yeah, i was offended by that commercial too... talk about putting more pressure on us to stifle our coughs during cold and flu season to make OTHER people feel better! urgh....
I also do agree that for the general public it is maybe a good thing to show how coughers (without cf or asthma) should not cough on others and maybe could stay home if they are coughing that bad. Although, its hard to tell who is coughing cause they SHOULD be or who is coughing cause they're sick. I guess I'd err on the side that hopefully the commercial reminds others who don't have CF not to cough in my direction and make ME sick. LOL
Either way, I hear what you're saying and I also was offended that now this just makes a point of saying you shouldn't cough in public. Urgh.
I also do agree that for the general public it is maybe a good thing to show how coughers (without cf or asthma) should not cough on others and maybe could stay home if they are coughing that bad. Although, its hard to tell who is coughing cause they SHOULD be or who is coughing cause they're sick. I guess I'd err on the side that hopefully the commercial reminds others who don't have CF not to cough in my direction and make ME sick. LOL
Either way, I hear what you're saying and I also was offended that now this just makes a point of saying you shouldn't cough in public. Urgh.