College, Help?


New member
<b>Hi everyone,

As some of you probably know, I started my 1st year of college (2 years late) in september and am loving it. Ive made a few really good friends, but im really struggling with the work.

Ive had a few days off already...4 days off in the hsopital with an infection and 2 afternoons off for a hospital appointments. Ive gone back to college the next day to find myself miles behind everyone else with the work. My head of year knows about my CF (although shes a very timid lady and obviously hasnt told my other tutors).

There are another 6-8 tutors who are teaching us, and there are over 200 hundred students on my course. I dont think any of my tutors know about my CF (most cant even remember my name!) and I dont know where to turn to for support....I feel like im not soping with the world load and appointments, but i dont want the tutors to think im making a fuss...I HATE being treated differently than other students.

Please help!
Lucie x</b>


New member
<b>Hi everyone,

As some of you probably know, I started my 1st year of college (2 years late) in september and am loving it. Ive made a few really good friends, but im really struggling with the work.

Ive had a few days off already...4 days off in the hsopital with an infection and 2 afternoons off for a hospital appointments. Ive gone back to college the next day to find myself miles behind everyone else with the work. My head of year knows about my CF (although shes a very timid lady and obviously hasnt told my other tutors).

There are another 6-8 tutors who are teaching us, and there are over 200 hundred students on my course. I dont think any of my tutors know about my CF (most cant even remember my name!) and I dont know where to turn to for support....I feel like im not soping with the world load and appointments, but i dont want the tutors to think im making a fuss...I HATE being treated differently than other students.

Please help!
Lucie x</b>


New member
<b>Hi everyone,

As some of you probably know, I started my 1st year of college (2 years late) in september and am loving it. Ive made a few really good friends, but im really struggling with the work.

Ive had a few days off already...4 days off in the hsopital with an infection and 2 afternoons off for a hospital appointments. Ive gone back to college the next day to find myself miles behind everyone else with the work. My head of year knows about my CF (although shes a very timid lady and obviously hasnt told my other tutors).

There are another 6-8 tutors who are teaching us, and there are over 200 hundred students on my course. I dont think any of my tutors know about my CF (most cant even remember my name!) and I dont know where to turn to for support....I feel like im not soping with the world load and appointments, but i dont want the tutors to think im making a fuss...I HATE being treated differently than other students.

Please help!
Lucie x</b>


New member
<b>Hi everyone,

As some of you probably know, I started my 1st year of college (2 years late) in september and am loving it. Ive made a few really good friends, but im really struggling with the work.

Ive had a few days off already...4 days off in the hsopital with an infection and 2 afternoons off for a hospital appointments. Ive gone back to college the next day to find myself miles behind everyone else with the work. My head of year knows about my CF (although shes a very timid lady and obviously hasnt told my other tutors).

There are another 6-8 tutors who are teaching us, and there are over 200 hundred students on my course. I dont think any of my tutors know about my CF (most cant even remember my name!) and I dont know where to turn to for support....I feel like im not soping with the world load and appointments, but i dont want the tutors to think im making a fuss...I HATE being treated differently than other students.

Please help!
Lucie x</b>


New member
<b>Hi everyone,
<br />
<br />As some of you probably know, I started my 1st year of college (2 years late) in september and am loving it. Ive made a few really good friends, but im really struggling with the work.
<br />
<br />Ive had a few days off already...4 days off in the hsopital with an infection and 2 afternoons off for a hospital appointments. Ive gone back to college the next day to find myself miles behind everyone else with the work. My head of year knows about my CF (although shes a very timid lady and obviously hasnt told my other tutors).
<br />
<br />There are another 6-8 tutors who are teaching us, and there are over 200 hundred students on my course. I dont think any of my tutors know about my CF (most cant even remember my name!) and I dont know where to turn to for support....I feel like im not soping with the world load and appointments, but i dont want the tutors to think im making a fuss...I HATE being treated differently than other students.
<br />
<br />Please help!
<br />Lucie x</b>


New member
I too just started college at San Francisco State University. I recently went into the hospital for about a week, so like you I missed some time. Also like you, I don't like to be defined by my disease and prefer to be as "normal" as possible (whatever that means).

I am changing to some extent though. There are loads of resources out there to help you if you just know where to look. My university has a handicapped persons program. Though at times I dislike labeling myself as handicapped, I feel I need to use their services to justify my absences due to hospital stays and doctors appts. IMO You have no support if they want to hold you to the syllabus. Do it for your protection, if for any other reason. Tutors are there for a reason. Utilize that resource as well.

