Confused Mom need advice!!


New member
My 13 month old daughter just came down with a cough last week after I was dianosed with a sinus infection she only would cough a couple of times at night when she was asleep or first thing in the morning and had a stuffy nose so I thought she just had a little cold but after a few days I became worried that something more could be going on. I called the CF clinic that she goes to and they perscribed two antibiotics for her and said it was based on the fact that I was sick and the staph that she cultured in Sept. when she was last seen for her check up. They told me they want to be aggressive and if the cough does not go away with in 4 to 5 days on the meds they would want to see her. I am just wondering since this is the first time my daughter has ever been on any meds or ever had a cough how they can perscribe meds without seeing her and is this a start of symptoms as she has not had any signs or symptoms of her CF yet. I am just so worried and confused. The doctors always tell us she has a "mild" form but after reading posts in the forums I don't know what to think about that. I am also struggling with the idea of daycare. I am very lucky right now that my mom watches her and she does not have to go to daycare but in Sept of 2008 my dad is going to retire and my mom and dad are going to enjoy themselves so she will no longer watch my daughter and I don't know if I should quit my job to avoid sending her to daycare or not. I have a great job and would like to keep working, but I want what's best for my daughter. I am just wondering how daycare has impacted the health of kids with CF. My husband said since she will be almost 2 yrs old that she should do well and that she has to go to school so what is the difference between daycare and school. I am hoping I can get some advice and opinions on all of my questions. I am sorry this is so long but I am just really torn inside and worried for my beautiful little girl.


New member
My 13 month old daughter just came down with a cough last week after I was dianosed with a sinus infection she only would cough a couple of times at night when she was asleep or first thing in the morning and had a stuffy nose so I thought she just had a little cold but after a few days I became worried that something more could be going on. I called the CF clinic that she goes to and they perscribed two antibiotics for her and said it was based on the fact that I was sick and the staph that she cultured in Sept. when she was last seen for her check up. They told me they want to be aggressive and if the cough does not go away with in 4 to 5 days on the meds they would want to see her. I am just wondering since this is the first time my daughter has ever been on any meds or ever had a cough how they can perscribe meds without seeing her and is this a start of symptoms as she has not had any signs or symptoms of her CF yet. I am just so worried and confused. The doctors always tell us she has a "mild" form but after reading posts in the forums I don't know what to think about that. I am also struggling with the idea of daycare. I am very lucky right now that my mom watches her and she does not have to go to daycare but in Sept of 2008 my dad is going to retire and my mom and dad are going to enjoy themselves so she will no longer watch my daughter and I don't know if I should quit my job to avoid sending her to daycare or not. I have a great job and would like to keep working, but I want what's best for my daughter. I am just wondering how daycare has impacted the health of kids with CF. My husband said since she will be almost 2 yrs old that she should do well and that she has to go to school so what is the difference between daycare and school. I am hoping I can get some advice and opinions on all of my questions. I am sorry this is so long but I am just really torn inside and worried for my beautiful little girl.


New member
My 13 month old daughter just came down with a cough last week after I was dianosed with a sinus infection she only would cough a couple of times at night when she was asleep or first thing in the morning and had a stuffy nose so I thought she just had a little cold but after a few days I became worried that something more could be going on. I called the CF clinic that she goes to and they perscribed two antibiotics for her and said it was based on the fact that I was sick and the staph that she cultured in Sept. when she was last seen for her check up. They told me they want to be aggressive and if the cough does not go away with in 4 to 5 days on the meds they would want to see her. I am just wondering since this is the first time my daughter has ever been on any meds or ever had a cough how they can perscribe meds without seeing her and is this a start of symptoms as she has not had any signs or symptoms of her CF yet. I am just so worried and confused. The doctors always tell us she has a "mild" form but after reading posts in the forums I don't know what to think about that. I am also struggling with the idea of daycare. I am very lucky right now that my mom watches her and she does not have to go to daycare but in Sept of 2008 my dad is going to retire and my mom and dad are going to enjoy themselves so she will no longer watch my daughter and I don't know if I should quit my job to avoid sending her to daycare or not. I have a great job and would like to keep working, but I want what's best for my daughter. I am just wondering how daycare has impacted the health of kids with CF. My husband said since she will be almost 2 yrs old that she should do well and that she has to go to school so what is the difference between daycare and school. I am hoping I can get some advice and opinions on all of my questions. I am sorry this is so long but I am just really torn inside and worried for my beautiful little girl.


