I didn't move away to go to college. I stayed at home and went to a nearby community college, but I did move in with my boyfriend my sophomore year of college. It is very exciting for me to move out on my own, but like you, I was a little scared. My advice to you is: if you are planning on living in a dorm, try to find a private dorm, which sometimes can be difficult and maybe even more expensive. Also, just try to stay as faithful to your medication regimen as possible. And if you do have a roommate, just be honest and open about your CF. Explain the reason for all your equipment and treatments, but don't overwhelm them with a bunch of details that they may not understand.It may get to a point that they are reminding you to take you treatments! Other than that, just have fun! This is a very exciting time in your life! Good luck!
Marisa RN, 21 w/CF