As much as we try to fit in sometimes, we do need to "make a fuss" because we need to.


New member
I too just started college at San Francisco State University. I recently went into the hospital for about a week, so like you I missed some time. Also like you, I don't like to be defined by my disease and prefer to be as "normal" as possible (whatever that means).

I am changing to some extent though. There are loads of resources out there to help you if you just know where to look. My university has a handicapped persons program. Though at times I dislike labeling myself as handicapped, I feel I need to use their services to justify my absences due to hospital stays and doctors appts. IMO You have no support if they want to hold you to the syllabus. Do it for your protection, if for any other reason. Tutors are there for a reason. Utilize that resource as well.

As much as we try to fit in sometimes, we do need to "make a fuss" because we need to.


New member
I too just started college at San Francisco State University. I recently went into the hospital for about a week, so like you I missed some time. Also like you, I don't like to be defined by my disease and prefer to be as "normal" as possible (whatever that means).

I am changing to some extent though. There are loads of resources out there to help you if you just know where to look. My university has a handicapped persons program. Though at times I dislike labeling myself as handicapped, I feel I need to use their services to justify my absences due to hospital stays and doctors appts. IMO You have no support if they want to hold you to the syllabus. Do it for your protection, if for any other reason. Tutors are there for a reason. Utilize that resource as well.

As much as we try to fit in sometimes, we do need to "make a fuss" because we need to.


New member
I too just started college at San Francisco State University. I recently went into the hospital for about a week, so like you I missed some time. Also like you, I don't like to be defined by my disease and prefer to be as "normal" as possible (whatever that means).

I am changing to some extent though. There are loads of resources out there to help you if you just know where to look. My university has a handicapped persons program. Though at times I dislike labeling myself as handicapped, I feel I need to use their services to justify my absences due to hospital stays and doctors appts. IMO You have no support if they want to hold you to the syllabus. Do it for your protection, if for any other reason. Tutors are there for a reason. Utilize that resource as well.

As much as we try to fit in sometimes, we do need to "make a fuss" because we need to.


New member
I too just started college at San Francisco State University. I recently went into the hospital for about a week, so like you I missed some time. Also like you, I don't like to be defined by my disease and prefer to be as "normal" as possible (whatever that means).
<br />
<br />I am changing to some extent though. There are loads of resources out there to help you if you just know where to look. My university has a handicapped persons program. Though at times I dislike labeling myself as handicapped, I feel I need to use their services to justify my absences due to hospital stays and doctors appts. IMO You have no support if they want to hold you to the syllabus. Do it for your protection, if for any other reason. Tutors are there for a reason. Utilize that resource as well.
<br />
<br />As much as we try to fit in sometimes, we do need to "make a fuss" because we need to.


New member
I just missed some school as well. I was just upfront and honest with my professors and got them to help me directly instead of going through the disability program. Usually if you tell them the circumstances they are somewhat understand (although I have had some jerks).

I understand about wanting to be normal and don't want people to think of you as the sick one with CF, but sometimes you just have to in order to get what you need to accomplished. The fact that your going to school and trying harder then most people is great in itself but sometime you need a little help- Don't be afraid to get it.
I know you don't want to be treated differently but the thing is, we are different. Most people don't go into the hospital 5/6 times or more a year.

We need that extra hand sometimes, and if it will only better you, by learning what you missed then use it


New member
I just missed some school as well. I was just upfront and honest with my professors and got them to help me directly instead of going through the disability program. Usually if you tell them the circumstances they are somewhat understand (although I have had some jerks).

I understand about wanting to be normal and don't want people to think of you as the sick one with CF, but sometimes you just have to in order to get what you need to accomplished. The fact that your going to school and trying harder then most people is great in itself but sometime you need a little help- Don't be afraid to get it.
I know you don't want to be treated differently but the thing is, we are different. Most people don't go into the hospital 5/6 times or more a year.

We need that extra hand sometimes, and if it will only better you, by learning what you missed then use it


New member
I just missed some school as well. I was just upfront and honest with my professors and got them to help me directly instead of going through the disability program. Usually if you tell them the circumstances they are somewhat understand (although I have had some jerks).