New member
My 13 month old daughter just came down with a cough last week after I was dianosed with a sinus infection she only would cough a couple of times at night when she was asleep or first thing in the morning and had a stuffy nose so I thought she just had a little cold but after a few days I became worried that something more could be going on. I called the CF clinic that she goes to and they perscribed two antibiotics for her and said it was based on the fact that I was sick and the staph that she cultured in Sept. when she was last seen for her check up. They told me they want to be aggressive and if the cough does not go away with in 4 to 5 days on the meds they would want to see her. I am just wondering since this is the first time my daughter has ever been on any meds or ever had a cough how they can perscribe meds without seeing her and is this a start of symptoms as she has not had any signs or symptoms of her CF yet. I am just so worried and confused. The doctors always tell us she has a "mild" form but after reading posts in the forums I don't know what to think about that. I am also struggling with the idea of daycare. I am very lucky right now that my mom watches her and she does not have to go to daycare but in Sept of 2008 my dad is going to retire and my mom and dad are going to enjoy themselves so she will no longer watch my daughter and I don't know if I should quit my job to avoid sending her to daycare or not. I have a great job and would like to keep working, but I want what's best for my daughter. I am just wondering how daycare has impacted the health of kids with CF. My husband said since she will be almost 2 yrs old that she should do well and that she has to go to school so what is the difference between daycare and school. I am hoping I can get some advice and opinions on all of my questions. I am sorry this is so long but I am just really torn inside and worried for my beautiful little girl.


New member
My 13 month old daughter just came down with a cough last week after I was dianosed with a sinus infection she only would cough a couple of times at night when she was asleep or first thing in the morning and had a stuffy nose so I thought she just had a little cold but after a few days I became worried that something more could be going on. I called the CF clinic that she goes to and they perscribed two antibiotics for her and said it was based on the fact that I was sick and the staph that she cultured in Sept. when she was last seen for her check up. They told me they want to be aggressive and if the cough does not go away with in 4 to 5 days on the meds they would want to see her. I am just wondering since this is the first time my daughter has ever been on any meds or ever had a cough how they can perscribe meds without seeing her and is this a start of symptoms as she has not had any signs or symptoms of her CF yet. I am just so worried and confused. The doctors always tell us she has a "mild" form but after reading posts in the forums I don't know what to think about that. I am also struggling with the idea of daycare. I am very lucky right now that my mom watches her and she does not have to go to daycare but in Sept of 2008 my dad is going to retire and my mom and dad are going to enjoy themselves so she will no longer watch my daughter and I don't know if I should quit my job to avoid sending her to daycare or not. I have a great job and would like to keep working, but I want what's best for my daughter. I am just wondering how daycare has impacted the health of kids with CF. My husband said since she will be almost 2 yrs old that she should do well and that she has to go to school so what is the difference between daycare and school. I am hoping I can get some advice and opinions on all of my questions. I am sorry this is so long but I am just really torn inside and worried for my beautiful little girl.


Staff member
Our doctor has told us in the past that during the winter, should DS develop a cough, to call him and he'll prescribe an antibiotic. And recently during an appointment he'd asked DS to cough and he had sort of a throaty, swallowing wrong cough. I hadn't thought anything of it 'cuz I think of a cough as being a constant thing or a gunky, junky sorta sound. Anyway, his doctor put him on a month of Cipro, with instructions to call if it wasn't gone. It's important to nip things in the bud and treat lung issues asap, so things don't stagnate.

