It does stink that she caught this stupid virus. Before that she seemed to be great! Maggie just had a dance recital in May and got up on stage with all the little girls, danced to the song"Tommorrow" from Annie. She was singing so loud, we could hear her in the audience. Even with all the treatments we do for her, I forget she has CF or block it out. So the clinic/nasty virus is like a slap in the face. I hate waiting, waiting to hear what her culture will be,,, will it lead to a hospital admission? Her last admission was 2 years ago, in July.
Maggie was so GOOD at the clinic appointment. Jumped on the examining table, took deep breathes. Opened her mouth wide for her sputum culture and did NOT cry. She did not even cry when they drew her blood. She just said"OOH, that needle is too pointy, dont' use the pointy needle". She is so young to go through all this stuff without crying.
I'm so proud of her. She's my girl.