I understand about wanting to be normal and don't want people to think of you as the sick one with CF, but sometimes you just have to in order to get what you need to accomplished. The fact that your going to school and trying harder then most people is great in itself but sometime you need a little help- Don't be afraid to get it.
I know you don't want to be treated differently but the thing is, we are different. Most people don't go into the hospital 5/6 times or more a year.

We need that extra hand sometimes, and if it will only better you, by learning what you missed then use it


New member
I just missed some school as well. I was just upfront and honest with my professors and got them to help me directly instead of going through the disability program. Usually if you tell them the circumstances they are somewhat understand (although I have had some jerks).

I understand about wanting to be normal and don't want people to think of you as the sick one with CF, but sometimes you just have to in order to get what you need to accomplished. The fact that your going to school and trying harder then most people is great in itself but sometime you need a little help- Don't be afraid to get it.
I know you don't want to be treated differently but the thing is, we are different. Most people don't go into the hospital 5/6 times or more a year.

We need that extra hand sometimes, and if it will only better you, by learning what you missed then use it


New member
I just missed some school as well. I was just upfront and honest with my professors and got them to help me directly instead of going through the disability program. Usually if you tell them the circumstances they are somewhat understand (although I have had some jerks).
<br />
<br />I understand about wanting to be normal and don't want people to think of you as the sick one with CF, but sometimes you just have to in order to get what you need to accomplished. The fact that your going to school and trying harder then most people is great in itself but sometime you need a little help- Don't be afraid to get it.
<br /> I know you don't want to be treated differently but the thing is, we are different. Most people don't go into the hospital 5/6 times or more a year.
<br />
<br />We need that extra hand sometimes, and if it will only better you, by learning what you missed then use it


New member
When I was in my undergrad program, I was hospitalized usually once a semester. I was a chemistry major so missing one class was like missing an entire week! I always let my professors know when and why I was going to be missing lecture/assignments/tests. I hooked up with people in classes to get copies of notes. One thing I always made sure I did was to stay on top of stuff. If there was an assignment that needed to be handed in, I had it in ASAP. Professors always worked with me without any hassle because I never let it seem like an excuse to get special treatment/delays, etc.

I was lucky, I never had to register with students with disabilities. Make sure you have a good rapport with your professors, and they will work with you!


New member
When I was in my undergrad program, I was hospitalized usually once a semester. I was a chemistry major so missing one class was like missing an entire week! I always let my professors know when and why I was going to be missing lecture/assignments/tests. I hooked up with people in classes to get copies of notes. One thing I always made sure I did was to stay on top of stuff. If there was an assignment that needed to be handed in, I had it in ASAP. Professors always worked with me without any hassle because I never let it seem like an excuse to get special treatment/delays, etc.

I was lucky, I never had to register with students with disabilities. Make sure you have a good rapport with your professors, and they will work with you!


New member
When I was in my undergrad program, I was hospitalized usually once a semester. I was a chemistry major so missing one class was like missing an entire week! I always let my professors know when and why I was going to be missing lecture/assignments/tests. I hooked up with people in classes to get copies of notes. One thing I always made sure I did was to stay on top of stuff. If there was an assignment that needed to be handed in, I had it in ASAP. Professors always worked with me without any hassle because I never let it seem like an excuse to get special treatment/delays, etc.

I was lucky, I never had to register with students with disabilities. Make sure you have a good rapport with your professors, and they will work with you!


New member
When I was in my undergrad program, I was hospitalized usually once a semester. I was a chemistry major so missing one class was like missing an entire week! I always let my professors know when and why I was going to be missing lecture/assignments/tests. I hooked up with people in classes to get copies of notes. One thing I always made sure I did was to stay on top of stuff. If there was an assignment that needed to be handed in, I had it in ASAP. Professors always worked with me without any hassle because I never let it seem like an excuse to get special treatment/delays, etc.

I was lucky, I never had to register with students with disabilities. Make sure you have a good rapport with your professors, and they will work with you!


New member
When I was in my undergrad program, I was hospitalized usually once a semester. I was a chemistry major so missing one class was like missing an entire week! I always let my professors know when and why I was going to be missing lecture/assignments/tests. I hooked up with people in classes to get copies of notes. One thing I always made sure I did was to stay on top of stuff. If there was an assignment that needed to be handed in, I had it in ASAP. Professors always worked with me without any hassle because I never let it seem like an excuse to get special treatment/delays, etc.
<br />
<br />I was lucky, I never had to register with students with disabilities. Make sure you have a good rapport with your professors, and they will work with you!