As far as daycare -- you'll get mixed reviews here. I will say that DS has been in a daycare/preschool environment since he was 3 months old. Started off with being one of 5-6 infants in the baby room, which was separate from the main population. Even today in preschool he's still one of 10 in his classroom. They've pretty much all grown up together. Same kids, probably sharing the same germs <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Director is very good about proper handwashing, sanitizing toys, surfaces, bathrooms and she'll tell ALL of the parents if someone is sick. Last month I walked in on the older kids (elementary) going thru a headlice check. eeewww, I had the creepy crawlies for the rest of the day. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Staff member
Our doctor has told us in the past that during the winter, should DS develop a cough, to call him and he'll prescribe an antibiotic. And recently during an appointment he'd asked DS to cough and he had sort of a throaty, swallowing wrong cough. I hadn't thought anything of it 'cuz I think of a cough as being a constant thing or a gunky, junky sorta sound. Anyway, his doctor put him on a month of Cipro, with instructions to call if it wasn't gone. It's important to nip things in the bud and treat lung issues asap, so things don't stagnate.

As far as daycare -- you'll get mixed reviews here. I will say that DS has been in a daycare/preschool environment since he was 3 months old. Started off with being one of 5-6 infants in the baby room, which was separate from the main population. Even today in preschool he's still one of 10 in his classroom. They've pretty much all grown up together. Same kids, probably sharing the same germs <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Director is very good about proper handwashing, sanitizing toys, surfaces, bathrooms and she'll tell ALL of the parents if someone is sick. Last month I walked in on the older kids (elementary) going thru a headlice check. eeewww, I had the creepy crawlies for the rest of the day. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Staff member
Our doctor has told us in the past that during the winter, should DS develop a cough, to call him and he'll prescribe an antibiotic. And recently during an appointment he'd asked DS to cough and he had sort of a throaty, swallowing wrong cough. I hadn't thought anything of it 'cuz I think of a cough as being a constant thing or a gunky, junky sorta sound. Anyway, his doctor put him on a month of Cipro, with instructions to call if it wasn't gone. It's important to nip things in the bud and treat lung issues asap, so things don't stagnate.

As far as daycare -- you'll get mixed reviews here. I will say that DS has been in a daycare/preschool environment since he was 3 months old. Started off with being one of 5-6 infants in the baby room, which was separate from the main population. Even today in preschool he's still one of 10 in his classroom. They've pretty much all grown up together. Same kids, probably sharing the same germs <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Director is very good about proper handwashing, sanitizing toys, surfaces, bathrooms and she'll tell ALL of the parents if someone is sick. Last month I walked in on the older kids (elementary) going thru a headlice check. eeewww, I had the creepy crawlies for the rest of the day. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Staff member
Our doctor has told us in the past that during the winter, should DS develop a cough, to call him and he'll prescribe an antibiotic. And recently during an appointment he'd asked DS to cough and he had sort of a throaty, swallowing wrong cough. I hadn't thought anything of it 'cuz I think of a cough as being a constant thing or a gunky, junky sorta sound. Anyway, his doctor put him on a month of Cipro, with instructions to call if it wasn't gone. It's important to nip things in the bud and treat lung issues asap, so things don't stagnate.

As far as daycare -- you'll get mixed reviews here. I will say that DS has been in a daycare/preschool environment since he was 3 months old. Started off with being one of 5-6 infants in the baby room, which was separate from the main population. Even today in preschool he's still one of 10 in his classroom. They've pretty much all grown up together. Same kids, probably sharing the same germs <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Director is very good about proper handwashing, sanitizing toys, surfaces, bathrooms and she'll tell ALL of the parents if someone is sick. Last month I walked in on the older kids (elementary) going thru a headlice check. eeewww, I had the creepy crawlies for the rest of the day. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Staff member
Our doctor has told us in the past that during the winter, should DS develop a cough, to call him and he'll prescribe an antibiotic. And recently during an appointment he'd asked DS to cough and he had sort of a throaty, swallowing wrong cough. I hadn't thought anything of it 'cuz I think of a cough as being a constant thing or a gunky, junky sorta sound. Anyway, his doctor put him on a month of Cipro, with instructions to call if it wasn't gone. It's important to nip things in the bud and treat lung issues asap, so things don't stagnate.

