES this one. I feel so dumb not realizing that it might taste like crap! We have one more week. This was the first time he cultured pa - so hopefully this and the new breathing treatment (tobi) will take care of it. I have found this combo of medicine to be a real pain in the butt because of all the restrictions - we switched from pediasure 1.5 and our usual whole milk/carnation to Almond milk and soy milk to avoid dairy. He only really wants the milk first thing in the morning or at night before he goes to bed and unfortunately, that interferes when we have to either give him the Cipro or his regular meds (Source CF, iron, prevacid) so that is what we are doing. Now - I think his weight has gone down slightly, which isn't good, but we are trying to make up with food and next week we can go back to hitting the pediasure 1.5 hard.
This has been a hard month for us for sure - little cold just got him down and was shocked about the pa culture. We added hypertonic saline and Tobi and it just hurts my heart to have to give a 2 year old 4 different breathing treatments a day (2-3 meds each time). We just need to get through 2 more weeks and hopefully we have a clear culture and can get rid of the hypertonic and Tobi and just stick with our albuterol and pulmozyme.