Constipation Pain versus Labor Pain


New member
OK for obvious reasons this has come up so I thought I would make a topic out of it. Granted that I delivered Jazmine by c section, but I had a few braxton hick contraction that made me grateful I didnt need to go thru labor. Today my intestines were acting in the manner that I think labor would have felt like. I stopped in my tracks and breathed just like someone who is in labor. So I am curious for those who have experienced both......are they similar or is labor really worse because if it is....GOD BLESS YOU! BTW I AM NOT PREGNANT~~~


New member
OK for obvious reasons this has come up so I thought I would make a topic out of it. Granted that I delivered Jazmine by c section, but I had a few braxton hick contraction that made me grateful I didnt need to go thru labor. Today my intestines were acting in the manner that I think labor would have felt like. I stopped in my tracks and breathed just like someone who is in labor. So I am curious for those who have experienced both......are they similar or is labor really worse because if it is....GOD BLESS YOU! BTW I AM NOT PREGNANT~~~


New member
OK for obvious reasons this has come up so I thought I would make a topic out of it. Granted that I delivered Jazmine by c section, but I had a few braxton hick contraction that made me grateful I didnt need to go thru labor. Today my intestines were acting in the manner that I think labor would have felt like. I stopped in my tracks and breathed just like someone who is in labor. So I am curious for those who have experienced both......are they similar or is labor really worse because if it is....GOD BLESS YOU! BTW I AM NOT PREGNANT~~~


New member
for my first two sons i was knocked out (1975,1978) for my last two sons, i did it natural OUCH !!!! but i'm so glad i had that experience. also breast fed the last two and loved it (that can also be very painful... i don't know if the pain is quite the same, iv'e had some intestinal pain that has brought me to me knees as well...Joni 55 y/o f w c/f


New member
for my first two sons i was knocked out (1975,1978) for my last two sons, i did it natural OUCH !!!! but i'm so glad i had that experience. also breast fed the last two and loved it (that can also be very painful... i don't know if the pain is quite the same, iv'e had some intestinal pain that has brought me to me knees as well...Joni 55 y/o f w c/f


New member
for my first two sons i was knocked out (1975,1978) for my last two sons, i did it natural OUCH !!!! but i'm so glad i had that experience. also breast fed the last two and loved it (that can also be very painful... i don't know if the pain is quite the same, iv'e had some intestinal pain that has brought me to me knees as well...Joni 55 y/o f w c/f


New member
well i have had some serious intestianal pain. Ive almost had to have emergancy surgery on my pains it was bad. And i havnt had lucas yet but ive had contractions some pretty bad ones.. But they go into my back. To be honesty i really cant tell the diffrence at times which is which. just the other night i thought there was something wrong because i hurt so bad..this being my first baby i cant spot a contraction from a mile away so i had them hook me up. I was in so much fricken pain but it turned out to be gas. Aha i hope labor isnt worse or im in ALOT of trouble!!!


New member
well i have had some serious intestianal pain. Ive almost had to have emergancy surgery on my pains it was bad. And i havnt had lucas yet but ive had contractions some pretty bad ones.. But they go into my back. To be honesty i really cant tell the diffrence at times which is which. just the other night i thought there was something wrong because i hurt so bad..this being my first baby i cant spot a contraction from a mile away so i had them hook me up. I was in so much fricken pain but it turned out to be gas. Aha i hope labor isnt worse or im in ALOT of trouble!!!


New member
well i have had some serious intestianal pain. Ive almost had to have emergancy surgery on my pains it was bad. And i havnt had lucas yet but ive had contractions some pretty bad ones.. But they go into my back. To be honesty i really cant tell the diffrence at times which is which. just the other night i thought there was something wrong because i hurt so bad..this being my first baby i cant spot a contraction from a mile away so i had them hook me up. I was in so much fricken pain but it turned out to be gas. Aha i hope labor isnt worse or im in ALOT of trouble!!!


New member
Okay I know you all are going to think I'm full of sh*t replying to this thread, but hear me out real quick. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I have never been pregnant. You know that. But the hysterectomy that I had when I was 18 resulted because of a similar situation. Basically, my uterus healed shut after a minor procedure, and collected 6+ months worth of menstrual blood. No one knew what was wrong with me for 4 weeks, but I was having this god-awful abdominal pain on and off. In the end, they found out that my uterus had healed shut and was trying very hard to contract the old blood. So essentially, it was the same basic mechanism and the same basic pain.

Having explained myself... I can't say I've ever had a constipation issue as bad as the "labor" pain. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Okay I know you all are going to think I'm full of sh*t replying to this thread, but hear me out real quick. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I have never been pregnant. You know that. But the hysterectomy that I had when I was 18 resulted because of a similar situation. Basically, my uterus healed shut after a minor procedure, and collected 6+ months worth of menstrual blood. No one knew what was wrong with me for 4 weeks, but I was having this god-awful abdominal pain on and off. In the end, they found out that my uterus had healed shut and was trying very hard to contract the old blood. So essentially, it was the same basic mechanism and the same basic pain.