As far as daycare -- you'll get mixed reviews here. I will say that DS has been in a daycare/preschool environment since he was 3 months old. Started off with being one of 5-6 infants in the baby room, which was separate from the main population. Even today in preschool he's still one of 10 in his classroom. They've pretty much all grown up together. Same kids, probably sharing the same germs <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Director is very good about proper handwashing, sanitizing toys, surfaces, bathrooms and she'll tell ALL of the parents if someone is sick. Last month I walked in on the older kids (elementary) going thru a headlice check. eeewww, I had the creepy crawlies for the rest of the day. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi there. I know it's scary when your little one has to go on meds. You asked how they can prescribe meds w/o seeing her. Since she hasn't been on any meds, she probably is not resistant to any yet. Also, they know which meds work best on different bugs. (ie: Staph) With you being ill, it is probably best to cover her. I don't think you should worry yet that this is the onset of symptoms for her. It could very well be the change in temp. that happens this time of year, the fact that she caught a little bit of what you've had or just allergies. I'm glad your clinic is so proactive.

Daycare is a personal choice for every family. Some do well and others do not. Usually it is Mom who has the biggest problem with it. lol We just want to protect our little ones at all costs. Personally, I think exposing her to regular germs is beneficial. Escpecially if she is a-typical ("mild"). Also, the socialization is very good. She will probably catch a few bugs when she first goes to daycare, because she's been in a somewhat protective environment with grandma. That's okay. All kids catch them. If it becomes a problem, and her imune system simply can't handle it, then you can do something different. We do have to stay on top of CF, but we can't forget to let them have fun and just be kids.

Take care.



New member
Hi there. I know it's scary when your little one has to go on meds. You asked how they can prescribe meds w/o seeing her. Since she hasn't been on any meds, she probably is not resistant to any yet. Also, they know which meds work best on different bugs. (ie: Staph) With you being ill, it is probably best to cover her. I don't think you should worry yet that this is the onset of symptoms for her. It could very well be the change in temp. that happens this time of year, the fact that she caught a little bit of what you've had or just allergies. I'm glad your clinic is so proactive.

Daycare is a personal choice for every family. Some do well and others do not. Usually it is Mom who has the biggest problem with it. lol We just want to protect our little ones at all costs. Personally, I think exposing her to regular germs is beneficial. Escpecially if she is a-typical ("mild"). Also, the socialization is very good. She will probably catch a few bugs when she first goes to daycare, because she's been in a somewhat protective environment with grandma. That's okay. All kids catch them. If it becomes a problem, and her imune system simply can't handle it, then you can do something different. We do have to stay on top of CF, but we can't forget to let them have fun and just be kids.

Take care.



New member
Hi there. I know it's scary when your little one has to go on meds. You asked how they can prescribe meds w/o seeing her. Since she hasn't been on any meds, she probably is not resistant to any yet. Also, they know which meds work best on different bugs. (ie: Staph) With you being ill, it is probably best to cover her. I don't think you should worry yet that this is the onset of symptoms for her. It could very well be the change in temp. that happens this time of year, the fact that she caught a little bit of what you've had or just allergies. I'm glad your clinic is so proactive.

Daycare is a personal choice for every family. Some do well and others do not. Usually it is Mom who has the biggest problem with it. lol We just want to protect our little ones at all costs. Personally, I think exposing her to regular germs is beneficial. Escpecially if she is a-typical ("mild"). Also, the socialization is very good. She will probably catch a few bugs when she first goes to daycare, because she's been in a somewhat protective environment with grandma. That's okay. All kids catch them. If it becomes a problem, and her imune system simply can't handle it, then you can do something different. We do have to stay on top of CF, but we can't forget to let them have fun and just be kids.

Take care.



New member
Hi there. I know it's scary when your little one has to go on meds. You asked how they can prescribe meds w/o seeing her. Since she hasn't been on any meds, she probably is not resistant to any yet. Also, they know which meds work best on different bugs. (ie: Staph) With you being ill, it is probably best to cover her. I don't think you should worry yet that this is the onset of symptoms for her. It could very well be the change in temp. that happens this time of year, the fact that she caught a little bit of what you've had or just allergies. I'm glad your clinic is so proactive.

