Collapsed Lung Anyone?


New member
Ry was picking up the living room...I doubt it was cleaning related, but I wouldn't have been surprised if he'd tried that angle! lol.


New member
Ry was picking up the living room...I doubt it was cleaning related, but I wouldn't have been surprised if he'd tried that angle! lol.


New member
I think mine collapsed while i was sleeping....I woke up really short of breath and thats when I called my mom about maybe going to the doctors


New member
I think mine collapsed while i was sleeping....I woke up really short of breath and thats when I called my mom about maybe going to the doctors


New member
When I was younger my lower left lung was collapsed and I had no clue. They just left it alone and I eventually got it going again.....


New member
When I was younger my lower left lung was collapsed and I had no clue. They just left it alone and I eventually got it going again.....


New member
Wow thanks everyone for sharing your experiences...some of them sounded like mine! I didn't mean to scare anyone but if you are having any pain and shortness of breath I would definately go check it out. I thought I almost had a third one but it ended up being a tented diaphram...strange I know! I had sharp pain that would lead to tears and not being able to catch my breath at all. I didn't want to breath or cough for that matter because it hurt so much. I don't know how it happened they just said that maybe coughing popped something and so that created a hole. Like it was said earlier don't go by what others have been through, but if you are concerened get it checked out and the sooner the better. I think if I had gone to the hospital earlier I wouldn't have needed the first chest tube. Just be aware that if anything feels strange it is better to be paranoid about it then let it go cuz it could be something worse.

Thank you all though, it has been very helpful!!


New member
Wow thanks everyone for sharing your experiences...some of them sounded like mine! I didn't mean to scare anyone but if you are having any pain and shortness of breath I would definately go check it out. I thought I almost had a third one but it ended up being a tented diaphram...strange I know! I had sharp pain that would lead to tears and not being able to catch my breath at all. I didn't want to breath or cough for that matter because it hurt so much. I don't know how it happened they just said that maybe coughing popped something and so that created a hole. Like it was said earlier don't go by what others have been through, but if you are concerened get it checked out and the sooner the better. I think if I had gone to the hospital earlier I wouldn't have needed the first chest tube. Just be aware that if anything feels strange it is better to be paranoid about it then let it go cuz it could be something worse.

Thank you all though, it has been very helpful!!