cold medicine


New member
Can anyone suggest a good cold medicine for my daughter when she has a cold? I'm paranoid about what to give her b/c I don't want to suppress her cough but I know most cold meds do that.

What should I give her if she has runny nose/stuffed up/ sore throat and so on. She doesn't get colds very often but she has one now and I don't know what the best thing to give her is.



New member
Can anyone suggest a good cold medicine for my daughter when she has a cold? I'm paranoid about what to give her b/c I don't want to suppress her cough but I know most cold meds do that.

What should I give her if she has runny nose/stuffed up/ sore throat and so on. She doesn't get colds very often but she has one now and I don't know what the best thing to give her is.



New member
Can anyone suggest a good cold medicine for my daughter when she has a cold? I'm paranoid about what to give her b/c I don't want to suppress her cough but I know most cold meds do that.

What should I give her if she has runny nose/stuffed up/ sore throat and so on. She doesn't get colds very often but she has one now and I don't know what the best thing to give her is.



New member
Can anyone suggest a good cold medicine for my daughter when she has a cold? I'm paranoid about what to give her b/c I don't want to suppress her cough but I know most cold meds do that.

What should I give her if she has runny nose/stuffed up/ sore throat and so on. She doesn't get colds very often but she has one now and I don't know what the best thing to give her is.



New member
Can anyone suggest a good cold medicine for my daughter when she has a cold? I'm paranoid about what to give her b/c I don't want to suppress her cough but I know most cold meds do that.
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<br />What should I give her if she has runny nose/stuffed up/ sore throat and so on. She doesn't get colds very often but she has one now and I don't know what the best thing to give her is.
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<br />Thanks!


New member
This kind of a tricky thing. Pretty much anything you give for the nose/head could also dry up the chest which you dont want.

I, personally, suggest a bath using Johnsons Vapor Bath. Its kind of like Vicks vabor rub, but combined with the heat really makes the nose drain.

Now I will also say that when I used it on my daughter (no CF) & I was sick that it bothered my lungs so use with care, but for the most part I sweat by it even tho my daughter is 10 now!


New member
This kind of a tricky thing. Pretty much anything you give for the nose/head could also dry up the chest which you dont want.

I, personally, suggest a bath using Johnsons Vapor Bath. Its kind of like Vicks vabor rub, but combined with the heat really makes the nose drain.

Now I will also say that when I used it on my daughter (no CF) & I was sick that it bothered my lungs so use with care, but for the most part I sweat by it even tho my daughter is 10 now!


New member
This kind of a tricky thing. Pretty much anything you give for the nose/head could also dry up the chest which you dont want.

I, personally, suggest a bath using Johnsons Vapor Bath. Its kind of like Vicks vabor rub, but combined with the heat really makes the nose drain.

Now I will also say that when I used it on my daughter (no CF) & I was sick that it bothered my lungs so use with care, but for the most part I sweat by it even tho my daughter is 10 now!


New member
This kind of a tricky thing. Pretty much anything you give for the nose/head could also dry up the chest which you dont want.

I, personally, suggest a bath using Johnsons Vapor Bath. Its kind of like Vicks vabor rub, but combined with the heat really makes the nose drain.

Now I will also say that when I used it on my daughter (no CF) & I was sick that it bothered my lungs so use with care, but for the most part I sweat by it even tho my daughter is 10 now!


New member
This kind of a tricky thing. Pretty much anything you give for the nose/head could also dry up the chest which you dont want.
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<br />I, personally, suggest a bath using Johnsons Vapor Bath. Its kind of like Vicks vabor rub, but combined with the heat really makes the nose drain.
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<br />Now I will also say that when I used it on my daughter (no CF) & I was sick that it bothered my lungs so use with care, but for the most part I sweat by it even tho my daughter is 10 now!


New member
the the health food store whare you livve, natural remedies can be more symptom to symtom instead of a comined like most cold meds.. also get some zinc to help shorten the sick time. they should have a well knowledge staff as to how to handle your needs.