Daycare is a personal choice for every family. Some do well and others do not. Usually it is Mom who has the biggest problem with it. lol We just want to protect our little ones at all costs. Personally, I think exposing her to regular germs is beneficial. Escpecially if she is a-typical ("mild"). Also, the socialization is very good. She will probably catch a few bugs when she first goes to daycare, because she's been in a somewhat protective environment with grandma. That's okay. All kids catch them. If it becomes a problem, and her imune system simply can't handle it, then you can do something different. We do have to stay on top of CF, but we can't forget to let them have fun and just be kids.

Take care.



New member
Hi there. I know it's scary when your little one has to go on meds. You asked how they can prescribe meds w/o seeing her. Since she hasn't been on any meds, she probably is not resistant to any yet. Also, they know which meds work best on different bugs. (ie: Staph) With you being ill, it is probably best to cover her. I don't think you should worry yet that this is the onset of symptoms for her. It could very well be the change in temp. that happens this time of year, the fact that she caught a little bit of what you've had or just allergies. I'm glad your clinic is so proactive.

Daycare is a personal choice for every family. Some do well and others do not. Usually it is Mom who has the biggest problem with it. lol We just want to protect our little ones at all costs. Personally, I think exposing her to regular germs is beneficial. Escpecially if she is a-typical ("mild"). Also, the socialization is very good. She will probably catch a few bugs when she first goes to daycare, because she's been in a somewhat protective environment with grandma. That's okay. All kids catch them. If it becomes a problem, and her imune system simply can't handle it, then you can do something different. We do have to stay on top of CF, but we can't forget to let them have fun and just be kids.

Take care.



New member
My boy w/CF is just 4 1/2 and I still fret when he gets a cough and has to take something for it; but I've come to accept that the tendency to avoid antibiotics in the general population just does not apply to my little guy and I no longer hesitate to mix up a bottle of augmentin when he gets a cough. I'd have to say, though, that to go 13 months before needing to do anything is pretty outstanding CF or not and you should not feel like its any sign of failure.

If you search the forums here, you'll find plenty of opinions about daycare and I think you'll find that most of them point toward the idea that your decision should probably end up based more on factors other than germs.


New member
My boy w/CF is just 4 1/2 and I still fret when he gets a cough and has to take something for it; but I've come to accept that the tendency to avoid antibiotics in the general population just does not apply to my little guy and I no longer hesitate to mix up a bottle of augmentin when he gets a cough. I'd have to say, though, that to go 13 months before needing to do anything is pretty outstanding CF or not and you should not feel like its any sign of failure.

If you search the forums here, you'll find plenty of opinions about daycare and I think you'll find that most of them point toward the idea that your decision should probably end up based more on factors other than germs.


New member
My boy w/CF is just 4 1/2 and I still fret when he gets a cough and has to take something for it; but I've come to accept that the tendency to avoid antibiotics in the general population just does not apply to my little guy and I no longer hesitate to mix up a bottle of augmentin when he gets a cough. I'd have to say, though, that to go 13 months before needing to do anything is pretty outstanding CF or not and you should not feel like its any sign of failure.

If you search the forums here, you'll find plenty of opinions about daycare and I think you'll find that most of them point toward the idea that your decision should probably end up based more on factors other than germs.


New member
My boy w/CF is just 4 1/2 and I still fret when he gets a cough and has to take something for it; but I've come to accept that the tendency to avoid antibiotics in the general population just does not apply to my little guy and I no longer hesitate to mix up a bottle of augmentin when he gets a cough. I'd have to say, though, that to go 13 months before needing to do anything is pretty outstanding CF or not and you should not feel like its any sign of failure.

If you search the forums here, you'll find plenty of opinions about daycare and I think you'll find that most of them point toward the idea that your decision should probably end up based more on factors other than germs.


New member
My boy w/CF is just 4 1/2 and I still fret when he gets a cough and has to take something for it; but I've come to accept that the tendency to avoid antibiotics in the general population just does not apply to my little guy and I no longer hesitate to mix up a bottle of augmentin when he gets a cough. I'd have to say, though, that to go 13 months before needing to do anything is pretty outstanding CF or not and you should not feel like its any sign of failure.

If you search the forums here, you'll find plenty of opinions about daycare and I think you'll find that most of them point toward the idea that your decision should probably end up based more on factors other than germs.