Cleaning nebs


New member
Sorry about all my questions tonight but they keep popping up as I go. How do you clean your nebs? I read on the CFF that they can be boiled. Does this include the soft parts like the mask and the tubing? Any other suggestions are greatly appreciated.



New member
Sorry about all my questions tonight but they keep popping up as I go. How do you clean your nebs? I read on the CFF that they can be boiled. Does this include the soft parts like the mask and the tubing? Any other suggestions are greatly appreciated.



New member
Sorry about all my questions tonight but they keep popping up as I go. How do you clean your nebs? I read on the CFF that they can be boiled. Does this include the soft parts like the mask and the tubing? Any other suggestions are greatly appreciated.



New member
Sorry about all my questions tonight but they keep popping up as I go. How do you clean your nebs? I read on the CFF that they can be boiled. Does this include the soft parts like the mask and the tubing? Any other suggestions are greatly appreciated.



New member
Sorry about all my questions tonight but they keep popping up as I go. How do you clean your nebs? I read on the CFF that they can be boiled. Does this include the soft parts like the mask and the tubing? Any other suggestions are greatly appreciated.
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<br />Thanks,
<br />Karen


Super Moderator
We use the Pari LC nebs, and yes those can be boiled. After I wash and rinse them, I boil them for 10 minutes. I then set them out on a paper towel with another paper towel over the top to air dry.

DO NOT boil the tubing. After the neb is done, pull it off the tube and let the compressor run a few minutes to dry out any condensation that has collected.

Some masks can be boiled, other can't. We only used masks for a brief time so someone else might have better info. I added bleach to the water that I washed my mask in. Then after I had boiled and removed the nebs from the pot...I dipped the mask in the hot/sterilized water for a minute or two then removed.

Don't be afraid to ask questions...keep them coming!


Super Moderator
We use the Pari LC nebs, and yes those can be boiled. After I wash and rinse them, I boil them for 10 minutes. I then set them out on a paper towel with another paper towel over the top to air dry.

DO NOT boil the tubing. After the neb is done, pull it off the tube and let the compressor run a few minutes to dry out any condensation that has collected.

Some masks can be boiled, other can't. We only used masks for a brief time so someone else might have better info. I added bleach to the water that I washed my mask in. Then after I had boiled and removed the nebs from the pot...I dipped the mask in the hot/sterilized water for a minute or two then removed.

Don't be afraid to ask questions...keep them coming!


Super Moderator
We use the Pari LC nebs, and yes those can be boiled. After I wash and rinse them, I boil them for 10 minutes. I then set them out on a paper towel with another paper towel over the top to air dry.

DO NOT boil the tubing. After the neb is done, pull it off the tube and let the compressor run a few minutes to dry out any condensation that has collected.

Some masks can be boiled, other can't. We only used masks for a brief time so someone else might have better info. I added bleach to the water that I washed my mask in. Then after I had boiled and removed the nebs from the pot...I dipped the mask in the hot/sterilized water for a minute or two then removed.

Don't be afraid to ask questions...keep them coming!


Super Moderator
We use the Pari LC nebs, and yes those can be boiled. After I wash and rinse them, I boil them for 10 minutes. I then set them out on a paper towel with another paper towel over the top to air dry.

DO NOT boil the tubing. After the neb is done, pull it off the tube and let the compressor run a few minutes to dry out any condensation that has collected.

Some masks can be boiled, other can't. We only used masks for a brief time so someone else might have better info. I added bleach to the water that I washed my mask in. Then after I had boiled and removed the nebs from the pot...I dipped the mask in the hot/sterilized water for a minute or two then removed.

Don't be afraid to ask questions...keep them coming!


Super Moderator
We use the Pari LC nebs, and yes those can be boiled. After I wash and rinse them, I boil them for 10 minutes. I then set them out on a paper towel with another paper towel over the top to air dry.
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<br />DO NOT boil the tubing. After the neb is done, pull it off the tube and let the compressor run a few minutes to dry out any condensation that has collected.
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<br />Some masks can be boiled, other can't. We only used masks for a brief time so someone else might have better info. I added bleach to the water that I washed my mask in. Then after I had boiled and removed the nebs from the pot...I dipped the mask in the hot/sterilized water for a minute or two then removed.
<br />
<br />Don't be afraid to ask questions...keep them coming!


Our dishwasher gets over the 160 degrees necessary to clean/sanitize them on our "sanitize" cycle. So I put them in a bottle/nipple container on the top shelf of our dishwasher. When its done, if there is any water, I shake the whole container dry and then use a sanitized set of tongs to move them onto a paper towel inside a large tupperware. I place the top on loosely so that any moisture will dry off.


Our dishwasher gets over the 160 degrees necessary to clean/sanitize them on our "sanitize" cycle. So I put them in a bottle/nipple container on the top shelf of our dishwasher. When its done, if there is any water, I shake the whole container dry and then use a sanitized set of tongs to move them onto a paper towel inside a large tupperware. I place the top on loosely so that any moisture will dry off.


Our dishwasher gets over the 160 degrees necessary to clean/sanitize them on our "sanitize" cycle. So I put them in a bottle/nipple container on the top shelf of our dishwasher. When its done, if there is any water, I shake the whole container dry and then use a sanitized set of tongs to move them onto a paper towel inside a large tupperware. I place the top on loosely so that any moisture will dry off.


Our dishwasher gets over the 160 degrees necessary to clean/sanitize them on our "sanitize" cycle. So I put them in a bottle/nipple container on the top shelf of our dishwasher. When its done, if there is any water, I shake the whole container dry and then use a sanitized set of tongs to move them onto a paper towel inside a large tupperware. I place the top on loosely so that any moisture will dry off.


Our dishwasher gets over the 160 degrees necessary to clean/sanitize them on our "sanitize" cycle. So I put them in a bottle/nipple container on the top shelf of our dishwasher. When its done, if there is any water, I shake the whole container dry and then use a sanitized set of tongs to move them onto a paper towel inside a large tupperware. I place the top on loosely so that any moisture will dry off.


New member
I wash my nebs in soap and water and then I throw them into a bottle sanitizer in order to sterilize them.


New member
I wash my nebs in soap and water and then I throw them into a bottle sanitizer in order to sterilize them.


New member
I wash my nebs in soap and water and then I throw them into a bottle sanitizer in order to sterilize them.


New member
I wash my nebs in soap and water and then I throw them into a bottle sanitizer in order to sterilize them.


New member
I wash my nebs in soap and water and then I throw them into a bottle sanitizer in order to sterilize them.