Also consider adding a probitic to your lo's daliy diet. it is great for all people to use. It goes in and add good bateria and it eats up all the bad bacteria healing your inside and keeping them healthy, also promoting new cell growth where needed.. its the good stuff the are promoting in yogurt but its in a supplement form.


New member
the the health food store whare you livve, natural remedies can be more symptom to symtom instead of a comined like most cold meds.. also get some zinc to help shorten the sick time. they should have a well knowledge staff as to how to handle your needs.

Also consider adding a probitic to your lo's daliy diet. it is great for all people to use. It goes in and add good bateria and it eats up all the bad bacteria healing your inside and keeping them healthy, also promoting new cell growth where needed.. its the good stuff the are promoting in yogurt but its in a supplement form.


New member
the the health food store whare you livve, natural remedies can be more symptom to symtom instead of a comined like most cold meds.. also get some zinc to help shorten the sick time. they should have a well knowledge staff as to how to handle your needs.

Also consider adding a probitic to your lo's daliy diet. it is great for all people to use. It goes in and add good bateria and it eats up all the bad bacteria healing your inside and keeping them healthy, also promoting new cell growth where needed.. its the good stuff the are promoting in yogurt but its in a supplement form.


New member
the the health food store whare you livve, natural remedies can be more symptom to symtom instead of a comined like most cold meds.. also get some zinc to help shorten the sick time. they should have a well knowledge staff as to how to handle your needs.

Also consider adding a probitic to your lo's daliy diet. it is great for all people to use. It goes in and add good bateria and it eats up all the bad bacteria healing your inside and keeping them healthy, also promoting new cell growth where needed.. its the good stuff the are promoting in yogurt but its in a supplement form.


New member
the the health food store whare you livve, natural remedies can be more symptom to symtom instead of a comined like most cold meds.. also get some zinc to help shorten the sick time. they should have a well knowledge staff as to how to handle your needs.
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<br />Also consider adding a probitic to your lo's daliy diet. it is great for all people to use. It goes in and add good bateria and it eats up all the bad bacteria healing your inside and keeping them healthy, also promoting new cell growth where needed.. its the good stuff the are promoting in yogurt but its in a supplement form.


Our CF center told us not to use ANY cold or cough meds. That it is too drying and their mucous is already too dry and sticky enough.

I was also told not to use Tylenol for my dd, because it metabolizes (or doesn't ?? can't remember) through the liver and w/CF liver enzymes can get elevated. Hers elevated during her IVs so they said no Tylenol ever. Ibuprophen is ok, though.


Our CF center told us not to use ANY cold or cough meds. That it is too drying and their mucous is already too dry and sticky enough.

I was also told not to use Tylenol for my dd, because it metabolizes (or doesn't ?? can't remember) through the liver and w/CF liver enzymes can get elevated. Hers elevated during her IVs so they said no Tylenol ever. Ibuprophen is ok, though.


Our CF center told us not to use ANY cold or cough meds. That it is too drying and their mucous is already too dry and sticky enough.

I was also told not to use Tylenol for my dd, because it metabolizes (or doesn't ?? can't remember) through the liver and w/CF liver enzymes can get elevated. Hers elevated during her IVs so they said no Tylenol ever. Ibuprophen is ok, though.


Our CF center told us not to use ANY cold or cough meds. That it is too drying and their mucous is already too dry and sticky enough.

I was also told not to use Tylenol for my dd, because it metabolizes (or doesn't ?? can't remember) through the liver and w/CF liver enzymes can get elevated. Hers elevated during her IVs so they said no Tylenol ever. Ibuprophen is ok, though.


Our CF center told us not to use ANY cold or cough meds. That it is too drying and their mucous is already too dry and sticky enough.
<br />
<br />I was also told not to use Tylenol for my dd, because it metabolizes (or doesn't ?? can't remember) through the liver and w/CF liver enzymes can get elevated. Hers elevated during her IVs so they said no Tylenol ever. Ibuprophen is ok, though.
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