Having explained myself... I can't say I've ever had a constipation issue as bad as the "labor" pain. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Okay I know you all are going to think I'm full of sh*t replying to this thread, but hear me out real quick. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I have never been pregnant. You know that. But the hysterectomy that I had when I was 18 resulted because of a similar situation. Basically, my uterus healed shut after a minor procedure, and collected 6+ months worth of menstrual blood. No one knew what was wrong with me for 4 weeks, but I was having this god-awful abdominal pain on and off. In the end, they found out that my uterus had healed shut and was trying very hard to contract the old blood. So essentially, it was the same basic mechanism and the same basic pain.

Having explained myself... I can't say I've ever had a constipation issue as bad as the "labor" pain. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
well i don't have CF (dd does) but i have been constipated (probably not anywhere near what a cfer experiences though) and i labored naturally.... and it was much more painful then any constipation i have ever experienced. (but in general i have not experienced very painful constipation) My contratcions were doubled together due to malpostioning of dd. so thye were basically six minutes long and super painful. But someone with normal contractions might experience something siilar to waht mellissa is describing at least through parts of her labor... (at the beggining for instance it wasn't so painful)

When i look back on my labor i don't remember the feeling of pain but i know it hurt. Poor emily, what you went through sounds tremendously painful. And you didn't have all those labor endorphins to soften the edge. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
well i don't have CF (dd does) but i have been constipated (probably not anywhere near what a cfer experiences though) and i labored naturally.... and it was much more painful then any constipation i have ever experienced. (but in general i have not experienced very painful constipation) My contratcions were doubled together due to malpostioning of dd. so thye were basically six minutes long and super painful. But someone with normal contractions might experience something siilar to waht mellissa is describing at least through parts of her labor... (at the beggining for instance it wasn't so painful)

When i look back on my labor i don't remember the feeling of pain but i know it hurt. Poor emily, what you went through sounds tremendously painful. And you didn't have all those labor endorphins to soften the edge. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
well i don't have CF (dd does) but i have been constipated (probably not anywhere near what a cfer experiences though) and i labored naturally.... and it was much more painful then any constipation i have ever experienced. (but in general i have not experienced very painful constipation) My contratcions were doubled together due to malpostioning of dd. so thye were basically six minutes long and super painful. But someone with normal contractions might experience something siilar to waht mellissa is describing at least through parts of her labor... (at the beggining for instance it wasn't so painful)

When i look back on my labor i don't remember the feeling of pain but i know it hurt. Poor emily, what you went through sounds tremendously painful. And you didn't have all those labor endorphins to soften the edge. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
I to do not have CF. I have seen my son go through many bowel obstructions and although he is only 16 mos. and can't tell me how painful they are...I can tell they are extremely painful. I labored my daughter naturally and let me tell you that I honestly can't imagine anything being That painful...but maybe because I have never had an obstruction. Thats just my two cents.

P.S. if anyone is pregnant opt for the meds. My labor experience was so much better with Weston!


New member
I to do not have CF. I have seen my son go through many bowel obstructions and although he is only 16 mos. and can't tell me how painful they are...I can tell they are extremely painful. I labored my daughter naturally and let me tell you that I honestly can't imagine anything being That painful...but maybe because I have never had an obstruction. Thats just my two cents.

P.S. if anyone is pregnant opt for the meds. My labor experience was so much better with Weston!


New member
I to do not have CF. I have seen my son go through many bowel obstructions and although he is only 16 mos. and can't tell me how painful they are...I can tell they are extremely painful. I labored my daughter naturally and let me tell you that I honestly can't imagine anything being That painful...but maybe because I have never had an obstruction. Thats just my two cents.

P.S. if anyone is pregnant opt for the meds. My labor experience was so much better with Weston!


New member
Well, I haven't had bad constipation before, but I have had really bad gas pains (abdominal adhesions from surgery), and they are similar if they are in the same spot, but the labor pains last a lot longer!!! and cover a bigger area. I only had labor pains in my lower abdomen, and thought I was constipated when I went into labor early <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">, but they got a lot worse, and regular in frequency, so we called the doctor. 5 hrs later, baby girl.

I thought I only got the labor pains low because of my numerous surgeries, but my sister only had contraction pains there too (she was sick with a stomach flu and caused contrations in her 3rd trimester- her babies were both late C-sections).

I had a mild pain med after they said it would be a good while before my epidural- turned out it wasn't that long, but it did help me relax through the birth and sleep afterwards- which was good, because I couldn't go to the NICU until after my epidural wore off- made the time go faster <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .


New member
Well, I haven't had bad constipation before, but I have had really bad gas pains (abdominal adhesions from surgery), and they are similar if they are in the same spot, but the labor pains last a lot longer!!! and cover a bigger area. I only had labor pains in my lower abdomen, and thought I was constipated when I went into labor early <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">, but they got a lot worse, and regular in frequency, so we called the doctor. 5 hrs later, baby girl.

I thought I only got the labor pains low because of my numerous surgeries, but my sister only had contraction pains there too (she was sick with a stomach flu and caused contrations in her 3rd trimester- her babies were both late C-sections).

I had a mild pain med after they said it would be a good while before my epidural- turned out it wasn't that long, but it did help me relax through the birth and sleep afterwards- which was good, because I couldn't go to the NICU until after my epidural wore off- made the time go faster <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .