New member
Oh yea, I've been coughing blood up for several years. Doctors never thought much about it and didn't do anything. Said as long as it stopped I would be ok. Well, over the years it has gotten a little worse. Last summer after flying to Ohio, one day I started coughing up cups so they called the ambulance and I clotted by the time they got there. They took me to the hospital anyways b/c I had been coughing up more and more blood everyday. They dosed me up on some antibiotics and got better in about 2 weeks. I never needed to get embolized. Almost a year later and I've hardly coughed up any blood at all. But yea, you can always tell when it's blood you are coughing up and it sucks. I too seemed to think it happened more when it was "that time of the month" and also with a good workout. I think with the workout it could be b/c you are taking deeper breaths and maybe opening up airways that were clogged up and infected. Anyway, don't worry to much about it.